23 Feb 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Successfully Hosted Interlaw 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (IV)

A tram party was successfully held in the afternoon of 23 February 2019. Delegates and guests enjoyed the spectacular view of the Hong Kong on an open-top upper deck of an antique tram as it strolled leisurely along the track that extends from the nostalgic Western District through the contemporary financial area and shopping hubs of Hong Kong Island. They also enjoyed music, snacks and champagnes.

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng or Ms. Lai Lam for any enquiries or further information about this event.

22 Feb 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Successfully Hosted Interlaw 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (III)

On 22-23 February 2019, delegates spent fruitful day workshop on “Winning International Pitches Process and Resources” delivered by guest speaker, Mr. John Timperley from The Results Consultancy.

Mr. Willy Cheng and Ms. Lai Lam presented a crystal display as a token of appreciation to Mr. John Timperley

Delegates spent a fruitful day with Mr. Timperley who shared his tips on writing a persuasive pitch document and delivering a persuasive pitch. Delegates were also split into groups to practice pitching techniques to win a new client. During the pitching exercise, delegates were also given the chance to share their own stories as leading legal practitioners in their own jurisdictions. At the end of the workshop, delegates gained better insights as to how to win new business.

Guests attended an exclusive dim-sum making class in the morning of 22 February 2019. During the class, guests learnt how to make traditional dim-sums such as har-gow (crystal prawn dumplings), siu-mai (dumplings with pork and shrimp) and fried spring rolls with the guidance of a dim-sum chef. Guests enjoyed this quintessential Hong Kong experience as dim-sum making has always been regarded as a unique cultural and culinary art celebrated in Asia.

The Closing Dinner was held at Peking Garden on 22 February 2019.

Before the Dinner commenced, Mr. Glenn Cunningham, Chair of Interlaw delivered a speech to thank the host firm, Stevenson, Wong & Co. for organizing such a successful event and also appreciated the generous hospitality of our firm. SW Partner Mr. Willy Cheng also delivered a speech to express his gratitude towards all delegates for their participation and contribution to the event. Mr. Cheng also shared his personal experience as managing partner of the firm, and hoped member firms could further strengthen their cooperation in the future. During the dinner, delegates and guests were served a traditional Chinese cuisine and enjoyed performances by a face changing artist, Chinese noodle making chef, whilst guests enjoyed the fun of hammering a Fortune Chicken.

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng or Ms. Lai Lam for any enquiries or further information about this event.

21 Feb 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Successfully Hosted Interlaw 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (II)

The Tax Special Business Team (“Tax SBT”) shared insightful discussion on the topics “International Tax Trends in Global Mobility of Personnel and Development News on Digitalisation (“Digital Tax”)”. With the increasing demand of data support and IT services, legal practicioners are facing uncertainty and challenges in advising clients of potential tax obligations. Mr. Massimiliano Gazzo and Mr. Willy Cheng shared insightful comments and their own experience on handling Digital Tax enquiries. They also provided practical guidance and recommendation on how tax lawyers should handle any tax enquiries and concerns. Participants also shared the tax positions of their respective jurisdiction, which was helpful to participants who handle cross-border transactions. The Tax SBT offered a platform for in-depth discussion and facilitated participants to be more prepared for future challenges brought by digitalization.

Mr. Willy Cheng (SW)

The themes for the Arbitration Special Business Team (“Arbitration SBT”) and the Litigation Special Business Team (“Litigation SBT”) were “HKIAC, A Rising Arbitration Hub In Asia” and “An Era of Innovation: Global Recovery Strategies in Tackling Cybercrime” respectively. The two meetings were both chaired by SW Partner Ms. Heidi Chui.

Mr. David Fong and Ms. Heidi Chui (SW)

During the Arbitration SBT, guest speaker, Mr. David Fong, Vice-Chairman of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch) shared with delegates his insights of HKIAC as a rising arbitration hub in Asia.

Ms. Chui presented a crystal display as a token of appreciation to Mr. Fong.

During the Litigation SBT, guest speaker, Mr. Anson Wong SC of Des Voeux Chambers shared with delegates his practical strategies in tackling cybercrimes which have a connection with Hong Kong and the available remedies from the Hong Kong courts including a Bankers Trust Order for tracing purposes.

Ms. Chui presented a crystal display as a token of appreciation to Mr. Wong

During the roundtable discussions, all delegates were invited to share their arbitration experience and common remedies available for tackling cybercrimes in their home jurisdictions.

Both meetings were well received by delegates. Through sharing, member firms will have a better understanding of each firm’s capabilities so as to explore more opportunities for cooperation and communication in the future.

The Mergers & Acquisitions Special Business Team (“M&A SBT”) was chaired by SW Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh with the theme of “Trending Mergers & Acquisitions And Fintech”. Ms. Florence Ng, Mr. Spencer Li, the general manager of Blue Ocean Pay, and Mr. Henry Yu were invited as guest speakers. Ms. Ng shared her views on the relationship of fintech innovation with money, the financial markets, funding and infrastructure. Mr. Li introduced the use and trend of fintech technology around the globe. Delegates at the M&A SBT were invited to share their fintech experience in their jurisdictions. Mr. Yu gave an informative talk on virtual commodities (e.g. Bitcoin) and virtual assets (e.g. Cryptocurrencies, utility tokens and asset-backed tokens). Mr. Yu also introduced the requirements for a applying Type 7 license, which may allow professional investors to trade securities tokens.

Mr. Rodney Teoh (SW)

The Banking, Finance & Insolvency Special Business Team (“BFI SBT”) was chaired by Mr. Bill Jaimeson and co-chaired by SW Senior Associate Mr. Terence Lau. Other guest speakers included Mr. Carl Wegner, the managing director and head of Asia of R3, Mr. Henry Yu, Mr. Peter Woo, the Chief Strategist of eMALI.io, and Mr. Syren Johnstone, director of Keel Consulting and the executive director of the LLM (Compliance & Regulation) Programme at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. BFI SBT was also on Fintech/ Cryptocurrency but focusing on the regulatory side, in particular the current business practice of the industry, the concerns and needs of clients in this industry, the lack of regulation in this area, and the way forward.

The Joint Employment, Labor and Pensions and Tax Special Business Team was chaired by Massimiliano Gazzo and Stephanie Gilcher and co-chaired by SW Partner Mr. Willy Cheng and Senior Associate Ms. Hazel Wong with the theme of ““Global Mobility of Personnel”.

The Diversity, Inclusion and Community SBT (“DIC SBT”) was a great reminder to legal professionals of their duties to introduce initiatives to support persons with disabilities in their firms and companies. Ms. Silvia Mak, the Deputy Chief Executive Director of Fu Hong Society, shared cases and information in what employers and employees can do to facilitate and assist persons with disabilities to enter into their workforce. Delegates appreciated her sharing as well as her services to persons with disabilities. Mr. Brett Hearnden and Ms. Lai Lam, the chairman and co- chair of the DIC SBT, thereafter, led an interactive discussion with delegates with regard to this important topic.

Ms. Lai Lam and Mr. Brett Hearnden presented a crystal display as a token of appreciation to Silvia Mak

A cocktail party was held in Stevenson Wong & Co. office with champagnes, canapés and roasted pig.

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng or Ms. Lai Lam for any enquiries or further information about this event.

20 Feb 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Successfully Hosted Interlaw 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (I)

Stevenson, Wong & Co. (“SW”) successfully hosted the Interlaw 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting held in Hong Kong between 20 February and 23 February. The meeting was well attended attracting more than 40 delegates and guests from multiple jurisdictions.

The Welcome Cocktail Reception and Dinner was held at the Happy Valley Racecourse on 20 February 2019. SW Partners Mr. Willy Cheng, Ms. Lai Lam, Ms. Janice Chin, Ms. Heidi Chui, Ms. Sherlynn Chan, Mr. Stephen Wong, Mr. Rodney Teoh and Ms. Milly Hung, Senior Associates Mr. Terence Lau, Mr. Calvin Lo, Mr. Gordon Tsang and Mr. Karl Wong, legal executive Mr. Stanley Hung and other SW staff attended the dinner. Mr. Willy Cheng and Interlaw Chair Mr. Glenn Cunningham delivered their speeches to welcome all delegates and guests to the 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting hosted by our firm. Delegates and guests tried their luck at this exciting mid-week race held at this world famous arena.

Mr. Willy Cheng, Partner of Stevenson, Wong & Co.

Mr. Glenn Cunningham, Chair of Interlaw

From left to right: Ms. Lai Lam (SW), Mr. Brett Hearnden (Delegate), Shafraz Khan (Delegate), Ms. Milly Hung (SW), Ms. Janice Chin (SW), Mr. Stephen Wong (SW) and Mr. Michael Siebold (Delegate)

From left to right: Mr. Dominique Blommaert (Delegate), Ms. Sherlynn Chan (SW) and Ms. Heidi Chui (SW)

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng or Ms. Lai Lam for any enquiries or further information about this event.

15 Feb 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Attend China Construction Bank (Asia) Chinese New Year Cocktail Reception

On 15 February 2019, Stevenson, Wong & Co. Partners Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Stephen Wong & Mr. Rodney Teoh attended China Construction Bank (Asia) (“CCBA”) Chinese New Year Cocktail Reception held at CCB Tower. We were delighted to be invited to this social event hosted by CCBA and we look forward to maintaining our long-standing business relationship with them.

Please contact our Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Stephen Wong or Mr. Rodney Teoh for further information about this event.

4 Feb 2019

(中文) 香港与内地之间相互认可和执行民商事案件判决的安排

(中文) 最高人民法院和香港特区政府于2019年1月18日签订了《关于内地与香港特别行政区法院相互认可和执行民商事案件判决的安排》(下称「《安排》」),大幅度扩宽可在这两个独立司法管辖区相互认可和执行的民商事案件判决范围。

这是自香港回归祖国以来,香港与内地商签的第六份关于民商事事宜的相互司法协助安排以及第三份相互认可和执行民商事案件判决的安排,也是覆盖面最广、意义最为重大的一项安排。(1) 此《安排》标志着两地民商事领域司法协助已基本上全面覆盖,内地与香港将近九成的民商事判决可在两地法院得到互认及执行,大大减轻两地当事人重复诉讼之累,并进一步巩固香港作为一带一路争议解决中心的地位。


1. 生效判决


2. 判决类型


3. 案件类型


4. 金钱和非金钱判项


5. 财产给付范围


6. 保全或强制措施


7. 原审法院的管辖权


8. 拒绝认可和执行判决的理由


9. 申请材料




(1) 前五份关于民商事事宜的相互司法协助安排分别为:相互送达司法文书的安排、相互执行仲裁裁决的安排、相互认可和执行当事人协议管辖民商事案件判决的安排、相互委托取证的安排,以及相互认可和执行婚姻家庭民事案件判决的安排。

若阁下想了解更多诉讼或争议解决等详情,请联络本所诉讼及争议排解部主管徐凯怡律师 heidichui.office@sw-hk.com