30 Jun 2020

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited publishes Listing Decisions HKEX-LD126-2020 (June 2020) and HKEX-LD127-2020 (June 2020) on why the Exchange rejected and returned certain listing applications


On 5 June 2020, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Exchange”) published two listing decisions1 (collectively, the “Listing Decisions”) to provide guidance on the reasons that the Exchange rejected certain listing applications. In 2019, the Exchange rejected 18 listing applications (comprising 6% of the total listing applications in 2019) and returned 4 listing applications (as compared to nil for 2018). It was acknowledged that the percentage of listing applications rejected remains stable.

In this newsletter, we will provide (1) a summary on the reasons for rejection and return of listing applications; and (2) an outline of certain requirements on financial information to be submitted together with the listing application so as to constitute a substantially complete listing application.

Rejected Listing Applications

Rejected listing applicants failed to meet the requirements of the Exchange in the vetting process in terms of suitability and eligibility. In particular, a higher level of scrutiny is placed on the applicant’s commercial rationale in order to evaluate whether the applicant has a genuine need for funding. Where the Exchange has reason to believe that the applicant is listing for a purpose other than the development of its underlying business or assets, or that the company’s scale no longer justifies the costs or purposes associated with a public listing, it may lead to rejection of its listing application.

Please refer to the table below for a summary of the Exchange’s reasons of rejection of listing applications:

Returned Listing Applications

Furthermore, in the event where a listing applicant submits a listing application which the Exchange decides is not substantially complete, the Exchange will suspend the vetting process and return all submitted documents to the sponsor. Insufficient financial information included in accountants’ reports and/or profit forecast memorandum submitted for a listing application would likely lead to the return of the listing application.

Applicable Rules and Guidance

An applicant is required to submit a listing application form, an application proof and all other relevant documents, and the information therein must be substantially complete, except in relation to information that by its nature can only be finalised and incorporated at a later date2. Additionally, the accountants’ report submitted together with the listing application must include consolidated results for each of the three financial years (two financial years for GEM applicants) immediately preceding the issue of the listing document3, and such latest financial period reported on by the reporting accountants must not have ended more than six months before the date of issue of the listing document4.

HKEX Guidance Letter HKEX-GL25-11 provides that the Exchange may grant waivers from strict compliance with the aforementioned rules provided that the applicant will list on the Main Board within three months (or will list on GEM within two months) after the latest financial year end. HKEX Guidance Letter HKEX-GL56-13 provides the conditions and examples of when the Exchange will accept an application proof with an accountants’ report covering a period shorter than as required under the Main Board Listing Rules or GEM Listing Rules.

In determining whether the financial information included in an application proof is substantially complete, the Exchange would take into account the applicant’s proposed listing date to determine the relevant track record period (“TRP”) for which the accountants’ report should be included in the application proof of the prospectus.

Financial Information Requirements

The Exchange highlighted the following examples:

(1) if a Main Board applicant’s most recent financial year ends on 31 December 2019 and its proposed listing date is on or after 1 April 2020, the accountants’ report to be included in the final prospectus should at least cover the three financial years ended 31 December 20195.

For the purposes of the application proof, under HKEX Guidance Letter HKEX-GL56-13:

(a) if the applicant files its application before the most recent financial year end (i.e. end of December 2019), the application will be returned for not being substantially complete as the Exchange has insufficient basis / information to assess the listing application as the applicant had yet to have completed the last full financial year of its TRP (i.e. the year ended 31 December 2019); but

(b) if the applicant files its application between 1 January 2020 and 29 February 2020, the applicant can include an accountants’ report with a shorter period (i.e. the two financial years ended 31 December 2018 and nine months ended 30 September 2019) in the application proof. However, the applicant must submit a complete accountants’ report for the three financial years ended 31 December 2019 at a later stage for the Exchange’s vetting.

(2) if a Main Board applicant in the above example (i.e. with its most recent financial year which ends on 31 December 2019) intends to list on or before 31 March 2020 instead and the applicant is eligible to apply for a waiver from Rule 4.04(1) of the Main Board Listing Rules, the accountant’s report to be included in the application proof should at least cover the three financial years ended 31 December 2018 and six months ended 30 June 2019.

Profit Forecast Memorandum

Pursuant to Rule 9.11(10)(b) of the Main Board Listing Rules (or Rule 12.22(14b) of the GEM Listing Rules), where the application proof does not contain a profit forecast, a final or advanced draft of the profit forecast memorandum covering the period up to the forthcoming financial year end date after the date of listing (taking the proposed date of listing as indicated by the applicant) must be submitted together with the listing application.

Examples of Listing Applications Returned by The Exchange


The Exchange will reject listing applications on the basis of suitability and eligibility. Where the applicant could not demonstrate sufficient commercial rationale for listing and failed to justify genuine funding needs, or show sufficient support for valuation, or its director(s), substantial shareholder(s) or controlling shareholder(s) appeared to be unsuitable, it may lead to the Exchange rejecting its listing application on grounds of suitability. On the other hand, if the applicant failed to meet the minimum profit requirement (after excluding non-ordinary course income), it may lead to the Exchange rejecting its listing application on grounds of eligibility.

The Exchange will return cases that are not substantially complete. Applications that were submitted with (1) material information omitted in the application proof; or (2) contained insufficient financial information for the respective track record period required under the relevant Listing Rules will be returned.

Please contact our Hank Lo or Rodney Teoh for any further enquiries or information.

This newsletter is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.

1 HKEX-LD126-2020 and HKEX-LD127-2020
2 Rule 9.03(3) of the Main Board Listing Rules (or Rule 12.09(1) of the GEM Listing Rules) and Rule 9.10A(1) of the Main Board Listing Rules (or Rule 12.22 and 12.23 of the GEM Listing Rules)
3 Rule 4.04(1) of the Main Board Listing Rules (or Rule 7.03(1) and 11.10 of the GEM Listing Rules), Paragraph 27 of Part I and Paragraph 31 of Part II of the Third Schedule to the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance
4 Rule 8.06 of the Main Board Listing Rules (or Rule 11.11 of the GEM Listing Rules)
5 Rule 4.04(1) of the Main Board Listing Rules (or Rule 7.03(1) and 11.10 of the GEM Listing Rules)

29 Jun 2020

STEP Work Experience Programme

Stevenson, Wong & Co. are proud to be one of the participating law firms in the STEP Work Experience Programme 2020 aimed at giving law students a glimpse of what private client practice is about.

From the left: Partner Ms. Sherlynn Chan, Partner Ms. Catherine Por, Intern Mr. Rodney Fung, Intern Ms. Janis Ling, Intern Ms. Scarlett Ng, Paralegal Ms. Priscilla Teh and Associate Ms. Claire Sit

Scarlett Ng, a 3rd year student at the University of Hong Kong and Janis Ling, a 2nd year student at Chinese University of Hong Kong completed their two-week programme last Friday. They prepared a group presentation on ‘same sex spouses and civil partners’ covering the legal framework in Hong Kong and various overseas jurisdictions. They also gave individual presentations on a private client law topic of their choice, e.g. family law, charities and mental health/capacity law.

“This is an immersive experience into SW private client practice. Not only did I discover the broad range of matters related to private client law, but also the required skill set for working in this area. The interactions with members of the firm were particularly valuable experience.” – Scarlett

“I have gained more understanding on how private client work is like in reality…In short, I am very thankful to work in this firm because you really show care and support…A lot of contents and effort have been put in our programme.” – Janis

Rodney Fung, a 3rd year student at the University of Birmingham, who has just completed his internship at our firm also shared: “…The internship programme is meticulously well thought out and I have learnt a lot about private client practice from conversations with practitioners and trainees as well as doing a group project on same sex marriage and producing a case note. I have also found the court visits to be especially fruitful.”

We look forward to welcoming two more batches of interns this summer for our firm’s summer internship programme!

For more information about STEP Work Experience programme, please contact Ms. Sherlynn Chan.

For more information about our internship programme, please contact Ms. Catherine Por, Ms. Lai Lam, Ms. Sherlynn Chan, Mr. Rodney Teoh and Ms. Milly Hung.

26 Jun 2020

Partner Ms. Catherine Por Recognised as One of the Top 100 Women in Litigation by Benchmark Litigation

Our partner, Catherine Por, has been named one of the leading female lawyers in Hong Kong in Benchmark Asia Pacific’s Top 100 Women in Litigation 2020.

The 1st edition of Top 100 Women in Litigation aims to pay tribute to leading female litigators across Asia- Pacific who have earned their place by participating in the most notable litigation matters in recent years.

The extensive research process involves months of investigation into litigators’ professional activities as well as client feedback surveys and one-on-one interviews which has culminated in the selection of the most distinguished women in the world of litigation.

Catherine heads the Private Client Practice in the firm. She specializes in all aspects of family law disputes, and has extensive experience in complex financial claims, intervener proceedings, financial claims under Part IIA of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Chapter 192), Child Abduction cases, relocation of children cases, claims under the Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Chapter 13), custody cases, pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements, contentious and non-contentious trust cases, contentious estate matters; cross border issues and enforcement proceedings. She has on a number of occasions provided expert legal opinions on Hong Kong Family Law.

Catherine is also an Accredited General and Family Mediator, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and is a Notary Public and Civil Celebrant of Marriages.

About Benchmark Litigation

Benchmark litigation positions itself as the definitive guide to the world’s leading litigation firms and lawyers and is currently the only publication on the market that focuses exclusively on litigation work.

For more information, please contact Ms. Catherine Por.

22 Jun 2020

(中文) 合伙人徐凯怡律师受邀担任“廊仲线上- 仲裁实务公开课”特邀嘉宾

(中文) 2020年6月22日,本所合伙人,诉讼及争议解决部和银行及金融部主管徐凯怡律师受邀,出席并担任“廊仲线上- 仲裁实务公开课” 的特邀嘉宾。






左起: 廊坊仲裁委员会业务处副处长李非女士及本课程主持,河北听韬律师事务所创始合伙人张凯律师

若阁下想了解更多详情,请联络本所合伙人徐凯怡律师 (heidi.chui@sw-hk.com)。

12 Jun 2020

(中文) 合伙人徐凯怡律师连续两年受邀为北京大学法学院进行模拟仲裁培训

(中文) 2020年6月6日,本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部门主管徐凯怡律师再度受邀担任北京大学法学院“模拟仲裁”课程客席讲师,为北大法学院本科及硕士学生线上讲授模拟仲裁课程,并分享仲裁经验。



9 Jun 2020

(中文) 大湾区开设港澳医疗机构指南

(中文) 随着大湾区的发展,粤港澳的往来日益频繁。粤港澳大湾区作为国家开放程度最高及经济活力最强的区域之一,市场及消费潜力不可限量,愈来愈多的港澳人士亦在大湾区生活。而大湾区城市更是港澳人士退休养老的宜居地之一。港澳人士于内地的医疗需求因此渐受关注。










1. 通过内地医师资格认定


  • 2007年12月31日前已取得香港或澳门合法行医资格满5年;
  • 具有香港或澳门专科医师资格证书;
  • 在香港或澳门医疗机构中执业;及
  • 符合《执业医师法》及其有关规定。

2. 通过境内医师资格考试


3. 申请短期执业






根据自2017年4月1日起实施的《医疗机构管理条例实施细则》(下称“《实施细则》”),内地医疗机构分为十三个类别,主要包括医院、妇幼保健院、门诊部及诊所等。 以下我们简单介绍港澳服务提供者于内地设立的常见医疗机构类别:医院、门诊部及诊所。

1. 医院



2. 门诊部和诊所





1) 根据香港或澳门有关条例注册或登记设立,并取得有效商业登记证。法例如有规定,应取得提供该服务的牌照或许可。
2) 于香港或澳门从事实质性商业经营。具体包括:在香港或澳门提供服务的性质和范围应包含其拟在内地提供服务的性质和范围;在香港或澳门从事实质性商业经营3年及以上;营业期间依法缴纳利得税或其他税费;有相应的业务场所及雇佣员工50%以上不受居留限制。



5)在老、少、边、穷地区设置的港澳独资医院,投资总额要求可以适当降低; 及







