22 Feb 2021

Partner Heidi Chui Interviewed by Guangdong Television

On 19 February 2021, our firm’s Partner, Head of Banking and Finance department and Dispute Resolution department, Ms. Heidi Chui, was interviewed by Guangdong Television’s Evening News on Hong Kong’s latest developments and opportunities under the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”, which was launched 2 years ago.

During the interview, Ms. Chui shared the latest initiative by the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China. The initiative allows eligible Hong Kong lawyers to practice in specified area of law in 9 cities in the Greater Bay Area after passing the qualifying examination and training. The initiative would enable Hong Kong lawyers to understand more about the Mainland legal market and further facilitate economic activities between the Mainland and Hong Kong.

Please click here to watch the interview (available in Chinese only).

Please contact our Ms. Heidi Chui (heidichui.office@sw-hk.com) for any enquiries or further information.

18 Feb 2021



On 8 February 2021, the Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”) published a consultation paper on (i) the Proposed Code of Conduct on Bookbuilding and Placing Activities in Equity Capital Market and Debt Capital Market Transactions and (ii) the “Sponsor Coupling” Proposal (the “Paper”).  This followed their thematic review of licensed intermediaries engaged in equity capital market (“ECM”) or debt capital market (“DCM”) over the state of the market as well as the practices and conduct of intermediaries.

In the Paper, the SFC highlighted a number factors which in their view had hampered the price discovery process for some offerings.  These included inflated or opaque demand, undesirable intermediary conduct such as brokers without a mandate “swarming” order books at the last minute with orders of unknown quality, as well as non-alignment of sponsors’ incentives and liabilities especially in larger IPOs which may lead to concerns on a sponsor laxing its due diligence enquiries in competition for the head of the underwriting syndicate.  With a view to meeting their regulatory objectives, the SFC sets out in the Paper their Proposed Code of Conduct on Bookbuilding and Placing Activities in Equity Capital Market and Debt Capital Market Transactions (the “Bookbuilding Code Proposal”) and the “Sponsor Coupling” Proposal (the “Sponsor Coupling Proposal”) and invited comments from market participants and interested parties.

The Proposed Code of Conduct on Bookbuilding and Placing Activities in ECM and DCM Transactions

Specifically, the SFC observed that the bookbuilding and placing activities of certain market participants are affected by substandard practices and control deficiencies in various areas, such as the lack of clearly defined roles or functions of intermediaries engaging in capital raising, fluid syndicate membership and fee arrangements, inflated demand, lack of transparency, conflicts of interest, preferential treatment or rebates paid to investors, lack of documentation and potential breaches of the requirements of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“SEHK”).

In the Bookbuilding Code Proposal, the SFC, among other things, purported revision of the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the SFC (the “Code of Conduct”) by way of a new paragraph 21 on Bookbuilding and Placing Activities in ECM and DCM Transactions (the “Proposed Code”).  This Proposed Code focused on expected standards of conduct and systems and controls in the following areas:

(a) assessment of the issuer and the offering – before engaging in an offering, a capital market intermediary (“CMI”) should take reasonable steps to obtain an accurate understanding of the issuer and establish a formal governance process to review and assess the offering which involves designation of member(s) of senior management to assess, for example, the structure of the offering, any actual or potential conflicts of interest and other associated risks;

(b) appointment of CMIs and overall coordinators (“OCs”) – the appointments of OCs and other CMIs and the determination of their roles, responsibilities and fee arrangements should all take place at an early stage:

(i) before a CMI (other than an OC) starts any bookbuilding or placing activities, it should ensure that (i) it has been formally appointed by the issuer (or another CMI in the case of a non-syndicate CMI) under a written agreement to conduct such activities, and (ii) the written agreement clearly specifies the roles and responsibilities of the CMI as well as a description of the fee arrangements; and

(ii) likewise, before an OC provides any services as stipulated in the Proposed Code to the issuer for a share offering, or before an OC participates in any bookbuilding or placing activities for a debt offering, it should ensure that (i) it has been formally appointed by the issuer under a written agreement to conduct such activities, and (ii) the written agreement clearly specifies the roles and responsibilities of the OC as well as a description of the fee arrangements;

(c) advice to the issuer – an OC should provide advice to the issuer on syndicate membership, fee arrangements, marketing strategy as well as pricing and allocation, and ensure that the advice and recommendations are balanced and based on thorough analysis, taking into account the issuer’s preferences and objectives as well as prevailing market conditions and sentiment, and aligned with all legal and regulatory requirements;

(d) marketing – an OC should advise and assist the issuer in developing an appropriate marketing and investor targeting strategy and should inform other syndicate CMIs of the marketing and investor targeting strategy so that they can carry out their own activities accordingly;

(e) rebates and preferential treatment – a CMI should not offer any rebates to its investor clients or pass on any rebates provided by the issuer.  In addition:

(i) for an IPO, a CMI should not enable any investor clients to pay, for each of the shares allocated, less than the total consideration as disclosed in the listing documents; and

(ii) for a debt offering, a CMI should not enter into any arrangements which may result in investor clients paying different prices for the debt securities allocated;

Furthermore, a CMI should, among other things, disclose to the issuer, the OCs, all of its targeted investors and the non-syndicate CMIs it appoints, any rebates offered by the issuer to CMIs and any preferential treatment of any CMIs or targeted investors (such as guaranteed allocations).  It should also advise the issuer against providing any arrangements whereby, in the case of an IPO, the investor clients would pay, for each of the shares allocated, less than the total consideration as disclosed in the listing documents and, in the case of a debt offering, the investor clients would pay different prices for the debt securities allocated;

(f) assessment of investor clients – a CMI should take reasonable steps to identify connected clients and core connected persons of the issuer and inform the OC before placing an order on behalf of such clients.  An OC should provide more information to CMIs to facilitate their identification of investors related to the issuer, such as a list of such persons or entities;

(g) bookbuilding, including order placement and order book management, pricing – an OC should ensure that the pricing and allocation recommendations made to the issuer fully take into account the principles and factors stipulated under the Proposed Code.  For instance, that the price is determined based on orders received from targeted investors during the bookbuilding process and that the securities are allocated to investors who can build a strong investor or shareholder base for the issuer.  It is also proposed to require the identities of all investors to be disclosed in the order book, except for orders placed on an omnibus basis.

Further, it is proposed that a CMI should:

(i) take reasonable steps to ensure that all orders placed in the order book on behalf of its own investor clients, itself and its group companies represent bona fide demand. The CMI must not place knowingly inflated orders;

(ii) make enquiries with its investor clients about orders which appear unusual, e.g., orders which are not commensurate with the client’s financial profile, before placing these orders; and

(iii) maintain adequate records of orders placed by its investor clients so as to substantiate that there are no fictitious or knowingly inflated orders placed in the order book.

On the other hand, an OC should:

(i) ensure that the identities of all investor clients are disclosed in the order book, except for orders placed on an omnibus basis;

(ii) make enquiries with CMIs if any orders appear to be unusual or irregular;

(iii) consolidate the order book by taking reasonable steps to identify and eliminate duplicated orders, inconsistencies and errors; and

(iv) segregate and clearly identify in the order book any proprietary orders of CMIs and their group companies;

(h) allocation – among other things, an OC or CMI should establish and implement an allocation policy which sets out the criteria for making allocation recommendations to the issuer;

(i) conflicts of interest – among other things, a CMI should establish and implement policies and procedures to identify, manage and disclose actual and potential conflicts of interests with investor clients and to establish and implement policies to govern the process for generating its own proprietary orders as well as making allocations to such orders.  It should give priority to investor clients’ orders over its own proprietary orders and those of its group companies and only be a “price taker” in relation to the proprietary orders; and

(j) disclosures to the issuer, other CMIs and investors – CMIs should, among other things, provide information in a timely manner and ensure that it is complete, accurate and has a proper basis, about connected clients and core connected persons of the issuer for a share offering, and about investor clients which have associations with the issuer, CMIs and their group companies for a debt offering, to the OC and non-syndicate CMIs appointed by them, and to disseminate the marketing and investor targeting strategy to non-syndicate CMIs.  It should also provide “book messages” and other information related to the offering to enable investor clients to make informed decisions.

The “Sponsor Coupling” Proposal

The SFC proposed “sponsor coupling” which requires that, among other things, the listing applicant should appoint at least one sponsor which is independent of the listing applicant who should also be appointed as an OC for the IPO, or have a group company which is also appointed as an OC for the IPO (the “Sponsor OC”).  Interestingly, the Sponsor OC should be appointed as OC and sponsor at the same time and at least two months before filing the listing application.  The listing applicant can appoint other OCs (which may or may not be sponsors of the IPO), which should be no later than two weeks after the submission of the listing application.

As observed by the SFC, the Sponsor Coupling Proposal was aimed to achieve effects such that, among other things, at least one sponsor would be free of potential incentives to limit due diligence in order to secure an OC role, and the Sponsor OC should be in a position to give comprehensive advice to the listing applicant throughout the transaction.

Analysis and Takeaways

The implementation of the Bookbuilding Code Proposal may possibly lead to a change in the executory structure of IPO deals, given that the timeframe has been set for appointment of the OCs and CMIs at an early stage.  Sponsor OC will find itself exercising both functions as sponsor and issuer’s marketing adviser at an early stage of an IPO.  The Proposed Code could also allow a more orderly execution of the bookbuilding and placing process in a given ECM or DCM transaction.

Moreover, the Sponsor Coupling Proposal may bring the interest of the sponsor and OC into better alignment.  The early appointment of Sponsor OC prior to commencement of the sponsor’s due diligence discourages a sponsor from  compromising its due diligence obligations.  From a regulatory perspective, OC which also has a sponsor hat may also be more well-equipped in discharging its regulatory obligations in relation to identification of duplicated orders or circumstances suggesting lack of genuine demands for the securities, in light of its knowledge about the listing applicant and its business acquired in the course of performing its due diligence functions as a sponsor.

Please contact our Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

This newsletter is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.

10 Feb 2021

(中文) 最新消息:香港国际仲裁中心发布了2020年数据统计

(中文) 香港国际仲裁中心 (下称“港仲”) 在2021年2月9日发布了2020年的相关数据,对港仲的受案情况以及《关于内地与香港特别行政区法院就仲裁程序相互协助保全的安排》 (下称“《仲裁互助保全安排》”) 作出了综合数据统计,为仲裁参与人提供了重要的参考。




争议总金额为688亿港元 (约88亿美元),创下港仲自2011年开始公布此类信息以来的新高。




  • 港仲也对在2019年10月1日生效的《仲裁互助保全安排》的发展提供了数据统计。截至2021年2月9日,港仲一共处理了37个向内地法院提出的仲裁保全申请。
  • 在这37个申请中,34个申请是财产保全,2个申请是证据保全,1个是行为保全
    所有财产保全申请所涉及的资产总额为125亿人民币 (约19亿美元)。港仲就前述每个申请皆根据《仲裁互助保全安排》下的要求出具受理函,并一般在收到申请的24小时内出具。
  • 港仲注意到内地中级人民法院作出的24项裁定中,22项批准了申请人在提供担保/保证后进行财产保全的申请,2项此类申请被驳回。被保全的资产总额为100亿人民币 (约16亿美元)。
  • 大约27%的申请是由中国内地的当事人作出的,73%的申请是由中国内地以外的司法管辖区 (即英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、香港特区 (下称“香港”)、萨摩亚、新加坡、瑞士和台湾地区) 的当事人作出的。约60%的申请涉及内地当事人拥有的资产或掌握的证据,24%的申请涉及非内地当事人所拥有的资产,16%的申请涉及内地和非内地当事人共同拥有的资产。


近年以仲裁作为争议解决方式的民商事纠纷日渐增加,各仲裁机构受案量也不断上升。香港作为亚太区争议解决中心,是当事人值得信赖的仲裁地。受到疫情的影响,香港各仲裁机构 (例如港仲) 也在积极开拓创新,为当事人提供了与时俱进的仲裁服务 (例如遥距开庭等)。


10 Feb 2021

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Attended and Spoke on the Interlaw 2021 VAPRM

Between 2 to 5 February 2021, our firm’s Partners Mr. Willy Cheng, Ms. Catherine Por and Ms. Lai Lam participated in the largest Asia Pacific Regional Meeting ever, and the first regional meeting to take place virtually. The topic this year was “Forward to Better: Recalibrating the Business Environment”. INTERLAW is an elite global law firm network comprised of top tier independent law firms from over 150 cities worldwide. To enhance the relations of strategic partners, seminars and networking meetings are held regularly for members to discuss topical issues and latest legal developments.

On 2 Feb, our Partner Mr. Willy Cheng was a speaker for the topic of- “Balancing the Books: Tax at the vanguard of Recovery”. At the meeting, he explained the challenges presented by COVID-19 to Hong Kong’s economy and the relief measures rolled out by the Hong Kong government to relieve the burden of citizens and enterprises. He also illustrated the potential tax reforms that may increase government revenue and help Hong Kong’s economic recovery, such as goods and services tax and digital services tax.

Our firm’s partner, Mr. Willy Cheng at the Tax Meeting.

On 3 Feb, our Partners Ms. Catherine Por and Ms. Lai Lam, the vice-chair of the Diversity, Inclusion and Community committee (Asia Pacific) attended the meeting of “Leadership, Lessons and Long-term Strategy”. Panellists from across the region discussed diversity in their country and the strategies deployed for a more inclusive workplace. Catherine pointed out that Hong Kong aims to be a gender-equal society, but same-sex couples and LGBT groups still face challenges in view of recent litigation decisions.

Our firm’s partners, Ms. Catherine Por (Top Right) and Ms. Lai Lam (Bottom Right) attended the Diversity, Inclusion and Community Meeting.

On the last day of the meeting, our Partner Ms. Lai Lam attended the Regional Business Meeting and Networking Session where participants from across the globe reviewed the year past and discussed business development initiatives for the coming year.

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng, Ms. Catherine Por or Ms. Lai Lam for further enquiries about this event.

8 Feb 2021

(中文) 「跨境理财通」迎来重要进展:三地金融监管机构签署谅解备忘录

(中文) 内地与港澳三地金融监管机构上周五(2021年2月5日)就「跨境理财通」所涉及的监管合作原则等事宜达成共识,并签署了《关于在粤港澳大湾区开展「跨境理财通」业务试点的谅解备忘录》(简称「谅解备忘录」)。


正如我们在2020年7月发布的文章[SW1] 中提及,为促进粤港澳大湾区居民个人跨境投资便利化,中国人民银行、香港金融管理局及澳门金融管理局于2020年6月29日发出联合公告,宣布在粤港澳大湾区开展「跨境理财通」业务试点,并公布其框架内容。



1. 属地管理原则

2. 业务投资范围

3. 资金管理原则

4. 资金及产品不可质押或担保

5. 总额度和单个投资者额度管理

6. 其他指导事项

  • 对合资格理财产品进行尽职审查,全面了解理财产品的性质及风险,按要求评估理财产品风险级别及复杂性;
  • 按照相关法律规定提供投资者保障措施
  • 按照相关法律规定履行反洗钱、反恐怖融资等义务
  • 加强投资账户管理,确保遵守「跨境理财通」业务试点资金管理原则;
  • 加强业务管理,防止投资者将办理「北向通」或「南向通」业务试点的资金及理财产品用于质押、担保等其他用途;及
  • 根据当地有关法律法规做好投资者个人资料保障



1. 监管信息交流

2. 执法合作

3. 投资者保护


4. 联络协商机制












6 Feb 2021

(中文) 如何在香港清盘“非香港成立的香港上市公司”?

(中文) 在公司注册成立地申请清盘一家公司是很常见的,但是香港法院近年来却时常受理很多针对注册成立地及主要运营地均在香港境外,却在香港联交所上市的公司的清盘呈请。且鉴于近年来疫情及经济形势的影响,这方面的清盘呈请数量正在呈上升趋势。

对于在香港上市,但公司注册地位于海外 (例如开曼群岛或BVI群岛),且主要资产和运营主体位于内地的企业,他们是否能在香港被申请清盘?香港法院在2020年颁下了两个重要判决,对在香港清盘非香港公司的法律原则作出进一步澄清,本文将对这两个案件进行简要介绍。

中国汇源果汁集团案Re China Huiyuan Juice Group Limited [2020] HKCFI 2940

香港法院原讼法庭夏利士法官在2020年11月19日就Re China Huiyuan Juice Group Limited [2020] HKCFI 2940一案颁下裁定,指出债权人在针对香港上市,却在离岸地区注册成立,并在内地运营的公司提出清盘呈请时所面临的困难。


中国汇源果汁集团有限公司 (下称“汇源果汁”) 在开曼群岛注册成立,并在香港联交所上市,而主要运营地和工厂均在内地。

汇源果汁资不抵债,并且正就港交所将其除牌的决定提出上诉。汇源果汁的债权人在香港法院提出了清盘呈请。汇源果汁对债务没有异议,但向法院申请在其在岸债权人 (即中国内地的债权人) 对其债务进行重大重组之前,将清盘呈请搁置。清盘呈请人反对上述的搁置,呈请人指出该所谓的重组是不现实的,因为汇源果汁肯定会被除牌。



依据先例Kam v Kam案以及山东晨鸣纸业案 (将在下文介绍),法庭重申了其在行使酌情权清盘非香港公司时要考虑的三项核心要求,即:

(1) 该公司与香港有足够联系,但在香港存在资产不是必須的 (there had to be a sufficient connection with Hong Kong, but this did not necessarily have to consist in the presence of assets within the jurisdiction);
(2)清盘命令有合理可能性使清盘呈请人受益 (there must be a reasonable possibility that the winding-up order would benefit those applying for it);以及
(3) 法庭必须能对一个或多个分配该公司资产的人士行使管辖权 (the court must be able to exercise jurisdiction over one or more persons in the distribution of the company’s assets)。



法庭在本案中强调,呈请人必须证明清盘命令有真實可能性为债权人带来确实的利益 (…it is necessary for a petitioner to demonstrate by evidence that there is a real possibility of a tangible benefit to creditors)。


1. 即便香港法院颁下清盘令,委任了汇源果汁的香港清盘人,但该清盘人也不大可能在中国内地获得承认,也不太可能控制汇源果汁的内地子公司并变现其资产。另一方面,汇源果汁的香港清盘人也不大可能在开曼群岛的法院获得承认,并控制汇源果汁的离岸中间子公司。因此,在香港清盘汇源果汁不会使该公司的内地资产被追偿

2. 尽管汇源果汁在内地有一项针对其前董事的潜在诉讼,但由于香港清盘人不太可能在内地获得承认,因此清盘人也不太可能去展开调查和寻求申索。



法庭驳回这一主张,并指出:鉴于近年来,很多离岸公司注册地法院以“soft-touch”的方式委任了临时清盘人,且这些临时清盘人在香港法院取得了承认和协助,进而使得公司“上市地位”价值变现 (即变更上市公司股权架构,以将公司控制权转移给投资者) 将越来越难。法院也不再会假设上市地位的价值可以变现。清盘呈请人应举证证明,有真實而非假設性的機會令上市地位可變現金额而为债权人带来有意义的回报(… there is a real, not hypothetical prospect of the listing being realised for an amount that produces a meaningful return to creditors)

最后,法院因认为汇源果汁提供的资料并未载有一份“给债权人的量化的预期回报”(quantified anticipated return to creditors) 的连贯计划,因而未必足够以此作为要求延期的理由。因此,法庭决定将清盘呈请延期,以给汇源果汁和清盘呈请人时间来进一步举证。


山东晨鸣纸业案(Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd v Arjowiggins HKK 2 Ltd [2020] HKCA 670)

2020年8月5日,香港高等法院上诉法庭就Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd v Arjowiggins HKK 2 Ltd [2020] HKCA 670一案颁下了重要判决。香港法院就在香港清盘一间“在香港上市的非香港公司”的相关法律原则作出了澄清。


原告山东晨鸣纸业 (下称“晨鸣纸业”) 是一家在内地成立的公司,在深交所和港交所双重上市,且为香港公司条例下的“注册非香港公司”(Registered non-Hong Kong company)。晨鸣纸业和本案被告Arjowiggins HKK 2 Ltd (下称“Arjowiggins”) 在内地因合资企业协议纠纷而开展仲裁,Arjowiggins取得了1.7亿人民币债项的胜诉仲裁裁决并获准执行,但晨鸣纸业未履行该仲裁裁决。






  • 杠杆效应问题:夏利士法官指出,Arjowiggins可通过清盘命令或任命清盘人所产生的“杠杆效应”而受益。清盘人所采取的强制执行行动,对晨鸣纸业的名誉及海外业务的经营能力都会有十分巨大的负面影响。除非晨鸣纸业毫不在乎清盘令对其带来的不利影响,否则该公司将会在别无选择的情况下支付仲裁裁决的判定债项。
  • 缓和性问题:夏利士法官继而指出,第二项核心要求可在适当的案情下被缓和”(moderated),或者被免除 (dispensed),因为晨鸣纸业有能力支付仲裁裁决的判定款项,却拒绝支付,这个行为对法官而言是不可接受的。这不仅显示出该公司对香港司法系统的不尊重,而且至少在非技术层面构成藐视香港法庭。




  • 缓和问题:上诉法庭认为第二项核心要求是必要的,不能被缓和”(moderated)或者被免除 (dispensed)。法庭通常会采取自我施加的限制来行使其酌情权,以就酌情权将如何实施提供一定程度的可预见性。因此上诉法庭没有认可关于第二个核心要求的缓和性问题。
  • 杠杆效应问题:上诉法庭同意了原讼法庭关于杠杆效应问题的决定,并认为发出清盘命令对Arjowiggins确实存在真实和密切的利益,且能向晨鸣纸业施加付款压力。

首先,晨鸣纸业主张清盘具有对债权人集体的集体救济的性质,因此,清盘呈请人可获得的利益不仅要能使其自己受益,而且还要使所有其他债权人也受益。上诉法庭驳回了该主张,因为Kam v Kam一案明确表示,清盘需要的是使清盘人受益,没有说有必要使债权人集体受益。(“In Kam v Kam, Ma CJ and Lord Millett NPJ made it clear that what was needed was benefit to the petitioner … There was no suggestion that it was necessary for the benefit to be one that would enure to the creditors as a whole.”)

其次,晨鸣纸业认为就本案下达清盘令不仅不会使其他债权人受益,反而会损害他们,因为原告的资产将因为清盘呈请的讼费而减损。上诉法庭认为,晨鸣纸业明显拥有非常可观的净资产,这表明不存在其他债权人的潜在可追讨资金会受减损的可能性。(“… the plaintiff is apparently possessed of very substantial net assets (some RMB 16 billion), which would suggest that there is no real likelihood of the other creditors suffering any reduction in their potential recoveries.”)

最后,晨鸣纸业认为法庭不应清盘一家显然具有偿债能力的公司。但上诉法庭认为晨鸣纸业是否具有偿债能力,不是法院就清盘案件行使管辖权时需要考量的问题。(“This appeal concerns whether or not the court should exercise its section 327 jurisdiction over the plaintiff, whereas the argument that a solvent company should not be wound up goes to the later question…”)




上述两个案件是香港法院在2020年裁定的两个重要案件,我们看到香港法院对清盘非香港公司的三项核心要求有严格的审理标准。法庭在两个案件中都对第二项要求 (即清盘命令将使清盘呈请人受益) 进行了详细论述。




