18 May 2020

(中文) 上市公司的公司秘书

(中文) 于香港联合交易所(「联交所」)上市的企业(「上市公司」)须遵守香港不同的法律及法规,包括但不限于,联交所《证券上市规则》、《主板上市规则》及《创业板上市规则》(统称「上市规则」)、《公司条例》、《公司(清盘及杂项条文)条例》、《证券及期货条例》及《公司收购及合并守则》(「收购守则」)。随着法律及法规的收紧,上市公司须通过专业的团队保持合规,让上市公司能够集中精力在业务发展。


• 随时(尤指早上开市前)作为联交所与上市公司之间的主要沟通渠道,并以书面通知联交所与其本人联络的方法,包括住宅、办公室、手机及其他电话号码、电邮地址及联络地址(如授权代表不在上市公司的注册办事处工作)、图文传真号码(如有)及联交所不时指定的其他联络资料;

• 确保若其本人不在香港时,有经委任并为联交所知悉的合适替任人负责与联交所联络,并以书面通知联交所与该替任人联络的方法,包括该人的住宅及办公室电话号码及(如有)图文传真号码;

• 授权代表必须预先通知联交所有关其拟终止授权代表任务的事项及有关原因,方可终止其授权代表的任务;及

• 除特殊情况外,上市公司于另行委任新替任的授权代表之前,不应终止其原授权代表的任务。如上市公司终止其授权代表的任务,上市公司及原授权代表均应立即通知联交所有关终止委任的事宜,并分别说明终止的原因;同时,上市公司及新获委任的授权代表亦须立即通知联交所有关新委任的事宜。


服务1. 公司秘书服务




1. 具名公司秘书及周年合规与申报服务

a. 安排本所之香港律师出任具名公司秘书及授权人士;
b. 提供主要营业地址;
c. 协助刊发年度及中期业绩,及(如适用)季度业绩,包括草拟提醒董事禁止买卖公司证券的有关时段通知书,及审核委员会、薪酬委员会、提名委员会、企业管治委员会及董事会的会议通告和议程等;
d. 协助刊发企业管治报告;及
e. 就召开股东周年大会草拟召开股东周年大会通告、代表委任表格、出席回条(如有需要)、大会主席讲辞及大会投票结果公告等 就获取购回股份及配发新股的授权草拟致股东通函及相关文件。

2. 其他公司秘书服务

a. 董事、监事、行政总裁、授权代表、保荐人、合规顾问、公司秘书、核数师、财政年度结算日期、股票过户登记处、注册地址及营业地址的变更;
b. 企业管治咨询及相关秘书服务:
(i) 上市公司董事进行证券交易的守则及有关雇员的相关书面指引
(ii) 成立董事会辖下委员会,包括审核委员会、薪酬委员会、提名委员会及企业管治委员会
c. 修订上市公司的组织章程细则;
d. 协助准备及呈交披露证券权益资料的表格,以及备存及更新登记册的资料;及
e. 就须予公布的交易、关连交易、增加资本、采纳股份认购权计划、分发红利股份及/或认股权证,及以股代息安排草拟致股东通函、公告、决议案及召开股东大会通告等有关文件。

服务2. 常年法律顾问服务



1. 为上市公司解答有关香港法律、上市规则及守则的咨询;
2. 为上市公司提交本所的合同及法律文书提出意见及修改;
3. 为上市公司解决争议,对相关事项出具一般性法律论证意见(涉及诉讼仲裁的可额外报价);
4. 对上市公司的年度报告、中期报告、年度业绩公告、中期业绩公告以及其它需要发至联交所网站或呈交联交所的其他各类公告、通告、通函、报告、表格等,根据上市规则和相关守则的要求进行合规性审核并提出修改意见;
5. 对上市公司制定的章程、政策及其修订进行审核并提出与合法、合规相关的修改意见;
6. 协助上市公司与联交所进行沟通及回复联交所的询问函;
7. 每年对上市公司董事及高管进行培训;及
8. 为上市公司发送律师函。


15 May 2020

Mr. Terence Lau, Senior Associate, Presents Webinar on IPO at HKICS

Our Senior Associate Mr. Terence Lau presented a webinar for The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (“HKICS”) entitled “IPO 101: The Fundamentals of a Listing Project” on 6 May 2020. The webinar provided a comprehensive overview and introduction of the IPO process in Hong Kong. Topics included listing criteria, application procedure and reorganisation. The syllabus was designed for those who are serving SMEs with a view to seeking pre-IPO investors and listing in Hong Kong.

Mr. Desmond Lau, the Director of Professional Development of HKICS (left) and Mr. Terence Lau (right)

Terence shared his knowledge and practice experience on IPO projects with 260+ HKICS members.

Participants showed great interest and actively asked questions during the FAQ session.

Mr. Terence Lau is a Senior Associate in our Corporate Finance Team. Terence specialises in advising listed issuers, sponsors and underwriters in a broad range of corporate finance transactions, including initial public offering on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, subsequent share issues, shares placement, rights issue, open offer and convertible bonds. Terence also advises listed issuers on regulatory and compliance matters.

Please contact Mr. Terence Lau for any enquiries or further information.

14 May 2020

Stevenson, Wong & Co.’s Partner, Ms. Heidi Chui, invited to speak at INTERLAW Webinar – “Structuring Your Business for Survival – Developing a Sound Strategy for Post-Pandemic Growth”

On 13 May 2020, Ms. Heidi Chui, Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department, was invited to speak at the INTERLAW Webinar – “Structuring Your Business for Survival – Developing a Sound Strategy for Post-Pandemic Growth” with lawyers from Singapore, Australia, UK, India, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (Ms. Lauren Boyd, Mr. Nick Green, Mr. Jeremy Ingham, Mr. Karan Mitroo and Mr. Subramanian Pillai). The Webinar attracted more than 200 participants with diverse backgrounds, including the legal, business, banking and financial sectors. The panelists discussed various legal topics and their experiences relating to corporate insolvency and business restructuring in different jurisdictions.

Ms. Heidi Chui spoke on the business support measures announced by the Hong Kong government in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, important matters that businesses need to pay attention to during restructuring process, and legal issues of which insolvent company’s directors and debtors shall be aware.

This Webinar allows the participants to have a better understanding of the business support measures in the Asia-Pacific region and legal development in the area of corporate insolvency and restructuring.

Please contact our Ms. Heidi Chui for more information or enquiries.

7 May 2020

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Recognized by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific for 3 Consecutive Years

Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2020, a guide to the market’s leading litigation firms and lawyers has just been released.

Stevenson, Wong & Co. is delighted to announce that we have once again been ranked in “Family and Matrimonial”, “Commercial and Transactions (Domestic firms)” and “Insolvency (Domestic firms)”. Our firm has also been recognized as a Recommended Firm for “Private Client”, “White Collar Crime” and “White Collar Crime (Domestic firms)”.

In addition, our firm’s partner, Ms. Catherine Por, has been named as a “Litigation Star” in “Dispute resolution” and “Family and Matrimonial”.

About Benchmark Litigation

Benchmark Litigation is the only publication on the market to focus exclusively on litigation work. Over the years, the Benchmark brand has grown dramatically and garnered industry-wide accolades as the definitive hub for in-depth analysis of the players shaping the dynamic practice of litigation. Research is conducted through extensive interviews with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms.

Please contact Ms. Catherine Por, Ms. Heidi Chui and Ms. Milly Hung for any enquiries or further information.

6 May 2020

(中文) 香港高等法院的登记处和会计部于今日正式重开

(中文) 香港高等法院的登记处和会计部于2020年5月6日 (今日) 重开。

由于受新冠疫情影响,香港司法机构从2020年1月29日开始将法庭程序延期将近3个半月,直至此前宣布从5月4日起,所有民事和刑事程序 (包括审讯) 将恢复进行,并从5月6日起,法庭和审裁处的登记处和会计部将开始分阶段重开。




