28 Jan 2016

Stevenson, Wong & Co. gave a presentation on banking and corporate finance matters

On 28 January 2016, our partner Mr. Eric Lui, senior associate Ms. Freda Au, banking department legal executives Mr. Man Wong and Ms. Connie Wu together with Mr. Du Xiaodong, partner of AllBright Law Offices were invited by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited New Territories East Commercial Centre to give a presentation on various banking and corporate finance matters.

Mr. Lui delivered a presentation titled “The key points for overseas IPOs and Merger and Acquisitions transactions”. The presentation covered the basic requirements for listing in Hong Kong, reorganization of red-chip companies and stamp duty implications for M&A deals.

Mr. Du gave his presentation on legal issues faced by offshore banks handling China business. Different PRC laws relating to foreign exchange management and guarantee were explained in great detail.

Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.

28 Jan 2016

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended Aoyuan’s 20th anniversary celebration dinner

On 28 January 2016, our partners Mr. Hank Lo and Mr. Eric Lui attended the 20th anniversary celebration dinner of China Aoyuan Property Group Limited (“Aoyuan”) held at the Shangri-La Hotel Guangzhou. More than 1,000 guests from financial institutions, the property sector and the building sector attended the event.

Mr. Lo was given an award at the event to acknowledge his outstanding display of assistance given to Aoyuan throughout its development.

Aoyuan is a company listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 3883) and has established a long-term working relationship with our firm.

(Source: http://www.aoyuan.com.cn/sitecn/aspx/News_Companyinfo.aspx?id=4233)

Please contact our Mr. Lo for any enquiries or further information about this event.

28 Jan 2016

Joint Venture between AllBright Law Offices and Stevenson, Wong & Co. in Qianhai

In January 2016, the joint venture law firm set up by AllBright Law Offices and Stevenson, Wong & Co. in Qianhai (“ABL&SW”) opened its doors. ABL&SW’s office is located at the heart of the Qianhai modern service industry cooperation zone.

ABL&SW is one of the first batch of joint venture law firms in Qianhai and we aim to provide innovative legal services whilst building on this platform, to enhance the development of Qianhai. ABL&SW are also in a position to give legal advice from the perspective of both Hong Kong and PRC law to satisfy the needs of clients.

Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information.

22 Jan 2016

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended AllBright Annual Dinner 2016 in Shanghai

On 22 January 2016, SW partners, Mr. Hank Lo, Mr. Eric Lui, Ms. Lai Lam, Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Stephen Wong, Senior Consultant Mr. Angus Forsyth, Senior Registered Foreign Lawyer Mr. Oliver Ross and other SW staff attended the AllBright Law Offices Annual Dinner 2016 held in Shanghai at the Shanghai Tower. Lawyers and representatives from all 15 AllBright offices in China joined the event. The dinner was a perfect opportunity for all members of AllBright to come together and celebrate another successful year whilst recognizing the efforts made by all staff throughout the year.

Following the speeches and prize presentations, during a sumptuous dinner talented representatives from different offices provided wonderful entertainment. SW trainees also took part and performed their dance routine titled “silver lights”.

It was an evening of good food and good company. Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.

21 Jan 2016

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended Mock Arbitration in Shanghai

On 21 January 2016, our partners Mr. Eric Lui, Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Stephen Wong, senior registered foreign lawyer Mr. Oliver Ross, senior associate Ms. Katy Lai, trainee solicitor Mr. Jensen Chang and Business Development Manager (China) Ms. Zita Huang attended a Mock Arbitration co-organised with AllBright Law Offices held at Shanghai International Convention Center.

Ms. Chui (on the left), Mr. Wong (in the middle) and Ms. Lai (on the right) as Counsel for the Respondent

The mock arbitral hearing, which revolved around shareholders’ disputes regarding a land development project in Singapore, was divided into three parts: opening submissions, examinations of witnesses and closing submissions. The hearing was administered using the arbitration rules of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), and counsel from both sides, together with the arbitration tribunal chaired by Mr. Ross, delivered a two-hour session which closely simulated how parties resolve disputes by arbitration administered by the HKIAC rules.

Ms. Judy Wang (on the left), Mr. Jeff Yao (second from left) and Mr. John Liu (second from right), partners of AllBright Law Offices and Counsel for the Claimant, and Ms. Lauren Qin (on the right), associate of AllBright Law Offices and witness for the Respondent

The Mock Arbitration was well received by the audience and in the Q&A session that followed, issues relating to the arbitration process under the HKIAC rules and cross-examination under the common law system were discussed.

Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.

21 Jan 2016

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended the 2015 AllBright Intellectual Property Committee Annual Meeting and Symposium in Shanghai

On 21 January 2016, our Senior Consultant Mr. Angus Forsyth, Partner Ms. Lai Lam and Senior Associate Mr. Samson Wong attended the 2015 AllBright Intellectual Property Committee Annual Meeting and Symposium in Shanghai, where Mr. Angus Forsyth delivered an extensive and informative PowerPoint presentation on the operations of Uber HK which was very well received by the attendees, including Yang Jun of the United Assets and Equity Exchange, Rui Wenbiao, the Deputy Director General of Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration and all the legal practitioners who attended the symposium.

At the symposium, the attendees explored and shared their views on the recent developments in the intellectual property field. Mr. Chen Naiwei also took the opoprtunity to introduce the new Committee members as well as reporting on the Committee’s work in 2015 and devising its future plan for 2016.

Please contact our Mr. Forsyth, Ms. Lam or Mr. Wong for any enquiries or further information about this event.