29 Mar 2018

Stevenson, Wong & Co. advises on the IPO of Grand Brilliance Group Holdings Limited (8372.hk)

Stevenson, Wong & Co. advised Grand Brilliance Group Holdings Limited (“Grand Brilliance”, Stock Code: 8372) as its Hong Kong legal advisers on its initial public offering (“IPO”) on GEM of Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The IPO comprised an issue of a total of 168 million shares priced at HK$0.335 per share, raising gross proceeds of approximately HK$56.3 million.

Grand Brilliance is an established medical device distributor with over 19 years of experience in the medical device market in Hong Kong. Grand Brilliance’s customers include private and public hospitals, private clinics, non-profit organisations and universities in Hong Kong.

The SW team was led by corporate partners Hank Lo and Cornelia Chu and senior associate Terence Lau, supported by registered foreign lawyer Matthew Chan and paralegal David Leung.

The Sole Sponsor is Guotai Junan Capital Limited. The Sole Global Coordinator is Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited.

From left to right: Matthew Chan (registered foreign lawyer); Terence Lau (senior associate); Ms. Wong Bik Kwan Bikie (the chairman and CEO of Grand Brilliance); Hank Lo (partner)

23 Mar 2018

(中文) 史蒂文生黄合伙人徐凯怡律师获邀担任江苏省涉外精英青年律师国际商会国际仲裁培训导师

(中文) 江苏省涉外律师培训正在南京大学进行,国际商会于2018年3年23至25日一连三天为江苏省精英青年律师提供国际商会国际仲裁培训,本所合伙人、诉讼及争议排解部门主管徐凯怡律师获邀担任国际商会讲师团成员,并担任小组导师。培训一连三天在南京东南大学中山院举办,近三十位精英青年律师参加。

在首日的培训,课程统筹、前香港法院法官、现任香港大学法律学院教授芮安牟教授 (Prof. Anselmo Reyes) 致欢迎词。芮安牟教授表示希望参加学员在经过这三天的培训,能让大家对国际仲裁有更深入了解。

培训课程由国际商会邀请的讲师授课,包括芮安牟教授、课程统筹、国际商会(北亚地区) 助理主任黄一文女士、本所合伙人徐凯怡律师、英国特许仲裁司学会东亚分会副主席方兆文先生、金茂律师事务所合伙人韩正律师、香港大律师陈星南先生、香港大律师梁希贤先生、汇仲律师事务所(上海)高级顾问刘京律师等。


国际仲裁培训课程的最后一天,学员分为四组,在导师包括徐凯怡律师、韩正律师、梁希贤大律师及陈星南大律师的领导下,进行了一场既刺激又紧张的仲裁比赛,各学员把连日来学习的知识演活在仲裁比赛上。胜出的团队更可获赠得由芮安牟教授撰写的作品《The Practice of International Commercial Arbitration》为奖品。

由左至右: 英国特许仲裁司学会东亚分会副主席方兆文先生、本所合伙人徐凯怡律师、国际商会(北亚地区) 助理主任黄一文女士、江苏省律协涉外业务委员会主任、国浩律师事务所合伙人陈发云律师、以及金茂律师事务所合伙人韩正律师


23 Mar 2018

(中文) 史蒂文生黄合伙人徐凯怡律师及张源辉律师到访锦天城南京分所参观交流

(中文) 史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人徐凯怡律师及张源辉律师,联同公共关系部经理叶慧珍小姐于2018年3月22日到访锦天城南京分所参观交流,双方就诉讼及仲裁和资本巿场(上市及收购合并)等议题举行交流座谈会,并获多位南京分所同仁热切款待,包括南京分所主任倪同木律师、高级合伙人奚庆律师、何海军律师、张宇坤律师、王芳律师、王小晶律师、刘嘉豪资深律师、以及南京分所行政主管吴小红女士等。






23 Mar 2018

A new “front-loaded” approach by the SFC – What are the implications for companies and licensees?

In July 2017, Mr. Ashley Alder, the Chief Executive officer of the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) introduced a new approach to regulate licensed corporations, listed companies and companies that are applying to be listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. This new approach, often called the “front-loaded regulation”, aims to identify risks and minimise harm to the investing public from market misconduct and irregularities. It places a strong emphasis on “earlier, more targeted intervention”.

Conventional approach

There are three main arms of the SFC’s regulatory work. The first arm is education. The SFC would issue reports, circulars and guidelines periodically to provide regulatory guidance for the investing public, companies (listed and non-listed), and licensees. The second arm is the Intermediaries Division, which carries out licensing and supervisory functions. Regarding its supervisory role, it acts as a ‘good cop’ to perform regular inspections on regulated licensees with a view to protect the investing public. When material irregularities are found during inspections, the Intermediaries Division would refer the case to the Enforcement Division. The final arm is the Enforcement Division, which takes criminal, civil and disciplinary actions against offenders following investigations into the alleged irregularities or market misconduct.

Issues with the conventional approach

Traditionally, the SFC has primarily relied on the Enforcement Division to carry out its regulatory enforcement functions. On top of that, enforcement powers may only be exercised through a Court or the Market Misconduct Tribunal (“MMT”). This approach can be very time-consuming because all sanctions and remedies were dependent on the approval from the Court or MMT. Once the Intermediaries Division has referred a case to the Enforcement Division, the Enforcement Division would carry out further in-depth investigation into the alleged irregularity before commencing proceedings. The ensuing proceedings in the Court or MMT would also take a considerable amount of time.

Moreover, the transition of cases from the Intermediaries Division to the Enforcement Division may not always be smooth, due to the difference in their investigation approach and evidence gathering methodology causing unnecessary delay that may risk losing the opportunity for timely fact-finding. As a result, the irregularities or market misconducts might usually be needlessly prolonged.

New approach – “early intervention”

Under the new approach, the SFC will take pre-emptive measures to tackle market irregularities and “interact directly with the market at an early stage”.

In terms of administrative measures, the Intermediaries Division will now issue more thematic guidance to licensees and companies on how the SFC intends to deal with specific issues under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”) and the Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules (“SMLR”). Such thematic guidance will require licensees and companies to conduct internal control reviews regularly to check for irregularities. The active review will be done by the company/licensee so that irregularities can be identified and dealt with immediately.

The SFC may also issue a restriction notice pursuant to ss. 204 and 205 of the SFO. This gives the SFC powers to prohibit the targeted company or licensee from carrying out specific regulated activities that would create irregularities. The issue of restriction notice aims to preserve the assets of the licensee and its clients, and protect the interest of those clients and the investing public. While the SFC has been issuing restriction notices long before the adoption of the new approach, we can expect the SFC to exercise such powers more readily in the future in light of the new approach.

Regarding the disciplinary actions and proceedings brought by the Enforcement Division, the SFC will now be able to exercise enforcement powers without prior approval from the Court/MMT. Under the SMLR, the SFC could suspend a listed company without the need to seek Court approval. The SFC has indicated that it would use such power of suspension as an “exceptional early protective action” during an investigation pending further investigation or legal action.

Furthermore, the SFC will now give credit to the people and/or licensees who are willing to cooperate with the SFC in their investigations. Forms of cooperation may include, inter alia, voluntarily and promptly reporting any breaches or failings to the SFC, acceptance of liability, and taking rectification measures. In both disciplinary matters and Court/MMT proceedings, the SFC may reduce the sanctions imposed if the person/licensee is cooperative. In particular, the SFC has divided its disciplinary process into three stages, with sanction reduction up to 30%, 20% and 10% respectively. These changes to the SFC’s cooperation policy may give rise to more constructive solutions in resolving irregularities, while keeping the daily operations of the company intact. These benefits should help to provide more incentive for people and licensees to cooperate with the SFC.

Overall, the Intermediaries Division will be more proactive in exercising its supervisory powers, meanwhile, the Enforcement Division will only focus on the most serious issues, such as fraud and corporate misfeasance, which would have serious ramifications to the integrity of the capital markets of Hong Kong.

Implications to companies: the changes that will affect your business

The new approach may increase the efficiency of the SFC in handling investigations into the irregular conduct of licensees, companies, and also individuals. The cooperation between the SFC and the licensed entities is also going to be tighter.

However, this approach may also cause the compliance cost of licensees and companies to soar. Licensees and companies may need to conduct excessive internal reviews and monitoring in order to meet the requirements of the regulators, albeit there may not be any material findings on any misconducts.

The lack of universal standards for internal reviews conducted by licensees and companies may also be problematic, as the standard of review would vary from one licensee/company to another, making it difficult for licensees and companies to fully understand how to comply with the SFC’s requirements.

The expansion of enforcement powers of the Intermediaries Division may also be seen as a misplacement of resources. In essence, the roles of the Intermediaries Division and the Enforcement Division are distinct. The “front-loaded” approach delegates more enforcement power to the Intermediaries Division, despite the fact that the Division may not have enough expertise to conduct thorough investigations and obtain material findings for imposing preliminary sanctions.

To tackle such changes, listed companies and regulated activities licensees should be prepared that the SFC may take aggressive strategies to handle any irregularities spotted even at an early stage when the Enforcement Division has not been engaged. Professionals should be engaged to conduct ‘health checks’ on the entities’ internal control on a regular basis.

What we can provide to help you

  1. Handling enforcement actions, including:
    a) interviews with regulators and enforcement agencies
  2. b) handling dawn raids and subsequent actions
    c) disciplinary and regulatory proceedings
  3. Handling enquiries and investigations from regulators
  4. Conducting internal compliance review
  5. Assist in lifting trade suspension for listed companies


Key contact

Stephen Wong
Tel: +852 2533 2525
Email: stephenwong.office@sw-hk.com

21 Mar 2018

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Recognized as “Best Full-Service Law Firm 2018” in APAC Insider’s Hong Kong Business Awards 2018

We are delighted to announce that Stevenson, Wong & Co. has been recognized as “Best Full-Service Law Firm 2018” in APAC Insider’s Hong Kong Business Awards 2018. APAC Insider’s Hong Kong Business Awards aims to recognize the perseverance and dedication of entire corporations to key personnel in value-added businesses. Each award nominee is carefully examined, with the judging panel taking into account their performance over the past 12 months to ensure that only the most deserving firms are handed one of the trophies.

About The Firm

Founded in 1978, Stevenson, Wong & Co. (SW) is a forward-looking, full-service law firm. The firm is ranked fifth among all Hong Kong domestic firms in the Top 50 research of Asian Legal Business. SW provides services including Banking & Finance, Corporate Finance/Capital Markets, China Practice, Corporate Commercial Law and Corporate Services, Employment Law, Family Law and Private Clients, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Litigation & Disputes Resolution, Media and Entertainment Law, Property, Regulatory Enforcement and Technology and Communications. SW has a strategic association with AllBright Law Offices, one of the nation’s largest full service law firms. SW is also a founding member of INTERLAW, an international association. Through our membership in INTERLAW and our association with AllBright, clients are assured of the same personal, open-minded and highly effective approach delivered by our lawyers in Hong Kong and China.

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng, Mr. Hank Lo or Ms. Catherine Por for any enquiries or further information.

9 Mar 2018

Stevenson, Wong & Co. “Grease” Theme Spring Dinner 2018

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Spring Dinner was successfully held at The World Trade Centre Club on 9 March 2018. This year’s theme was “Grease”, Stevenson, Wong & Co. can be just like Grease, being able to stand up to the test of time and never losing its relevance and appeal to people of all ages.


It was our pleasure to have several senior partners from AllBright Law Offices including Mr. Wu Mingde, and representatives from AllBright (Guangzhou Office) Mr. Wu Xin, Mr. Yang Sheng Hua and Mr. Hollis Chen to celebrate the start of the Year of Dog with our colleagues from Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Our Partners, Mr. Willy Cheng, Mr. Hank Lo and Ms. Catherine Por took the opportunity to express their gratitude to all staff for their hard work and contribution throughout the year and delivering high quality legal services to our clients.

Managing Director of AllBright Law Office, Mr. Wu Mingde delivered his speech acknowledging the collaboration between AllBright and Stevenson, Wong & Co. and he hoped to enhance the connection so as to achieve further success. It was a memorable night packed with delicious Chinese cuisine, singing and dancing performances, interactive games and exciting lucky draws.

Mr. Willy Cheng delivered his speech

Mr. Hank Lo delivered his speech

Ms. Catherine Por delivered her speech

Managing Director of AllBright Law Office, Mr. Wu Mingde delivered his speech

Stevenson, Wong & Co. is celebrating its 40th Anniversary. Mr. Cheng took the opportunity to present awards to staff who have worked for more than 10 years and 20 years in the firm.

Our Partners drew prizes for the lucky draw

Exciting games!!!

Brilliant performance!!!