28 Jun 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄为信达国际进行企业内部培训

(中文) 2019年6月24、26和28日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所 (“本所”) 合伙人,诉讼及争议解决部和银行及金融事务部主管徐凯怡律师,本所诉讼及争议解决团队和银行及金融事务团队受邀,为客户“信达国际”进行培训,分享了“一带一路金融市场的机遇和挑战”、“香港雇佣法的最新案例及实务”以及“最新反洗钱的风险及合规守则”。

• 香港雇佣法的最新案例及实务分享

• 最新反洗钱的风险及合规守则分享

• “一带一路金融市场的机遇和挑战”


28 Jun 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Participated in “Life Buddies Scheme” – Job Tasting Programme 2019

Between 27-28 June 2019, Stevenson, Wong & Co. participated in the “Life Buddies Scheme” – Job Tasting Programme. The scheme was launched by The Commission on Poverty in October 2015 to promote a mentoring culture in the community to help youths from disadvantaged backgrounds to move upward in society and thereby reducing intergenerational poverty.

During the two-day programme, participants performed research and handled tasks relating to different cases studies including, a presentation about the recent protests and current affairs in Hong Kong. Our partners Ms. Catherine Por and Ms. Lai Lam also gave advice and encouraged the participants to be confident and work hard so as to achieve their dreams. “We now have a better understanding about a law firm and the role of a lawyer. We are happy to have joined this programme.”

Stevenson, Wong & Co. are always happy to support activities relating to the youth so as to help them improve their life skills, enhance their exposure, engage in education, training and development so as to achieve their career goals.

Please contact Ms. Catherine Por or Ms. Lai Lam for any enquiries for further information about this event.

27 Jun 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄到访日本SAKURA共同法律事务所参观交流

(中文) 2019年6月27日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所曾浩贤高级律师到访日本SAKURA共同法律事务所参观交流,获当地律师事务所成员热切款待。双方举行座谈会,有不少当地律师、会计师、银行家及专业人士出席,曾律师在会上发表以「赴港上市」为题的演讲,分享日企到香港融资的渠道及䅁例,并与参加者互相交流意见。


25 Jun 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Gave a Training Presentation to Yantian Port Group

On 25 June 2019, Stevenson, Wong & Co. partner Mr. Rodney Teoh was invited to give a training presentation to Shenzhen Yantian Port Group on the Hong Kong Listing Rules requirements.

Mr. Teoh has covered several issues including Hong Kong Stock Exchange listing requirements, recent Listing Rules amendments, listing applications and offerings, various legal structures adopted by PRC listing applicants, connected transactions, and the continuing obligations under the Listing Rules. Mr. Teoh also had analysed the practical cases relating to Hong Kong IPOs and listing, as well as key points involved in preparation of a Hong Kong listing.

Mr. Teoh specialises in a broad range of commercial and corporate finance work. He is a Leading Lawyer in capital markets and corporate and M&A in 2018 as awarded by Asialaw Profiles. He is also nominated for “Young Lawyer of the Year” in the Asian Legal Business Hong Kong Law Awards 2017.

Please contact Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

19 Jun 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Wins “Full Service Law Firm of the Year – Hong Kong” at Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2019

We are delighted to announce that Stevenson, Wong & Co. has won “Full Service Law Firm of the Year – Hong Kong” at Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2019. Winners are chosen for innovation, ethical practice, industry recognition, and most importantly service excellence.

Founded in 1978, Stevenson, Wong & Co. (“SW”) is a forward-looking, full-service law firm. SW provides services including Banking & Finance, Corporate Finance/Capital Markets, China Practice, Corporate Commercial Law and Corporate Services, Employment Law, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Litigation & Disputes Resolution, Real Estate, Regulatory Enforcement & Compliance, SW Private – Family Law, SW Private – Family Wealth & Succession Planning, SW Private – MIP Committee, and Technology, Media and Telecommunications. SW has a strategic association with AllBright Law Offices, one of the nation’s largest full service law firms. SW is also a founding member of INTERLAW, an international association of independent law firms around the world. Through our membership in INTERLAW and our association with AllBright, clients are assured of the same personal, open-minded and highly effective approach delivered by our lawyers in Hong Kong and China.

Please contact Ms. Catherine Por or Ms. Lai lam for any enquiries or further information.

15 Jun 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄出席锦天城跨境投资专业委员会2019年中论坛暨「中企对外并购合规与合同控制实务」高峰论坛

(中文) 2019年6月15日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人张源辉律师出席在青岛举行锦天城跨境投资专业委员会2019年中论坛暨「中企对外并购合规与合同控制实务」高峰论坛,锦天城总部与各分所合伙人及律师、锦天城跨境投资专业委员会部分委员共计六十余人参加了是次论坛。


