Corporate Law Updates

Find out all about our firm’s latest Corporate Law Updates below. To learn more about any individual item, please contact us here.

22 Jul 2024

Stevenson, Wong & Co. advised QMMM Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: QMMM) on its successful listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market

Stevenson, Wong & Co. acted as the Hong Kong legal adviser to QMMM Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: QMMM) (“QMMM”) in the successful listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market on 19 July 2024 (the “Nasdaq Listing”). QMMM offered a total of 2,125,000 ordinary shares, priced at US$4.00 per share (the “Offering”). The aggregate gross proceeds from the offering was US$8.5 million.

QMMM is a digital advertising and marketing production services company. Through its operating subsidiaries ManyMany Creations Limited and Quantum Matrix Limited, QMMM has used interactive design, animation, art-tech and virtual technologies in over 500 commercial campaigns. They have worked with large domestic and international banks, real estate developers, world famous amusement park, top international athletic apparel and footwear brands and luxury cosmetic products and international brands for their advertising and creation work in Hong Kong.

Our Partners, Mr. Hank Lo and Mr. Gordon Tsang, together with Associate Mr. Gary Kwok, acted as the Hong Kong legal counsel for QMMM in the Nasdaq Listing.

Please contact Mr.Hank Lo or Mr.Gordon Tsang for any enquiries or further information about this transaction.

12 Jul 2024

Congratulations to Sundy Service Group Co. Ltd for the successful resumption of trading of its shares on the Stock Exchange

Stevenson, Wong & Co. is pleased to share that Sundy Service Group Co. Ltd (the “Company”) (Stock Code: 9608) has successfully resumed trading of its shares on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) on 4 July 2024, following a suspension that began on 28 March 2024.

Stevenson, Wong & Co. has acted as the Company’s Hong Kong legal advisers as to its successful listing on the Stock Exchange on 18 January 2021, and has continued to serve as its advisers as to Hong Kong laws since then. We are delighted to see that the Company has now resumed trading after a relatively short suspension of only three months.

Our corporate finance team comprised Partners Hank Lo and Rodney Teoh, Associates Angela Lau and Audrey Ng, Trainee Solicitor Austin Kot, and Paralegal Jay Lee. Our regulatory and compliance team comprised Partner Osbert Hui, Senior Associates Rainbow Ip and Alex Tsang, and Associate Karlie Cheung.

Please contact our Partners Hank Lo, Rodney Teoh and Osbert Hui for any enquiries or further information.

11 Jul 2024

Congratulations to Neo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:NCI) in its successful listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market

Stevenson, Wong & Co. is pleased to share that Neo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited (the “Company”) (NASDAQ:NCI) has been successfully listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market on 23 April 2024.

Stevenson, Wong & Co. acted as the Company’s Hong Kong legal advisers in relation to its pre-IPO reorganisation, as well as its pre-IPO investment involving the issuance of non-convertible redeemable preference shares for a total consideration of US$15,000,000 to VI Asset Management Company Limited and its affiliates in December 2022 (Please refer to our news update for more details).

Please contact our Partner Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

4 Jun 2024

Stevenson, Wong & Co. acted for Jiangyou Hongfei Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. in the successful MOX listing and issuance of US$62,000,000 7.0% Guaranteed Bonds due 2027

Stevenson, Wong & Co. acted for Jiangyou Hongfei Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. in the successful listing and issuance of US$62,000,000 7.0% guaranteed Bonds due 2027 (the “Bonds). The Bonds were listed on Chongwa (Macao) Financial Asset Exchange Co., Limited (“MOX”) on 3 June 2024 (MOX Bond Code: MOXTB24119).

The Issuer is a state-owned enterprise 67% owned by Jiangyou Hongyuan Hechuang Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd. and 33% owned by Mianyang Miantai Industrial Co., Ltd. The Issuer is an asset operating entity in Jiangyou City and engages in the businesses of gas supply, water supply and public transportation. It also participates in the investment and construction of municipal infrastructure, road pipeline networks, resettlement housing and other projects.

Our team was led by Partner Rodney Teoh, supported by Associates Angela Lau and Audrey Ng, Trainee Solicitor Austin Kot, and Paralegal Jay Lee.

Please contact our Partner Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

26 Apr 2024



On 8 February 2024, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (the “FSTB”) published a consultation paper (the “Consultation Paper”) inviting public feedback on its proposed legislative regulation of over-the-counter (“OTC”) trading of virtual assets (“VA”).

The proposed reforms aim to introduce a licensing regime for providers of VA OTC services under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Cap. 615) (“AMLO”). The proposal can be divided into four main parts: (1) the scope and coverage of the regime; (2) the proposed regulations to be imposed on licensees; (3) the licence period and transitional arrangements; and (4) the powers of the licensing authority in regulating the regime.

Legislative Proposals

Scope and coverage of the regime

The FSTB notes that regulating the VA OTC industry requires regulating any person involved in the marketing and operation of said business in Hong Kong. They propose that such involved persons must obtain a licence issued by the Commissioner of Customs and Excise (the “CCE”) under their proposed licensing regime. They propose that a VA OTC business shall be defined as:

(a)   by way of business, provision of service of spot trade of any VA;

(b)   irrespective of whether the service is provided through a physical outlet (i.e. including ATMs) or other (e.g. digital) platforms; and

(c)   explicitly excluding the operation of a virtual asset trading platform (“VATP”) as already covered under the VATP licensing regime.

The FSTB also notes that operators of VA trading services may also provide temporary custody/escrow service for their client’s VA as part of the transaction process. The FSTB welcomes public feedback on whether temporary custody/escrow service as part of the transaction process should be covered by the proposed regulatory regime, and whether there should be dedicated regulatory requirements for such temporary custody/escrow service.

With the intention for effective supervision and monitoring, the FSTB proposes that license applicants will be restricted to locally incorporated companies with a permanent place of business in Hong Kong, or companies incorporated elsewhere but registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). The CCE will also consider all relevant matters in deciding whether an applicant is fit and proper.

Noting the regulations already in place for licensed corporations, authorised institutions and licensed stablecoin issuers, the FSTB believes it appropriate for these entities to be exempt from the licensing regime should they provide VA OTC services.

Proposed regulations imposed on licensees under the regime

Under the regime, licensees are allowed to perform spot trade of VA for any money or vice versa in their course of business, but will only be allowed to perform remittance of exchange proceeds on specified conditions. To mitigate money laundering/terrorist financing (“ML/TF”) risks, licensees will only be allowed to transfer VA relevant to a transaction from their registered wallets to a client wallet owned or controlled by the client. Furthermore, VA-to-VA trading services are prohibited unless with a VATP licence. Licensees will also be required to observe the anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing (“AML/CTF”) requirements as set out in the AMLO when it comes to customer due diligence and record-keeping.

FSTB notes that the licensing regime will be limited to trading purposes only and other services, including any form of advisory, referral, or offering of VA derivates or other financial products will not be permitted under the licensing regime.

With the intention of having a more stringent standard of supervision to offer adequate investor protection, VA OTC licensees will not be permitted to offer services in respect of tokens that not accessible by retail investors on at least one SFC-licensed VATP or stablecoins not issued by issuers licensed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”).

FSTB also proposes that further safeguards be put in place due to the tech-savvy and highly speculative nature of VA. In particular, FSTB considers it appropriate for VA OTC licensees to be subject to a set of robust regulatory requirements to ensure that they have the capacity and know-how to operate the VA OTC business properly.

Further regulatory requirements also reference those enlisted in the VATP and money service operators (“MSOs”) regime. For further details relating to the scope of such requirements, please refer to paragraph 2.18 of the Consultation Paper.

As part of the CCE’s duty to regulate, licence will only be granted when all specified requirements are met. It would subsequently be prohibited for any person to actively market a regulated VA OTC service unless licensed by CCE to conduct such service. In case of non-compliance, VA OTC licensees will be subject to disciplinary and investigative proceedings and subsequent enforcement actions, as elaborated below.

Licence period and transitional arrangements regarding the regime

The FSTB proposes that under the licensing regime, a successful applicant will be granted a licence of two years, renewable for two years upon application and to the satisfaction of CCE. The FSTB also suggests a transition period of six months immediately before the commencement of the regime to facilitate transition of the existing VA OTC operators. Pre-existing VA OTC service providers will be allowed to continue their operations until the end of the six-month transition period, on condition that they submit within the first three months a licence application to CCE and subject to the proposed arrangements by the FSTB:

Option 1: Pre-existing VA OTC service providers that do not submit a licence application to CCE within the first three months of the commencement of the transition period must close down their business by the end of the fourth month of the commencement of the transition period; or

Option 2: Applicants that meet the requirements by the CCE will receive an interim “deemed licence” granted in the interim permitting them to continue their operations beyond the transitional period and until a final determination of the licence applications is made by the CCE.

Powers of the licensing authority, enforcement and sanctions

The FTSB suggests that the CCE will be provided the power to supervise AML/CTF conduct of VA OTC licensees, enforce statutory and regulatory requirements, and commence enforcement action where necessary. They will also be empowered to impose and/or add to, vary or modify existing licensing conditions. The FSTB also proposes that consideration be given to provide the CCE with additional powers to prevent access to websites or digital platforms of VA OTC operators involved in unlicensed or fraudulent activities.

The FSTB further suggests imposing strict penalties and sanctions for unlicensed VA OTC services to deter ML/TF activities, such as making it an offence to carry out a regulated VA OTC service without a licence or issuing an advertisement of such. Furthermore, non-compliance with AML/CTF requirements could result in a fine of $1 million, imprisonment for two years, and administrative sanctions. Licensees committing any offences in respect of fraudulent and misleading activities of VA OTC will bear the consequences as currently listed in the provisions under the AMLO.

To incorporate the licensing regime into the current AML/CTF regulatory system, the FSTB further proposes that Part 6 of AMLO be expanded to cover appeals against future decisions to be made by CCE in implementing the VA OTC licensing regime.

Analysis and takeaways

Earlier last year, a number of fraud cases associated with alleged VATPs have highlighted the urgency and demand in bringing VA OTC services within the statutory regulatory remit to ensure that sufficient investor protection is provided for.

In this long-awaited legislative proposal, the FSTB proposes to introduce a new licensing regime for providers of VA OTC services. It follows the already established VATP licensing regime and regulatory system for MSOs and aims to prevent further fraudulent or ML/TF activities from happening in the VA OTC service industry. It remains to be seen whether the proposed legislation would be perceived as conducive to tackling the rising VA fraud cases in Hong Kong.

“Please contact our Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

This news update is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.”

23 Apr 2024

(中文) 《上市规则》简化转板程序

(中文) 《上市规则》简化转板程序





上市规则 特点
委任保荐人 毋须委任保荐人就转板进行尽职审查


9B.04(1) 有助节省进行尽职审查所需的时间和费用




9B.04(3) 有助节省编纂招股章程所需的时间和费用
主板上市资格 转板申请人须符合《主板上市规则》所载的各项主板上市资格 9A.02(1) 申请人需注意合规要求
  • 转板申请前有至少三个完整财政年度于 GEM 上市的往绩纪录,并且该三个财政年度的财政业绩经已符合《GEM上市规则》第18.03条的规定
  • 在转板申请前的三个完整财政年度及至其证券开始在主板买卖之日为止的整段期间:

(a)    拥有权及控制权维持不变

(b)   主营业务无根本性的转变








通过每日成交金额测试 在转板申请前的250个交易日及至发行人证券开始在主板买卖之日为止的期间(「参照期」)内所有交易日的不少于50%日数,发行人证券的每日成交金额必须不少于50,000港元 9B.03(5) 申请人需要留意每日成交金额测试的计算方式,确保成交量达标
通过成交量加权平均市值测试[1] 转板申请人在参照期的成交量加权平均市值须达到《主板上市规则》第8.05(2)(d)、8.05(3)(d)或8.09(2)条[2](三项其中一项测试需达标)的最低市值规定 9B.03(2) 申请人需要留意成交量加权平均市值测试的计算方式,确保市值达标


  • 正式上市申请(包括董事就申请人已符合所有有关转板的规定所作出的确认)
  • 转板公告的接近定稿给上市科预先审阅
  • 营运资金充足声明加上相关佐证资料,确认:

–    集团的营运资金足转板公告日期起计 12 个月所需

–    发行人的财务顾问或核数师信纳这项确认是经过适当与审慎查询后作出的;而提供融资的人士或机构,亦已以书面说明确有提供该等融资

  • 取得转板上市所需的所有必要的股东、董事会及/或监管机构批准[3]
9B.05 向上市科提交的文件较以往少,有助节省拟备相关文件的时间


  • 须于申请转板当日刊发简短公告公布转板申请
  • 须于收到联交所就其转板申请发出的正式原则上批准函件后尽快刊发转板公告
  • 转板公告内容包括但不限于转板上市的原因及联交所要求提供的信息
9B.09 转板公告披露的事项远较以往招股章程少,有助节省编纂招股章程的时间和费用
  • 必须在提出转板申请之前 12 个月以及直至其证券在主板开始买卖为止,未曾被裁定严重违反《GEM上市规则》或《主板上市规则》任何条文
  • 必须在(i)转板申请之日及(ii) 其证券在主板开始买卖之日,不曾因严重违反或可能严重违反 《上市规则》任何条文而成为任何联交所的调查对象,或成为按《GEM 上市规则》 第三章所述任何进行中的纪律程序的对象
9A.02(3) 申请人需注意合规要求






本简讯仅供参考。 其内容不构成亦不应视为法律咨询意见。 史蒂文生黄律师事务所不会就任何因倚赖本处所载资料而作出的决定丶采取的行动或不采取的行动所引致的或与之有关的任何特别丶间接或相应而生的损失或損害向閣下承擔法律責任。


[1]  成交量加权平均市值测试Volume Weighted Average Market Capitalisation Test: 成交量加权平均市值的计算方法是将参照期内所有交易日的每日市值乘以每日成交股数与总成交股数的比率的乘积总和,惟须就适当的公司行动(如有)作调整。上文所述的每日市值是指《GEM 上市规则》第 17.27A(1)条所述的发行人相关翌日披露报表或《GEM 上市规则》第 17.27B 条所述的月报表(以较近期者为准)所示的发行人已发行股份总数,乘以上市发行人证券的日内成交量加权平均价格(VWAP)。日内VWAP由该交易日的成交金额(按联交所日报表所载)除以当日的成交股数(按联交所日报表所载)所得。(节录自《常问问题138-2024》)

[2] 《主板上市规则》第8.05(2)(d): 为符合「市值╱收益╱现金流量测试」,        上市时市值至少为20亿港元;第8.05(3)(d):为符合「市值╱收益测试,上市时市值至少为40亿港元;第8.09(2)条新申请人预期在上市时的市值不得低于5亿港元,而在计算是否符合此项市值要求时,将以新申请人上市时的所有已发行股份(包括正申请上市的证券类别以及其他(如有)非上市或在其他受监管市场上市的证券类别)作计算基准。

[3] 请留意,根据中华人民共和国《境内企业境外发行证券和上市管理试行办法》第22条,境内企业发行人境外发行上市后发生转换上市地位或者上市板块,应当自相关事项发生并公告之日起3个工作日内向中国证监会报告具体情况。