7 May 2018

Stevenson, Wong & Co. advises Hopefluent Group Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 733) in its Cooperation Restructuring involving Major Transactions and Issue of New Shares

Stevenson, Wong & Co advised Hong Kong listed Hopefluent Group Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 733) (the “Company”) in its restructuring with Shanghai listed Poly Real Estate Group Co., Ltd (保利房地產(集團)股份有限公司) (“Poly Real Estate”) in relation to their real estate agency business cooperation (the “Cooperation Restructuring”).

The Cooperation Restructuring involves an acquisition by Hopefluent (China) Real Estate Consultancy Co., Ltd (合富輝煌(中國)房地產顧問有限公司) (“Hopefluent China”), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company prior to the Cooperation Restructuring of Poly Real Estate Investment Consultancy Co., Ltd (保利地產投資顧問有限公司). (“Poly Consultancy”), a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of Poly Real Estate, together with its 4 companies, in consideration for the issue by Hopefluent China of 43.9% of its entire equity interests to Poly Real Estate, which constitutes major transactions under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange.

The Cooperation Restructuring involved more than 100 companies with an aggregate transaction value of approximately HK$3.83 billion.

Pursuant to the arrangement under the Cooperation Restructuring, the Company agreed to allot and issue, and Poly Real Estate agreed to subscribe for, 36,000,000 new shares at an issue price of HK$4.20 per new share under the specific mandate proposed to be granted to the directors of the Company.

It is expected that the Cooperation Restructuring would allow the two groups of companies to cooperate with each other to further develop and expand their primary and secondary real estate agency service business in China. The allotment and issue of the new shares of the Company to Poly Real Estate (or its nominee) will also enhance their cooperation and tie Poly Real Estate’s interest to the performance of the Company and its subsidiaries, in particular, Hopefluent China, after completion of the Cooperation Restructuring which serves as an incentive to Poly Real Estate to create value in the business of Hopefluent China.

Our firm has been advising the Company on various matters for a number of years. In relation to the Cooperation Restructuring, our legal team was led by our Partners Hank Lo and Cornelia Chu, supported by Associate Kent Chow, Trainee Solicitor Tommy Lau and Paralegal David Leung.

Representatives of the Company and Poly Real Estate attended the contract-signing ceremony for the Cooperation Restructuring on 7 May 2018

Please contact our Hank Lo for any enquiries or further information.

* translated names for identification purposes only

4 May 2018

(中文) 史蒂文生黄合伙人徐凯怡律师做客《金律良言》与二十多万凤凰观众分享「香港跨境诉讼及仲裁的机制与优势」

(中文) 2018年5月4日,本所合伙人、诉讼及争议排解部门主管徐凯怡律师做客《金律良言》,分享香港跨境诉讼及仲裁的机制与优势,并吸引超过二十万的凤凰台观众通过网上平台观看直播。




如想重温徐律师的直播,请浏览 http://zhibo.ifeng.com/video.html?liveid=117175


1 May 2018

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Partner Ms. Heidi Chui Appointed to New Panel of Arbitrators of Shanghai International Arbitration Center

We are delighted to announce that our Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department Ms. Heidi Chui has been appointed by Shanghai International Arbitration Center (“SHIAC”) to the New Panel of Arbitrators from 1st May 2018 for a term of three years.

SHIAC received 1,470 domestic and foreign applications and registration forms. After a preliminary examination by the Selection and Disciplinary Committee of SHIAC and comprehensive consideration of their professional expertise, the need for case management, professional influence of the candidates, and deliberation at the third session of the Committee, SHIAC finally selected the new Panel of Arbitrators.

Ms. Heidi Chui is an Arbitrator (on the panel list of the Law Society of Hong Kong), Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (U.K.) and an Accredited General Mediator with both the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and the Law Society of Hong Kong. She is also a member of the Arbitration Committee of The Law Society of Hong Kong and a China Appointed Attesting Officer.

Please contact Ms. Heidi Chui for any enquiries or further information.