30 Oct 2015

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended conference in Jinan cum opening ceremony of AllBright Law Offices Jinan Branch

On 30 October 2015, our partner Mr. Eric Lui, associate Ms. Ji Hui, Head of Business Development (China) Ms. Connie Yeung and Business Development Manager (China) Ms. Zita Huang attended the opening celebration of Allbright Law Office (Jinan) and a conference in Jinan. The conference, titled “Dispute resolution in international trade and business”, was hosted by Allbright Law Offices Shanghai. Representatives from the Judicial Department of Shandong Province, Lawyer Association of Shandong Province, Lawyer Association of Jinan, Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of Shandong Province attended the conference.

The conference introduced different mechanisms in arbitration and other dispute resolutions.

Mr. Lui gave a speech on “The advantages of arbitration over court proceedings”; and “Whether it is possible to appeal a decision of the arbitration tribunal”. The audience was enthusiastic and had a fruitful discussion with Mr. Lui on the topics.

(Source: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4MzAzMjA4Nw==&mid=400398982&idx=1&sn=d0643a6bb10e0c31d4b86ca1ee725f16&scene=5&srcid=1102Av5OtSefqTSzWpPE54zI#wechat_redirect)

Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.

30 Oct 2015

Trusts Law Update

(中文) 中国遗嘱是否能保护资产有效传承?





如你的房产以长期持有为目的,总价2千万以上, 想了解更多海外信托持有资产对传承的相关好处,请联系你的法律顾问/理财顾问/家族办公室。史蒂文生黄律师事务所成立了香港及新西兰信托公司,可为客户提供信托咨询或受托人服务。


免责声明: 于此提供的资料只供参考,须以有关国家/地区法律顾问的法律意见和有关政府行政与司法机关对于适用的法例的解释和应用为准;上述资料亦受制于适用法例的任何不时的更新与修改,如因上述资料而引至任何人士或单位蒙受任何损失,该人士或单位须自行承担一切责任

29 Oct 2015

Immigration News Update

A Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) is currently reviewing proposals, as commissioned by the UK government, to further impose restrictions on the tier 2 immigration scheme for skilled workers. Britain’s tech entrepreneurs have expressed deep concerns about this change, saying that this tightening of policy will make it increasingly difficult to hire international talent to remain competitive in the global marketplace, thus suppressing company growth and making Britain’s digital economy suffer.

(Source: http://www.workpermit.com/news/2015-10-29/tier-2-immigration-crackdown-putting-britians-digital-economy-at-risk)

29 Oct 2015

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended Allbright Law Office (Tianjin) opening celebration and a forum in Tianjin

On 29 October 2015, SW partner Mr. Eric Lui, associate Ms. Vivian Ji, Head of Business Development (China) Ms. Connie Yeung and Business Development Manager (China) Ms. Zita Huang attended the opening celebration of Allbright Law Office (Tianjin) and a forum entitled “Enhancement of Corporate Values by Innovative Legal Services”.

Senior partners of other Allbright offices, Deputy Director of Tianjin Judicial Bureau Mr. Wei Dong, Professor of Central University of Finance and Economics Mr. He Qiang and Chairman of Tianjin Datong Investment Group Co Ltd. Mr. Li Zhantong also attended the events.

At the forum, attendees discussed various topics including intellectual property innovative services in the Free Trade Zone, current status of commercial factoring in the PRC and the development of the financing industry in the PRC.

Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.

28 Oct 2015

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended the 59th Congress of the Union Internationale Des Avocats

Our Senior Consultant Mr. Angus Forsyth attended the 59th Congress of the Union Internationale Des Avocats in Valencia, Spain from 28 October to 1 November 2015, where he delivered an extensive and informative PowerPoint presentation on the operations of Uber HK which was very well received by the members. Over 1,000 legal practitioners from all over the world attended the Congress.

At the Congress, members explored and shared their ideas on the recent Online Business Models of taxi ride Apps and car and bus sharing models extending to discussion on the development of the international non-jurisdictional communications on the Internet.

Please contact our Mr. Forsyth for any enquiries or further information about this event.

(Source: http://www.uianet.org/sites/default/files/PROG_VALENCIA_BAT_GB.pdf)

28 Oct 2015

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended the UNCITRAL Asia-Pacific Judicial Summit

On 28 October 2015, SW partner Ms Heidi Chui attended the UNCITRAL Asia-Pacific Judicial Summit in the HK Arbitration Week 2015 organised by the Department of Justice, UNCITRAL and the HKIAC.

Speakers from UNCITRAL, Hong Kong Judiciary and arbitration experts shared their views and experience in relation to the interpretation and application of the New York Convention and on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The event was well attended by practitioners, judges and scholars.

Please contact our Ms Heidi Chui for any queries or further information about this event.