31 May 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Gave a Presentation to Guosen Securities (HK) Capital Company Limited

On 31 May 2019, Stevenson, Wong & Co. (“SW”) partner Mr. Rodney Teoh and associate Mr. Kristopher Wong were invited to give a presentation to the Investment Banking Department of Guosen Securities (HK) Capital Company Limited.

Mr. Teoh and Mr. Wong gave a presentation on the topic of “IPO – Needs and New Opportunities of Corporate Finance”. In the context of PRC business coming to Hong Kong for listing, they had analysed the practical issues that the parties would face in the process of Hong Kong IPO and listing, such as the requisite listing requirements, as well as preparations and key points in the process of Hong Kong listing. Mr. Teoh and Mr. Wong had conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions with participants on relevant topics, and the training is well received by the participants.

Mr. Teoh specialized in a broad range of commercial and corporate finance work. He is a “Leading Lawyer” in capital markets and corporate and M&A in 2018 as awarded by Asialaw Profiles. He is also nominated for “Young Lawyer of the Year” in the Asian Legal Business Hong Kong Law Awards 2017.

Please contact Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

31 May 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄出席“一带一路”论坛并担任分享嘉宾

(中文) 2019年5月31日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人,诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,受邀出席「一带一路跨专业发展计划」暨理大创智汇“由香港 进 一带一路——领袖观点”论坛,并担任分享嘉宾。


本所合伙人、香港律师会一带一路委员会委员徐凯怡律师,斯里兰卡中央银行第12届理事 (2006年7月至2015年1月)、国际货币基金组织候补理事、东南亚中央银行 (SEACEN) 理事会主席、南亚区域合作联盟 (SAARC) 中央银行理事会主席Ajith Nivard CABRAAL先生,正大集团副主席、香港中华总商会荣誉主席、中华人民共和国上海浦东新区政协委员罗家顺先生以及中国银行 (香港) 有限公司副首席执行官、前中国银行江苏省分行副行长、中国银行宁波市分行行长王兵先生共同担任分享嘉宾。

若阁下想了解更多信息,请联络本所合伙人徐凯怡律师, heidichui.office@sw-hk.com

31 May 2019

Successfully listing of Mabpharm Limited – B (stock code: 2181)

Our senior associate Mr. Gordon Tsang acted as the Joint Company Secretary of Mabpharm Limited – B (stock code: 2181) (“Mabpharm”) in its successful listing of its shares on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) under Chapter 18A of the Hong Kong Main Board Listing Rules.

The shares of Mabpharm were listed on the Stock Exchange on 31 May 2019. The final offer price was HK$1.50 per share and the proceeds amounted to approximately HK$1.068 billion.

Mabpharm’s pipeline contains mAbs to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases, with three biosimilars in Phase III testing: CMAB007, a proposed biosimilar of dermatology and asthma drug Xolair omalizumab from the Genentech Inc. unit of Roche (SIX:ROG; OTCQX:RHHBY); CMAB009, a proposed biosimilar of cancer drug Erbitux cetuximab from Eli Lilly and Co. (NYSE:LLY); and CMAB008, a proposed biosimilar for autoimmune drug Remicade infliximab from Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ).

Please contact Mr. Gordon Tsang for further information.

30 May 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh was awarded Recreation and Sports Committee Outstanding Performance Award 2018-2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. is delighted to announce that our partner Mr. Rodney Teoh was awarded “Recreation and Sports Committee Outstanding Performance Award 2018-2019”, in recognition and appreciation of his contribution to the Law Society in the field of recreation and sports. The prize presentation ceremony was held on 30 May 2019 at the Law Society Function Room.

Being one of the founding members and convenor for many years, Rodney is recognised as a passionate and devoted member of the Volleyball Team. Rodney’s excellent volleyball skill has assisted the Team in winning numerous medals in the past including in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Lawyers Sports Meets, and the Volleyball Tripartite against the Malaysia Bar and the Law Society of Singapore.

Please contact our partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for more information.

30 May 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Wons Client Service Award: Hong Kong at the Asialaw Regional Awards 2019

We are delighted to announce that Stevenson, Wong & Co. has won “Client Service Award: Hong Kong” at the Asialaw Regional Awards 2019.

The winners were announced on 30th May, where the national and regional law firms from across the region gathered at the Island Shangri-La in Hong Kong for the second annual Asialaw Regional Awards. The awards recognised leading law firms across eight practice areas, seven industries and 25 jurisdictions across the region. Client service awards are decided using the objective data Asialaw captured regarding client feedback during the 2018 research process. Each firm will be given an average score using the client’s surveys. The award will go to the firm with the highest score.

Asialaw Profile provides a guide to Asia-Pacific’s leading domestic and regional law firms. It is researched, written and edited by a team of journalists based in the region and a good reference for both the legal industry and businesses.

Please contact Ms. Lai Lam for any enquiries or further information.

25 May 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄参加锦天城第四届模拟法庭大赛

(中文) 2019年5月25日至26日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所 (以下简称“本所”)合伙人,诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师、诉讼团队卢家俊律师、张俊燊律师、黄晊晄实习律师、殷律衡实习律师和甘子豪律师助理,出席第四届锦天城律师事务所“诉辩对决之山城弈战”模拟法庭大赛。

第四届锦天城律师事务所模拟法庭大赛由上海市锦天城律师事务所主办,锦天城诉讼与仲裁专业委员会、上海锦天城 (重庆) 律师事务所承办,西南政法大学协办。



