29 Dec 2021

Partner Gordon Tsang Interviewed by Thomson Reuters

Reuters Beijing recently interviewed our Partner Mr. Gordon Tsang regarding his views on China concept stocks turning to Hong Kong for listing. Mr. Tsang pointed out that the strengthening control of the US stock market and the proactive reform of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX), including the new listing regime for special purpose acquisition companies (SPAC), will reinforce the return of China concept stocks.

Mr. Tsang said that technology companies and start-ups such as blockchain and electric vehicles might find it difficult to be listed through traditional IPO methods. However, the new SPAC listing regime to be launched by the HKEX next year will allow more flexibility and therefore, set an easier path for those companies to be listed in Hong Kong. Mr. Tsang added that, “The returning China concept stocks have greater development opportunities. Not only have they gained high attention and recognition, but also a positive impact on their valuation, stock liquidity, stock trading volume and financing capacity.”

For more information, please contact our Partner Mr. Gordon Tsang, or click here to view the complete interview (only available in Chinese).

24 Dec 2021



On 10 December 2021, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Exchange”) published its consultation conclusions (the “Consultation Conclusions”) as to its review of the Corporate Governance Code (the “CG Code”) and the related Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Exchange (the “Listing Rules”). The Exchange has received positive feedbacks from the public on its proposals outlined in its “Consultation Paper on Review of Corporate Governance Code and Related Listing Rules” (the “Consultation Paper”) on 16 April 2021.

The requirements under the new CG Code will be applicable to CG reports for financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022 with certain exceptions as explained below.  The Exchange will also publish a new set of guidance (the “CG Guidance”) to facilitate issuers’ compliance with the corporate governance requirements.  The capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the Consultation Conclusions and Consultation Paper.

The new CG Code and amended Listing Rules will become effective from 1 January 2022.

Summary of the key revised Listing Rules and new CG Code

The below table sets out a comparison between the original proposals and the conclusions:

Original Proposals



1. Culture 
1.1 Require the board to align the company’s culture with its purpose, values and strategy
  • Adopt
  • The Exchange will include suggestions on the issue of alignment with a list of self-check questions and suggested disclosures in the CG Guidance.
Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022
1.2 Establish anti-corruption and whistleblowing policies
  • Adopt
  • The Exchange will provide guidance on the formulation of the anti-corruption and whistleblowing policies
Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022


2. Board independence, refreshment and succession planning 
2.1 Require disclosure of a policy to ensure independent views and inputs are available to the board, and annual review of the implementation and effectiveness of such policy


Adopt, with revised wordings to clarify on the focus on “mechanisms” in place to allow strong independent element on the board, which may cover the following:


i.    INED’s recruitment process.

ii.   Number of INEDs and their time contribution.

  1. Assessment or evaluation of INEDs’ contribution.
  2. Other channels where independent views are available.
Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022
2.2 NEDs serving more than nine years (the “Long Serving INED”):
  • Independent shareholders’ approval for re-election of Long Serving INED
  • Additional disclosures on factors considered, process and the board or NC’s discussion in determining that the Long Serving INED is still independent and should be re-elected (the “Additional Disclosures”) in the relevant papers to shareholders for the relevant AGM or general meeting (where applicable)
  • Appoint new INED if all INEDs on board are Long Serving INEDs at the forthcoming AGM (the “New INED Proposal”) and disclose the length of the tenure of the Long Serving INEDs on the board on a named basis in the shareholders’ circular (the “Tenure Disclosure”)
Not adopt










Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022




Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2023 for New INED Proposal


Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022 for Tenure Disclosure


2.3 No equity-based remuneration (e.g. share options or grants) with performance-related elements to INEDs Adopt Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022
3. Diversity 
3.1 No single gender board (with a 3-year transition period for existing issuers) Adopt, with revised wordings and modification to transition period For issuers: Rule effective from 1 January 2022

Single gender board issuers: 3- year transition (i.e. appoint a director of a different gender no later than 31 December 2024)

Issuers with commitment in listing document:

Appoint a director of a different gender in accordance with such commitments

IPO applicants:

Effective for A1 submission filed on or after 1 July 2022 (i.e. a 6-month transition period)

3.2 Set and disclose numerical targets and timelines for achieving gender diversity at board level and across workforce


  • Adopt at the board level
  • Modification to the requirements at the workforce to disclose:

                     i.       gender ratios in the workforce (including senior management);

                   ii.        plans or measureable objectives the issuer has set for achieving gender diversity; and


                 iii.         mitigating factors or circumstances which make achieving gender diversity across the workforce (including senior management) more challenging or less relevant.

Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022


3.3 Annual review of board diversity policy Adopt Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022
3.4 Include directors’ gender information in forms upon appointment Adopt Rule effective from 1 January 2022


4. Nomination Committee (the “NC”) 
Chaired by an INED and comprising a majority of INEDs Adopt, with modification to also allow board chairman to chair the NC Rule effective from 1 January 2022
5. Communications with shareholders 
Disclosure and annual review of shareholders communication policy Adopt Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022
6. Other enhancements 
6.1 Disclose directors’ attendance at general meetings in the poll results announcements Adopt Rule effective from 1 January 2022
6.2 NEDs no longer need to be appointed for specific term Adopt Rule effective from 1 January 2022
7. Linkage between CG and ESG 
Elaborate the linkage between CG and ESG in the Code Adopt Code effective from 1 January 2022
8. Timely disclosure of ESG reports 
Publish ESG reports at the same time as publication of annual reports Adopt Financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2022
9. Re-arrange the Code 
9.1 Rename Appendix 14 to “Corporate Governance Code” Adopt Code effective from 1 January 2022
9.2 Mandatory disclosure requirements set out upfront in Appendix 14 (instead of being in the last part of Appendix 14) Adopt Code effective from 1 January 2022
9.3 Re-organise the structure of Appendix 14 to enhance flow and readability Adopt Code effective from 1 January 2022


Analysis and Takeaways
The importance of good corporate governance cannot be overlooked as it is the cornerstone of any good business, long-term success and business sustainability of a corporation. The main focuses of the consultation are to promote good corporate governance standards among listed issuers in Hong Kong, to instill changes in the board’s mindset, to enhance communication between issuers and their shareholders and to encourage further environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures and standards. The consultation shows the Exchange’s commitment to continue to formulate a robust corporate governance framework in ensuring market quality, aligning the interest of all its stakeholders and adopting international best practices.

Please contact our Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

This article has been prepared for clients and professional associates of Stevenson, Wong & Co. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy as at the date of issue, this document is a general outline for reference only, and is not an exhaustive treatment of the areas discussed. Accordingly, this document cannot be relied upon as legal advice in any individual case and we bear no responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the contents in this document.

20 Dec 2021

(中文) 跨境破产法最新动态:香港法院拒绝搁置香港诉讼程序

(中文) 跨境破产法最新动态:香港法院拒绝搁置香港诉讼程序

上周五,即2021年12月17日,香港高等法院夏利士法官颁下了一项重要的跨境清盘案件判决,认可了内地破产管理人身份,但拒绝搁置香港诉讼程序。在Nuoxi Capital Limited (諾熙資本有限公司)(In Liquidation In The British Virgin Islands) v Peking University Founder Group Defendant Company Limited (北大方正集團有限公司) HCA778/2021及一系列共同审理的案件 (统称「本案」) 中,夏利士法官认可了北京大学旗下子公司北大方正集团有限公司 (下称「北大方正」,其集团统称「方正集团」) 的破产管理人身份,但驳回了北大方正搁置债权人在香港发起的有关维好协议 (keepwell deeds) 争议的诉讼程序申请。


本案各方的争议主要源于被告北大方正就其多家子公司在相关的债券及担保协议下负有的17亿美元债务做出的维好协议。该维好协议要求北大方正促成其子公司 (1) 在任何时候至少合计保持1美金的资产净值,及 (2) 有足够的现金流确保子公司可偿付相关债务。除此之外,该维好协议亦要求北大方正尽最大努力 (best efforts) 取得所有必要的监管批准,以及在子公司资金不足偿付债务的情况下向该些子公司注入充足的资金。该维好协议约定管辖法律为英国法,且由香港法院专属司法管辖。

由于方正集团日益恶化的财务状况,北大方正的子公司未能根据相关债券及担保协议偿付债务。在2020年2月19日,北京市第一中级人民法院 (下称「北京法院」) 颁下了北大方正进行破产重组 (reorganization) 的命令,并随后指令债权人提交债权申报。





  1. 原告人选择在内地提交债权证明 (proof of debt),表示服从内地法院的管辖且放弃以非内地破产程序解决相关争议的权利。
  2. 香港法院做出的判决能否在内地得到承认或执行,存在着很大的不确定性,而且考虑到案件的本质,北京法院更适合处理相关争议。
  3. 应基于根据修正普遍主义 (modified universalism) 的原则搁置香港诉讼程序。
  4. 考虑到诉讼当事人和证人的最大利益和便利,内地法院显然更合适,诉讼应在内地进行。




      1. 在研究了英国法律的多宗判例后,夏利士法官认为,虽然原告人在内地破产重组程序中提交申索确实构成服从内地法院的管辖,但这并不会禁制原告人在香港发起诉讼程序,更不会单独构成香港法庭拒绝执行专属管辖权条款的理由。
      2. 同时,就北京法院是否会执行香港判决,夏利士法官参考了北京法院出具的请求书 (letter of request) 并留意到该请求书中北京法院并没有表示不会认可及执行有效的香港法院判决。另外,考虑到内地法院及香港法院就有效推进跨境破产及重组程序所作出的合作尝试及努力,以及香港合同法与英国合同法的相似程度,很难相信北京法院会不重视香港法院根据专属管辖权条款就英国合同法的争议作出的判决。就此,夏利士法官强调,当事人在约定的管辖法院决定他们的争议,是一项重要的实质性权利。香港法院只有在有令人信服的理由的情况下才会剥夺一方当事人的这一权利。在夏利士法官看来,原告人有权在香港审理该维好协议下的争议,并且,如果成功的话,从判决中取得可以支持他们在内地破产重组程序中推进申索的利益。
      3. 就修正普遍主义原则的问题,夏利士法官指出本案的情况并不适用。由于原告人只是为了取得香港判决以推进在内地破产重组程序中的申索,且并不准备通过内地破产重组程序以外的方式获得偿付,本案并不会违背修正普遍主义的原则 (即确保被清盘公司的所有资产在单一的分配制度下摊分给被清盘公司的债权人)。
      4. 考虑本案使用英国法且涉及的法律争议可能十分广泛及复杂,夏利士法官并不认为北京法院通过接受外国法律意见的方式会比香港法院 (同样作为普通法法系的法院) 更适合处理本案的相关争议。



本案中,虽然香港法庭认可了内地破产管理人的身份,但仍然在本案适当的情况下坚持香港法院具备管辖权。夏利士法官指出《最高人民法院关于开展认可和协助香港特别行政区破产程序试点工作的意见》显示香港高等法院和内地行使破产管辖权的法院在适当情况下合作协调程序,以促进破产程序的公平和有效率地进行。夏利士法官认为,内地和香港的法律制度和经济模式存在很大差异,有意识和敏锐的合作和沟通对减少误解和提供有效协助是必要的 (Conscious and sensitive cooperation and communication is necessary in order to minimise misunderstandings and facilitate effective assistance)。本案中,北大方正的破产管理人提交的证据并没有指出北京法院已向其解释了有关申请会在香港引起的问题。请求信中也没有指出香港法院将需要解决中国企业破产法和该维好协议的管辖条款之间的冲突。

夏利士法官希望通过本案判决可以协助北京法院理解,如果最高法院要求内地和香港法院之间尽可能地沟通和合作,那么破产管理人及内地律师有必要确保内地法院获得完整和平衡的信息 (complete and balanced information)。夏利士法官强调,跨境破产和协助外地法律程序不涉及法院之间的竞争,法院的目标是共同努力以在尊重彼此司法管辖的实体法和程序的同时,实施公平和高效的破产程序 (The courts aim to work together to implement fair and efficient insolvency processes whilst respecting the substantive law and procedure of each other’s jurisdiction)。夏利士法官亦希望能够通过本案协助北京法院理解,在香港法律下提出搁置程序的申请并不简单,从而进一步促进最高人民法院意见所鼓励的沟通与合作。



17 Dec 2021

Partner Gordon Tsang Invited to Provide ESG and Anti-corruption Training to Listed Companies

On 16 Dec 2021, our Partner, Mr. Gordon Tsang, was invited by Roma Group Limited to provide Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and Anti-corruption Training, together with AllBright Law Offices, to the directors and staff of listed companies. The webinar covered the latest disclosure requirements of ESG Reporting Guide and successfully attracted representatives from more than 60 listed companies.

From the left: Mr. Billy Yong, Senior Partner of AllBright Law Offices, Mr. Kingsley Cheng, Consultant of Roma Group, and our Partner, Mr. Gordon Tsang

Mr. Billy Yong, Senior Partner of AllBright Law Offices, and Mr. Kingsley Cheng, Consultant of Roma Group share their insights on ESG Reporting Guide’s latest updates and Mr. Tsang illustrated the key points of the anti-corruption guidelines and the duties of directors and non-executive directors through cases studies.

For more information, please contact our Partner Mr. Gordon Tsang.

15 Dec 2021

Partners Catherine Por, Wendy Lam, and Calvin Lo Attended HSBC Global Private Banking Christmas Reception

On 2 December 2021, our firm’s Partners and Heads SW Private Client Department, Ms. Catherine Por and Ms. Wendy Lam, and Partner Mr. Calvin Lo, were invited by HSBC Global Private Banking to attend the Trust and Wealth Planning Christmas Cocktail Reception at HSBC Main Building in Central.

From the left: Our firm’s Partners, Mr. Calvin Lo, Ms. Catherine Por, and Ms. Wendy Lam

Our Partner Ms. Por won the first prize in the lucky draw.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank HSBC Global Private Banking for the invitation and the wonderful evening.

14 Dec 2021

Partner Calvin Lo Invited as a Webinar Speaker Re “Exploring Foreign Marriage and Family Affairs Under Civil Law”

On 10 December 2021, our Partner Mr. Calvin Lo was a guest speaker for a webinar titled “Exploring Foreign Marriage and Family Affairs Under Civil Law” organised by the Qingdao Lawyers Association’s Marriage, Family and Legacy Planning Committee. The webinar discussed the legal issues of cross-border marriage. Mr. Lo explained the restrictions on the enforcement of cross-border family judgements, and “Arrangement on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Civil Judgments in Matrimonial and Family Cases by the Courts of the Mainland and of the HKSAR” and “The Mainland Judgments in Matrimonial and Family Cases (Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 639)”.

Our Partner Mr. Calvin Lo

For more information, please contact our Partner Mr. Calvin Lo.