29 Sep 2023



On 21 September 2023, the Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”) published the consultation conclusions (the “Consultation Conclusions”) addressing comments on the amendments to the Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs (the “Codes”) proposed in its consultation paper dated 19 May 2023 (the “Consultation Paper”).

During the consultation period which ended on 23 June 2023, the SFC received in total 12 responses from the public.  After considering the comments made by the respondents, the SFC has adopted all of the amendments proposed in the Consultation Paper, some with slight modifications.  For more details of the amendments to be made to the Codes, please refer to our news update on the Consultation Paper.  The said amendments have become effective on 29 September 2023.

The SFC has marked the several modifications to its original proposals in Appendix 2 of the Consultation Conclusions, of which the material changes from the Consultation Paper are summarised below:

Part 2: The Chain Principle
In the Consultation Paper, the SFC proposed to expand Note 8 to Rule 26.1 to give better guidance on the factors to be considered by the Executive Director of the Corporate Finance Division of the SFC (the “Executive”) in deciding whether a mandatory general offer for the second company is required when statutory control of the first company that holds 30% or more of the voting rights of the second company is obtained or consolidated by a person or group of persons.  The SFC adopted market capitalisation as one of the comparison parameters in light of its objectivity and that it is a widely accepted indicator of company size.

The proposed amendment was generally well received by the respondents as it could provide clarity on assessing whether a chain principle offer is required.  In response to one of the comments, the SFC made a slight modification in the Consultation Conclusions to clarify in the drafting that the market capitalisation test is only relevant where both companies are listed.
Part 3: Offer Period and Timetable (Last possible day for Day 60 in privatisations and take-private transactions)

The SFC proposed to amend Rule 15.5 to codify its practice that any consents to extend “Day 60” (the last day on which an offer must be declared unconditional as to acceptances) would not exceed 4 months after the despatch of the offer document, which is in line with the spirit of Rule 2.11.  Despite a comment suggesting the term “Day 60” be renamed, the SFC believes keeping the use of such term has its merits as it is commonly understood by the market to refer to the last day on which an offer can be declared unconditional as to acceptance.  In light of a comment requesting the Executive to clarify whether the 4-month period under Rule 15.5 should start from the initial offer document or the date of any revised offer document, the SFC made clear that it runs from the date of the initial offer document, consistent with the spirit of Rule 2.11.

Part 5: Partial Offers (Comparable offer for convertible securities, warrants, etc.)

Part 5 of the Consultation Paper proposed the addition of Rule 28.10, requiring Rule 13 comparable offers for convertibles, warrants options and subscription rights in a partial offer to incorporate the market practice of making such offers in a partial offer.  In the Consultation Conclusions, the proposed wording of the new Rule 28.10 has been modified and now refers to “comparable” offers rather than “appropriate” offers to elucidate that an offer for convertibles only have to be made for the same percentage as the partial offer for shares.

Part 7: Miscellaneous Amendments (Definition of “on-market share buy-back”)

The SFC proposed in the Consultation Paper to define that on-market share buy-backs are only limited to those made according to the Stock Exchange’s automatic order matching system where buy-orders and sell-orders are matched through an automated system.  Moreover, the company buying back its shares and its directors should not have any involvement in the solicitation, selection or identification of the seller of the shares (whether directly or indirectly).  The use of the automatic order matching system was considered by the SFC to be a good prima facie indicator that the company and its directors are not involved in the share buy-back.

All respondents were supportive of the proposed amendment, while one requested the SFC to confirm that the appointment of a broker to effect a share buy-back is not by itself considered as direct or indirect involvement by the company or its directors in soliciting, selecting or identifying sellers.  Therefore, in the Consultation Conclusions, the SFC added the following note:

Note to the definition of on-market share buy-back:
The appointment of a broker to effect buying-back of shares would not in itself be treated as the company or its directors being involved in the solicitation, selection or identification of sellers of shares.

Analysis and Takeaways

With a view to bringing greater certainty to the market, the SFC has put enormous effort in codifying the Executive’s existing practice in the Consultation Paper, and has further made clarifications to the same in the Consultation Conclusions.  As to the transactions that have already been announced before the amendments come into force, it is advised in the Consultation Conclusions that the Executive be consulted to then search for a fair solution for all parties involved.

Please contact our Mr. Rodney Teoh (Partner) for any enquiries or further information.

This news update is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.

29 Sep 2023

(中文) 港股除牌机制之解释(续篇):房地产公司的停牌与复牌现况分析

(中文) 1. 引言
如您希望全面了解香港上市公司停牌、复牌和除牌的相关规则,我们建议您阅读我们之前的两篇文章:“港股除牌机制之解析(上篇):规则概要及最新数据”, 与“港股除牌机制之解析(下篇):因业务不足而停牌公司的复牌之路”。

2. 内地房地产企业及物业管理企业的停牌和复牌数据
根据香港交易所指引信HKEX-GL95-18(「GL95-18」) ,联交所在上市公司停牌后会给予一段补救期(主板公司标准补救期为18个月)。在补救期内,联交所会根据公司所公布的具体导致停牌的事项以及所发现的问题而发出复牌条件/指引,这通常会在停牌后的首三个月内发出,并可根据后续发现的问题修订复牌条件/指引 。若停牌的公司未能在补救期内完全履行复牌条件/指引,则很可能会遭到除牌。
(1) 刊发财务业绩及处理任何审计修改
(2) 证明公司符合上市规则第13.24条
(3) 向市场发布公司的重要资料
(4) 进行独立内部监控检讨
(5) 进行独立调查或独立法证调查,公布调查结果并采取适当的补救措施
(6) 证明并无有关管理层诚信问题
(7) 证明公司董事具备应有之能力水平,以履行其应有技能、谨慎和勤勉行事的责任
(8) 撤回或撤销清盘呈请或清盘令

注1: 该公司的复牌条件还包括重新遵守上市规则第3.10及3.21条

注2: 该公司的复牌条件复牌条件证明公司符合上市规则第3.05及3.28条

注3: 该公司的复牌条件还包括重新遵守上市规则第3.10、3.10A、3.21条及3.27A条







3. 如何履行复牌指引

3.1 刊发财务业绩及处理任何审计修改




3.2 证明公司符合上市规则第13.24条


房地产板块的企业虽然是由延发业绩而导致停牌,但也需要符合13.24 条。这是因为在GL95-18于2022年6月的更新中,联交所新增了一项规定:“如发行人未能按《上市规则》的规定定期刊发财务业绩,联交所无法监察发行人的商业活动、营运状况及财务表现,以评估该发行人是否拥有《上市规则》第 13.24 条规定的足够的业务运作及资产,以支持其继续上市。在这些情况下,作为复牌条件/指引,联交所将要求发行人显示其符合《上市规则》第 13.24条方可复牌。”

如何证明上市公司拥有足够的资产及业务,并无量化准则,但有关业务必须为实质,业务模式必须为可行及可持续发展。在HKEX-GL95-18中联交所指出据过往经验,因未能遵守《上市规则》第 13.24 条而停牌的发行人,可能已(i)完全或大致上停止营运,或只维持有限度的营运;或(ii)因财政困难或失去主要营运附属公司而停止所有或大部分营运。因此,因未能符合13.24条而被停牌的发行人需要重新符合第 13.24 条比较困难(见下篇)。



3.3 向市场发布公司的重要资料



3.4 进行独立内部监控检讨 \ 进行独立调查,公布调查结果并采取适当的补救措施



3.5 证明并无有关管理层诚信问题 / 证明公司董事具备应有之能力水平,以履行其应有技能、谨慎和勤勉行事的责任




3.6 解除清盘呈请



4. 已除牌房地产企业

在讨论了成功复牌的房地产企业后,我们再来看看已被除牌的企业。江西房企新力控股集团的股份自2021年 9 月 20 日起已暂停买卖。根据《上市规则》第 6.01A(1)条,若该公司未能于 2023 年 3 月 19 日或之前复牌,联交所可将该公司除牌。然而,新力控股并未于该限期前公布财务业绩。于2023年3月24 日,上市委员会决定根据《上市规则》第 6.01A(1)条取消该公司股份在联交所的上市地位。对于一众在2022年4月停牌的房地产板块企业而言,2023年的9月30日将会是它们履行复牌条件的限期,如在该限期前未能成功复牌,将会面临与新力控股一样的摘牌命运。


5. 结语










28 Sep 2023



In response to growing concerns regarding unregulated virtual asset trading platforms (“VATPs”), on 25 September 2023, the Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”) announced the introduction of a series of measures aimed at reinforcing information dissemination and investor education.

Recognising both the potential benefits and risks associated with virtual asset activities, the SFC has been at the forefront of implementing a comprehensive regulatory framework since 2017.  The SFC has also been monitoring virtual asset activities in Hong Kong to detect possible breaches of law under its regulatory remit through gathering information from different sources, including market news, media reports, frequent dialogues with the industry, complaints and social media.  Where appropriate, the SFC would put entities on the Alert List and refer cases to the Police for further investigation.

 New Measures

The SFC has been working closely with its subsidiary, the Investor and Financial Education Council (the “IFEC”), to educate and warn investors about the risks associated with trading on unregulated virtual asset platforms.  The recent JPEX incident highlighted the importance of proper regulation and information dissemination to maintain market confidence.  In light of this, the SFC will be implementing the following measures:

Publishing VATP lists To ensure that information is disseminated in a clear, transparent and timely manner, the SFC will publish various lists, including:

  1. a “List of licensed VATPs”;
  2. a “List of closing-down VATPs” setting out the names of VATPs required by law to close down within a specified period;
  3. a “List of deemed licensed VATPs” consisting of the names of VATPs which are deemed to be licensed as of 1 June 2024; and
  4. a list of VATP applicants.


Issuing a dedicated list of suspicious VATPs The SFC will enhance and prominently display a dedicated list of suspicious VATPs on its website.  This list will help the public identify potentially fraudulent platforms and raise awareness about the associated risks.  The SFC will also consider providing additional information about these VATPs to alert investors at an earlier stage.


Launching public awareness campaign The SFC and the IFEC will launch a public campaign to raise awareness and educate the public about guarding against fraud.  Through mass media, social media platforms, and education talks, they aim to enhance understanding of the risks associated with virtual assets and potential fraudulent activities.


Strengthening intelligence gathering and enforcement The SFC will continue to strengthen its intelligence gathering process related to virtual asset businesses.  It will take follow-up actions and enforcement actions against suspicious VATPs that may have violated the law.  The SFC encourages the public to report any suspicious activities through its Online Complaint Form, as public complaints serve as a valuable source of intelligence.


Analysis and takeaways

With its comprehensive regulatory framework and proactive approach, the SFC is committed to protecting investors’ interests, maintaining market confidence, and fostering a sustainable and responsible development of the Web3 ecosystem in Hong Kong.  By implementing stringent measures, enhancing investor education, and collaborating with other regulators and stakeholders, the SFC aims to create a well-regulated environment for virtual asset trading and to mitigate any potential risks.

Please contact our Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

This news update is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.

26 Sep 2023

(中文) 本所与前海金控成功合办「前海金融政策和营商环境推介会」

(中文) 为帮助香港企业了解前海最新金融业政策,深化深港金融合作,2023年9月15日,由前海金融控股有限公司和史蒂文生黄律师事务所联合主办,前海金融同业公会协办的「前海金融政策和营商环境推介会」在本所位于中环的办公室圆满举办。

前海金融控股总经理张平 (左) 和本所合伙人劳恒晃律师 (右) 为本次座谈会致开幕辞。

会上,本所投资基金团队负责人陈卓雁律师介绍了两种常见投资“合格境外有限合伙人”基金(QFLP 基金)的投资架构和香港的投资基金架构 – LPF (Limited Partnership Fund) 和OFC (Open-ended Fund Company),并分享了选择基金载体时的相关考虑因素。



左起: 前海金控首席风控官黄键、本所合伙人劳恒晃律师、前海金控总经理张平、和深圳前海金融同业公会执行副会长雷振锋


21 Sep 2023

Partner Heidi Chui Wins “Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year” at The ALB Hong Kong Law Awards 2023

We are proud to announce that our Partner and Head of the Dispute Resolution department, Ms Heidi Chui, has won the “Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year” at the ALB Hong Kong Law Awards 2023. The award ceremony took place on 15 September 2023 at the JW Marriott, with legal professionals from Hong Kong and globally gathered to celebrate excellence in the legal industry. Our Partners, Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Rodney Teoh, and Mr. Gordon Tsang attended the event.

From the left: Our Partners Mr. Gordon Tsang, Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Rodney Teoh

The ALB Hong Kong Law Awards is one of the most prestigious and longest-running awards in Hong Kong’s legal community, recognizing the outstanding performance by private practitioners and in-house teams in the region.

Our firm was named finalists in five award categories: “Civil Litigation Law Firm of the Year”, “International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year”, “Matrimonial and Family Law Firm of the Year”, “Private Wealth Law Firm of the Year” and “Hong Kong Law Firm of the Year”. In addition, Ms. Chui was also nominated as “Woman Lawyer of the Year, whilst our Partner Gordon Tsang, was nominated as “Young Lawyer of the Year”.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ALB for organizing such an incredible event and congratulate all the winners and finalists.

Congratulations to Ms. Chui on this well-deserved recognition!