25 Sep 2014

Transaction Update

Stevenson, Wong & Co. assisted Jiashili Group Ltd. in its IPO on HKEx

SW assisted Jiashili Group Ltd. (1285), a leading biscuit manufacturer in China which is the second largest in terms of retail sales volume and production volume in 2013, to list on the Mainboard of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.  SW acted as the legal adviser for the company.

Please contact our Hank Lo for any enquiries or further information about this transaction.

(Source: website of Jiashili Group Ltd. at http://en.gdjsl.com/news_detail/newsId=242.html)

16 Sep 2014

Hong Kong Legal Services Forum in Qingdao

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended Hong Kong Legal Services Forum in Qingdao

SW partner Mr. Eric Lui and Head of Business Development in China Ms. Connie Yeung attended the Hong Kong Legal Services Forum (the “Forum”) held in Qingdao, China organized by the Department of Justice on 16 September 2014.  The Forum was co-organized by the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre as well as the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce.

The main objective of the Forum is to promote Hong Kong’s attributes as a leading legal services centre.  Up to 500 representatives from mainland and foreign business enterprises in the Shandong Province, lawyers and relevant Mainland government officials attended the event.  Plenary sessions entitled “Going-out” – Legal Issues and Risk Management and “Dispute Resolution” were held at the Forum.  A business matching session was also provided for law firms to promote their services to potential clients on the spot.

Please contact our Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.


15 Sep 2014

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended Interlaw AGM

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended the Annual General Meeting of INTERLAW in Miami, United States

SW partners Mr. Willy Cheng and Ms. Lai Lam attended the INTERLAW Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) which was held in Miami, United   States during 10 to 14 September 2014.  The theme of the AGM this year was “Connect”. Delegates of INTERLAW members from all over the world were treated to fascinating and thought provoking presentations by keynote speakers Ms. Deborah Knupp and Mr. James Kane.  Ms. Knupp specializes in business development, relationship building, culture, and leadership and has been working as a coach and business executive for more than 25 years.  Mr. Kane is an inspirational and motivational speaker, business consultant and the author of two famous books, The Loyalty Switch and Virtually Loyal.

We are a founding member of INTERLAW, an international association of independent law firms which was established in 1982 and provides access to a network of independent law firms in more than 130 cities around the world.

More than 100 delegates including accompanying persons attended the AGM, which was a tremendous opportunity to “connect” with old and new friends.  We most certainly look forward to future opportunities whether business or social that will bring us together again.

Group photograph of some of the delegates taken at the Nikki beach of Miami:

12 Sep 2014

Real Estate Annual Forum

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended AllBright Real Estate Professional Committee Annual Forum 2014

On 12 September 2014, led by SW partner Mr. Eric Lui, 2 members of our property team attended the annual forum organized by AllBright Real Estate Professional Committee in Taiyuan, China.  The topic of the annual forum this year was “The Opportunities and Legal Risks in the Real Estate Market in the Current Environment”.

Eric delivered a presentation entitled “Real Estate Enterprises ‘Going-out’ (房地產企業走出去)”, in which he discussed issues arising from foreign investments in domestic real estate enterprises in China, in particular on “Circular No. 10” (the Regulations Concerning the Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors (《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》).  Eric also gave a detailed explanation of the corporate restructuring process for domestic enterprises seeking listing in Hong Kong.

Please contact our Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.

2 Sep 2014

Presentation at banks

Stevenson, Wong & Co. presented at banks on wealth management, succession planning and investment immigration

On 2 September 2014, led by our partner Mr. Eric Lui, our Business Development Officer (China) Ms. Connie Yeung and our legal executive Mr. Peter Loo delivered presentations to the private banking section of China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited and the retail finance and channel management team (Hong Kong East) of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited on the topics of “Contemporary Wealth Succession” and “Immigrant Investor Programme”.

Ms. Yeung discussed the key issues in wealth management and succession as well as the strengths and limitations of the various wealth management tools such as wills, insurance, offshore companies and trust. Ms. Yeung also highlighted the merits of using offshore private trust in assets management.

Mr. Loo gave a detailed presentation on worldwide immigrant investor programmes, covering jurisdictions of Malta, Portugal, Australia, United States, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda and Hong Kong. Mr. Loo highlighted the advantages of the different programmes, discussed the usual questions from investment immigration clients and handed out practical guidance materials to the participants.

The presentations were well-received and the participants found them informative and practical.

Please contact our Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.