In 2011, an annual limit of 20,700 visa grants was introduced by the UK government to restrict the number of non-EU migrants working in the UK under Tier 2 visas. UK firms did not encounter problems in the first four years until 11 June 2015, where the cap was exceeded for the first time .
On 10 June 2015, the UK government announced that a new blueprint is being devised to reduce demand for migrant labour .
With an aim to further significantly reduce non-EEA economic migration to the UK, the Migration Advisory Committee will advise the government by the end of 2015 on:
– restricting work visas to genuine skills shortages and highly specialist experts
– setting a time limit on how long a sector can claim to have a skills shortage
– a new skills levy on Tier 2 visas to increase funding to UK apprenticeships
– Lifting the salary requirements to curb businesses from employing foreign workers to undercut wages
With more stringent Tier 2 immigration rules, many firms may not be able to obtain Tier 2 visas for lawyers they intend to employ. The restrictions have also caused great difficulties in employing trainee solicitors. As a result, the UK may risk international law firms moving their offices outside of the UK to a more competitive jurisdiction .
The England and Wales Law Society have raised the criticism that any new Tier 2 restrictions would have a direct adverse impact on international law firms. Not only would this jeopardize the legal sector and the UK economy, but it would also occasion collateral damage to other sectors.