30 Sep 2022

(中文) 合伙人徐凯怡律师获邀担任华南(香港)国际仲裁院与深圳国际仲裁院合办之培训课程讲师

(中文) 2022年9月23日,本所合伙人、银行及金融部和诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,获邀为华南 (香港) 国际仲裁院 (SCIAHK) 深圳国际仲裁院 (SCIA) 合办之「大湾区仲裁青年计划 (GBArb Youth) 香港普通法培训课程」担任讲师。本次内部培训旨在增进大湾区国际争议解决机构之仲裁员对香港普通法的了解,和加强大湾区国际争议解决专业人士之间的交流。

徐律师以「银行及金融机构之争议解决 – 国际仲裁」为题,就银行与金融机构争端解决方式的最新趋势、仲裁的优势、备受银行和金融机构欢迎之国际仲裁机构、以及金融界对于选择仲裁之疑虑提供了全面的分析。徐律师亦向学员讲解了目前银行金融领域面临的主要风险和争议,包括网络犯罪、不良资产处置、跨境执行和保全等。最后,徐律师通过香港案例分享,进一步加强学员对香港仲裁程序和财产保全申请之相关安排和条例的认识。



29 Sep 2022

Partner Gordon Tsang Interviewed by Bloomberg

Having recently advised on US IPOs, including Magic Empire Global Ltd. (NASDAQ: MEGL) Intelligent Living Application Group Inc. (NASDAQ: ILAG) and Zhong Yang Financial Group Limited (NASDAQ: TOP). Our Partner, Gordon Tsang was interviewed by Bloomberg regarding the article titled “Nasdaq Scrutinizes Share Allocations After Mysterious IPO Gains”.

Nasdaq wanted to know more on the sharing allocations for IPOs made by small-cap firms which have caused huge price swings in the market. In the interview, Gordon shared with Bloomberg that “Nasdaq aims to enhance transparency on placements and connected transactions for IPOs, much like what Hong Kong regulators asked for a few years ago.”

For more information, please contact our Partner Mr. Gordon Tsang, or click here to view the complete interview.

23 Sep 2022

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Attends the 21st ALB Hong Kong Law Awards Ceremony and Dinner

On 9 September 2022, our Partners, Ms. Heidi Chui and Mr. Rodney Teoh, together with Marketing and Communications Executive Ms. Julia Yeung, attended the 21st Asian Legal Business (ALB) Hong Kong Law Awards Ceremony and Dinner. Due to the high number of guests, the gala simultaneously took place at the Island Shangri-La and the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Hong Kong.

From the left: Marketing and Communications Executive Ms. Julia Yeung, Partners, Ms. Heidi Chui and Mr. Rodney Teoh

Our firm was named finalists in the following award categories: “Civil Litigation Law Firm of the Year”, “Dispute Resolution Boutique Law Firm of the Year”, “Matrimonial and Family Law Firm of the Year”, and “Transactional Boutique Law Firm of the Year”.

In addition, Ms. Chui was named a Top 5 finalist in “Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year” and “Woman Lawyer of the Year (Law Firm)”.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ALB for the nominations and for organising such an incredible event.

About ALB Hong Kong Law Awards

The ALB Hong Kong Law Awards is the most prominent and longest-running award run by ALB in Asia. The awards aim to pay tribute to the outstanding performance of private practitioners and in-house teams in the region.

Please contact our Partners Ms. Heidi Chui or Mr. Rodney Teoh, for further information about this event.

21 Sep 2022

Senior Associate Michael Lau Passes 2022 GBA Legal Professional Examination

We are delighted to announce that our Senior Associate Mr. Michael Lau has successfully passed the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Legal Professional Examination (GBA Exam), becoming the sixth lawyer of our firm passing the examination. After obtaining the relevant practice certificate, Michael is eligible to practise PRC law in civil and commercial legal matters (including litigation and non-litigation matters) in the nine cities of the GBA.

The GBA Exam is a liberalization measure under the Agreement on Trade in Services to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement. Hong Kong legal practitioners with five or more years of post-qualification experience can provide legal services in the nine Mainland municipalities in the GBA on specified civil and commercial legal matters to which the Mainland laws apply. They enjoy the same privileges and be under the same obligations as Mainland lawyers. They can also be retained by Mainland law firms and partnership associations of Mainland law firms and Hong Kong or Macao law firms, and can also become partners of partnership law firms in the nine cities of the GBA.

Five other lawyers of our firm have successfully passed the first GBA Exam, including Partners Mr. Willy Cheng, Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Rodney Teoh, Mr. Gordon Tsang and Senior Associate Mr. Terence Lau.

Through our association with one of the largest full-service law firms in Mainland China, AllBright Law Offices, together with our team at SW, we will continue to remain at the forefront of the GBA and provide our clients with premium, efficient, and innovative legal services.

For more information, please contact our Senior Associate Mr. Michael Lau.

16 Sep 2022

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Recognised by Asialaw Profiles and Leading Lawyers 2023

In the newly published edition of “Asialaw Profiles and Leading Lawyers 2023”, Stevenson, Wong & Co. has been recognised as an Outstanding firm and ranked across 13 practice areas/ industry sectors. In addition, our Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution department, Ms. Heidi Chui, has again been recognised as a “Distinguished Practitioner in Dispute Resolution”.

About Stevenson, Wong & Co.

Founded in 1978, Stevenson, Wong & Co. is a forward-looking, full-service law firm with over 170 experienced lawyers and staff. As the associated firm with one of the nation’s largest full-service law firms, AllBright Law Offices, and one of the founding members of INTERLAW, Stevenson, Wong & Co. connects China to the world and supports clients facing a variety of business and legal issues with effective solutions.

About Ms. Heidi Chui

Ms. Chui is the firm’s head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department and Banking and Finance Department. She has served as the internal legal advisor of several Chinese banks.

Ms. Chui specializes in international commercial litigation, international arbitration and dispute resolution and frequently assists banks, borrowers, insurance companies, property management companies, funds, listed companies and financial institutions. Heidi is experienced and adept at providing legal advice on asset tracing, mortgage litigation, corporate takeover, enforcement of judgments, winding-up of companies and bankruptcy.

Ms. Chui has been recognized as a Client Choice Award winner in Litigation practice in Hong Kong by the International Law Office and Lexology in 2016. She has also been recognized as a “Leading Lawyer” in Banking and Finance and Dispute Resolution practices by Asialaw Profiles in 2018. She was nominated by Asian Legal Business for “Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year” from 2017 to 2020 & 2022 and “Woman Lawyer of the Year” in 2017, 2020 – 2022. She has been identified as a distinguished practitioner in Dispute Resolution by Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2020 – 2023. She was recognized as one of the A-List China’s Elite 100 Lawyers by China Business Law Journal in 2021.

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng or Ms. Heidi Chui for any enquiries or further information or please click here to see our rankings on Asialaw Profile’s website. .

16 Sep 2022

(中文) 合伙人徐凯怡律师受邀为GRR《亚太区企业重组法评论2023》担任香港章节之作者

(中文) 本所合伙人﹑诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,应全球跨境重组和破产法领先刊物《全球企业重组法评论》(Global Restructuring Review, “GRR”) 邀请,为《亚太区企业重组法评论2023》(Asia-Pacific Restructuring Review 2023) 担任香港章节之作者。

徐律师在“香港企业重组法的最新发展 (Latest Developments in Hong Kong Restructuring Law)”的章节中深入探讨了香港企业重组法律框架之发展,以及法院对清盘申请与仲裁协议之相互作用的裁决。徐律师亦阐述了在香港承认境外法院所作出的清盘令的一般原则,以及近期香港与内地就相互认可和协助破产清盘之安排。


