Find out all about our firm’s latest event below. To learn more about any individual item, please contact us here.
Find out all about our firm’s latest event below. To learn more about any individual item, please contact us here.
(中文) 国际权威法律媒体《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business, ALB)近日正式公布了“2024 ALB年度亚洲争议解决律师”(ALB Litigators of Asia 2024)榜单。本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,凭借其卓越的专业实力、丰富的实务经验,以及在客户和业界中的良好口碑,荣登此榜单。
“2024 ALB年度亚洲争议解决律师”评选,旨在对在争议解决领域表现出色的法律专家予以表彰。他们凭借深厚的法律知识和敏锐的洞察能力,帮助企业和个人化解复杂的法律问题,在市场经济发展、个人和机构权益保护以及法治推进进程中,发挥着至关重要的作用。
(中文) 2024年12月21日,本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部门主管及香港律师会理事徐凯怡律师,为香港律师会与上海华东政法大学联合开设的“国际商事争议解决与仲裁”法律课程担任客席教师。此外,徐律师亦获华东政法大学涉外法治学院聘任为普通法学术中心的学术顾问。
(中文) 2024年12月23日下午,史蒂文生黄律师事务所的合伙人郑炎潘律师、刘砚枫律师及高级律师刘嘉熙一行莅临锦天城广州办公室,参加粤港澳大湾区律师座谈会。锦天城广州办公室主任、高级合伙人何辉律师,高级合伙人陈禾律师、马晓艳律师、秦政律师、朱永胜律师、曹阳辉律师、胡海燕律师,以及合伙人蒋平律师、蒋远东律师、徐家金律师、罗向华律师、凌娜律师、邓勇律师予以招待。
We are delighted to announce that our Partner Hank Lo, has been recognized as a Visionary Lawyer in The A-List 2024-25 by China Business Law Journal. This prestigious recognition marks Hank’s sixth consecutive year on the A-List.
The A-List is a highly regarded compilation that celebrates legal professionals who have made significant contributions to their fields and the wider legal community. It features three categories: The Visionaries, The Growth Drivers, and Rising Stars. The Visionaries category honours established legal leaders who have excelled both within their firms and in the industry. These individuals often hold key management positions, such as founders, managing partners, or heads of practice areas, and are known for their strategic insights that drive their firms’ growth.
The results of Growth Drivers and Rising Stars categories will be announced in the next upcoming phases. We would like to take this opportunity to thank CBLJ for the recognition and express our gratitude to our clients for their continued trust and support.
For more information, please contact our Partner Hank Lo, or click here to see our rankings on The CBLJ.
Asian Legal Business (ALB) has officially released its 2024 ALB Hong Kong Rising Stars list. Our partner, Gordon Tsang, has been named one of the Rising stars for his exceptional legal expertise and the commendations received from his clients.
ALB, a leading legal publication under Thomson Reuters, is one of the most influential legal media outlets globally. The focus of this year’s research was to highlight thirty distinguished lawyers under 40 in Hong Kong, recognizing their exceptional potential and the esteem they have gained from clients in the industry.
A heartfelt thank you to ALB for this recognition and to our clients for their continued trust and support.
On 29 November 2024, Partner Gordon Tsang was invited to attend the Closing Bell Ceremony at the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square for QMMM Holdings Limited (QMMM). Our firm acted as the Hong Kong legal adviser to QMMM in its successful listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market on 19 July 2024. QMMM offered a total of 2,125,000 ordinary shares, priced at US$4.00 per share, raising aggregate gross proceeds of US$8.5 million. …
QMMM is an award-winning digital media advertising service, virtual avatar & virtual apparel technology service company. Through its operating subsidiaries ManyMany Creations Limited and Quantum Matrix Limited, QMMM has used interactive design, animation, art-tech and virtual technologies in over 500 commercial campaigns.
Our Partners, Hank Lo and Gordon Tsang, together with Associate Gary Kwok, acted as the Hong Kong legal counsel for QMMM in the Nasdaq Listing.
Please contact Gordon Tsang for any enquiries or further information.
Fraudulent Website Alert
It has come to our attention that fraudulent Facebook pages promoting as a law firm or organisation under the name of (1) “邦得国际律师事务所-李律师”/“邦得国际律师事务所-林律师”, (2) “源凯国际律师事务所咨询处”, and (3) “香港維權中心”, all use a stolen photograph of our partner, Ms. Heidi Chui, as part of their Facebook profile photographs. Ms. Heidi Chui has confirmed that her photograph was used without her knowledge and authority. The matters have been reported to regulators and authorities for further action.
Please be informed that our firm and Ms. Heidi Chui are not in any way whatsoever affiliated with “邦得国际律师事务所-李律师”/“邦得国际律师事务所-林律师”, or “源凯国际律师事务所咨询处” or “香港維權中心” or those Facebook pages.
Please also refer to the Scam Alert page on the website of the Law Society of Hong Kong for more details (https://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/en/Serve-the-Public/Scam-Alert).
Please take caution and do not click on any suspicious links or provide any personal information on any suspicious websites, emails or messages.
All rights of our firm and Ms. Heidi Chui are hereby expressly reserved.
Should you have any question, please contact us at info@sw-hk.com.
Thank you for your attention.
Stevenson, Wong & Co.
23 November 2023