
Find out all about our firm’s latest event below. To learn more about any individual item, please contact us here.

4 Jul 2024

(中文) 合伙人刘砚枫律师获邀就「前海金融服务实体经济港交所最新上市新规解读活动」担任分享嘉宾







27 Jun 2024

Partner Gordon Tsang Interviewed by Bloomberg

Our Partner Gordon Tsang was interviewed by Bloomberg to share his view on Nasdaq Inc. increasing scrutiny of small initial public offerings from China and Hong Kong to avoid a repeat of the wild swings that followed a handful of deals two years ago in response to the article “Nasdaq Boosts Scrutiny of Investors in IPOs From China, HK”.

Gordon previously advised Junee Limited (NASDAQ: JUNE), Garden Stage Limited (NASDAQ: GSIW), Prestige Wealth Inc. (NASDAQ: PWM), Millennium Group International Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: MGIH), CBL International Limited (NASDAQ: BANL), Magic Empire Global Limited (NASDAQ: MEGL), Intelligent Living Application Group Inc. (NASDAQ: ILAG), Zhong Yang Financial Group Limited (NASDAQ: TOP), Hywin Holdings Ltd. (NASDAQ: HYW) and Oriental Culture Holding LTD (NASDAQ: OCG) in their successful listings on Nasdaq.

A growing number of small firms from China and Hong Kong are turning to the Nasdaq to raise money. Several Hong Kong – and China-based IPO applicants have faced a series of questions from Nasdaq that centered on the identity and independence of their pre-IPO investors who might be selling shares upon listing.

Gordon shared with Bloomberg that Nasdaq has become a desirable choice for Hong Kong – and China-based IPO applicants due to its relatively low listing threshold and market-driven approach.

For more information, please contact our Partner Mr. Gordon Tsang, or click here to view the complete interview.

27 Jun 2024

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Presents Annual Prize to Student of the City University of Hong Kong

On 29 May 2024, our Partner Rodney Teoh was invited to present an annual scholarship award at the City University of Hong Kong School of Law’s Scholarship Presentation Ceremony.

Our Partner Rodney Teoh (right) with Professor Lin Feng, Dean of CityUHK School of Law (left)

Since 2010, Stevenson, Wong & Co. has demonstrated its commitment to nurturing the future generation of legal professionals by sponsoring academic prizes at local universities. The firm’s long-standing dedication to education was recognized and acknowledged by the City University of Hong Kong Foundation as one of its Senior Member Sponsors.

At the ceremony, Mr Teoh presented the “Stevenson, Wong & Co.” scholarship to Cheung Ka Yuen, one of the outstanding students in the School of Law.

Stevenson, Wong & Co. extends its heartfelt congratulations to all students and wish them a bright and successful future.

For more information, please contact our Partner Rodney Teoh.

15 Feb 2024

Partner Rodney Teoh Invited as Award Presenter at the TADS Awards 2023

On 6 February 2024, our partner, deputy head of corporate finance and co-head of Fintech, Rodney Teoh, was invited to attend the Tokenized Assets & Digitized Securities Awards (TADS Awards) at Hong Kong Cyberport.

The TADS Awards, co-organised by the Asia Pacific Digital Economy Institute, Coinstreet, and Qcure Marketing, is the world’s first annual international award for the Tokenized Assets and Digitized Securities (TADS) sector. It celebrates the remarkable advancements and transformative power of tokenization across three award categories: “Best of Class TADS,” “Ecosystem Excellence,” and “Web3 Innovations”.

Mr Teoh was invited to deliver a speech and present the WEB3 INNOVATIONS category – DLT, Blockchain & Cyber Security Award. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the deserving winners and the organizers for hosting such a successful event. It was a privilege to participate in this esteemed awards ceremony and engage with leaders and experts from the global financial technology and financial service sectors.

Please contact our Partner Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

24 Jan 2024

(中文) 史蒂文生黄律师事务所与CSpro成功合办 “STO Friday”

(中文) 2024年1月12日,本所与高普科技金融(香港)有限公司(CSpro)在本所位于中环的办公室联合举办了一场圆桌讨论活动,主题为”证券币周五 (STO Friday)”。本所合伙人,企业融资副主管及金融科技部联席主管张源辉律师深入解析了议题,并与CSpro创办人兼行政总裁李尚信先生共同主持了此次圆桌讨论。


本所合伙人及金融科技部联席主管张源辉律师 (右二),与CSpro创办人兼行政总裁李尚信先生 (左二)


  • STO及数字资产类型的定义是什么?
  • 全球STO的现状、相关规定及要求有哪些?
  • STO对发行方、投资者和整个市场的机遇与好处有哪些?



29 Dec 2023

(中文) 合伙人徐凯怡律师接受《商法》采访分享跨境争议解决的方案

(中文) 本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,最近接受了《商法》的采访,在10月号的封面故事 – 《双赢博弈》一文中,探讨跨境判决承认和执行的挑战及相关注意事项。


徐律师在采访中探讨了中国企业在面对普通法争议时的挑战, 包括对抗辩式程序和作为事实证人提供口头证据时的陌生等, 并分享了应对方法。她亦提醒了外资企业在走进中国市场时应注意的事项。

图片来源: 《商法》10月号

图片来源: 《商法》10月号


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