28 Dec 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄受邀出席“晋港商事仲裁调解制度学术交流会”,并担任分享嘉宾

(中文) 2019年12月28日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人,诉讼与争议解决部及银行与金融部主管徐凯怡律师、诉讼团队卢家俊律师和黄晊晄律师受邀,出席在山西太原举办的“晋港商事仲裁调解制度学术交流会”,并担任分享嘉宾。

“晋港商事仲裁调解制度学术交流会”是由史蒂文生黄律师事务所和上海市锦天城 (太原)律师事务所 (下称“锦天城太原分所”) 共同主办,并由中国国家贸易促进委员会山西调解中心协办,以“优化山西营商环境、促进港澳台投资”为主题,就晋港两地商事仲裁调解制度的法律和实务展开交流与合作。






27 Dec 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co.’s Partner Mr. Hank Lo Recognized at The A-List 2019: China’s Elite 100 Lawyers by China Business Law Journal

We are delighted to announce that our firm’s partner Mr. Hank Lo has been recognised as one of China’s Elite 100 Lawyers (Foreign Lawyer) by China Business Law Journal in their A-list 2019 for his profound legal knowledge and outstanding practice experiences.

Mr. Lo joined the firm in 1997 and was admitted to practise as a solicitor in Hong Kong (1989), Singapore (1995) and England and Wales (1996). He was also recognised as “Corporate Finance Lawyer of the Year in Hong Kong” at the International Advisory Experts 2019 Awards.

Mr. Lo, the head of Corporate Finance, specializes in capital markets, corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions matters. He has significant experience in advising issuers, sponsors and underwriters on initial public offerings on both the main and GEM boards of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited; advising publicly listed companies on a broad range of corporate finance transactions; advising private equity funds, venture capital funds and Hong Kong-listed companies on their investments in and exits from companies with an emphasis on China. He also advises companies in Mainland China on matters including property transactions, foreign investment and initial public offerings in other overseas stock markets.

About The A-List 2019: China’s Elite Lawyers

By sending invitations to survey thousands of in-house counsels and partners of top law firms in China and around the world, the final list is considered based on their landmark deals, cases and other notable achievements over the past year in the China market.

For more information, please visit: https://www.vantageasia.com/china-business-law-journal/china-top-lawyers-2019/#Methodology or contact Mr. Hank Lo.

24 Dec 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co.’s senior associate Mr. Gordon Tsang and associate Mr. Ian Chu received awards in the Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme 2019

We are delighted to announce that our firm’s senior associate Mr. Gordon Tsang and associate Mr. Ian Chu have been recognised for their pro bono services in the Community Work Recognition Programme 2019. Organised by the Law Society of Hong Kong, the awards aims to recognise and commend its members’ selfless contributions in pro bono services.

Mr. Gordon Tsang has received an Individual Bronze Award which is the 5th consecutive year for him to be recognised by the Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme.

Our firm’s senior associate Mr. Gordon Tsang (3rd from the left)

Mr. Ian Chu has been awarded with an Individual Gold Award which is his 3rd consecutive year for receiving this award. He said, “I always believe that lawyers have additional obligations in society, that is, to apply their knowledge for the betterment of society. Participating in Pro Bono and Community services can help achieve this purpose.”.

Our firm’s associate Mr. Ian Chu (1st from the right)

About the Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme

The Law Society of Hong Kong’s Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme aims to encourage law firms and members to carry out pro bono and community focused work; it was set up in January 2010. All members, trainee solicitors and registered foreign lawyers who are active in giving back are given the opportunity to be recognised and appreciated.

For more information, please contact Mr. Gordon Tsang or Mr. Ian Chu.

21 Dec 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄出席锦天城证券与资本市场专业委员会年会2019 暨“改革与创新”资本市场助力大湾区高质量发展年度法律论坛

(中文) 本所曾浩贤高级律师、洪鸿涛律师助理及高级行政主任卢韵洁女士于2019年 12月 21 日出席在深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店举行的证券与资本市场专业委员会年会2019 暨 “改革与创新”资本市场助力大湾区高质量发展年度法律论坛。是次论坛吸引来自金融、证券行业的嘉宾、锦天城总部与各分所合伙人及律师莅临会议。

左起: 本所洪鸿涛律师助理、高级行政主任卢韵洁女士、曾浩贤高级律师、锦天城罗雪辉高级合伙人及黄有川合伙人

论坛于上午召开,由锦天城高级合伙人杨文明和江志君主持。锦天城律师事务所主任顾功耘教授、深圳市司法局领导及锦天城深圳办公室管委会主任高田高级合伙人分别为论坛致开幕词。在上午的演讲时段,大会邀请了一众演讲嘉宾分享了资本市场改革与展望和资本市场法律服务的要点和见解。其后下午的两场圆桌会议则分别探讨了创业板注册制改革热点展望和科创板 IPO重点法律问题分析及经验分享 。是次论坛由锦天城高级合伙人徐军作论坛闭幕致辞,为活动画上圆满句号。


18 Dec 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. recognised as “Best Legal Advisory” for 3 Consecutive Years by Wealth APAC – IPWM & IFWM 2019 China Awards

On 18 Dec 2019, the Wealth APAC – IPWM & IFWM 2019 China Awards Ceremony was held at Wanda Reign Hotel in Shanghai. Our firm was named “Best Legal Advisory” for 3 consecutive years, senior associate Mr. Calvin Lo and marketing and communication executive Ms. Julia Yeung attended the award ceremony.

Our firm’s senior associate, Mr. Calvin Lo

Sponsored by Wealth Management Magazine and jointly sponsored by China Chief Economist Forum, the Wealth APAC – IPWM & IFWM 2019 China Awards aims to recognise outstanding firms and services in the Asia-Pacific region. The scoring criteria are “Representatives cases of family legal services, wealth planning & management and inheritance services”, “Effective education activities for Chinese customers” and “Corporation of institutions and projects of China and overseas”.

Our firm is delighted to receive the honour for 3 consecutive years and appreciate the recognition of Wealth Management Magazine. With a full spectrum of practice areas, our firm will continue to provide clients with excellent, reliable legal services and solutions.

Our firm’s senior associate Mr. Calvin Lo and marketing & communications executive Ms. Julia Yeung

Please contact Ms. Catherine Por or Mr. Calvin Lo for any inquiry or further information.

16 Dec 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄受邀出席香港中资银行跨境争议解决研讨会,并担任分享嘉宾

(中文) 2019年12月16日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人,诉讼与争议解决部,银行与金融事务部主管徐凯怡律师受邀出席香港中资银行的跨境争议解决专业研讨会,并担任分享嘉宾。

本次香港中资银行跨境争议解决专业研讨会是由香港中资银行业协会法律事务委员会举办,出席嘉宾包括但不限于中国银行(香港)有限公司、中国工商银行(亚洲)、中国建设银行 (亚洲) 股份有限公司、国家开发银行、中国光大银行、中国农业银行等香港中资银行的法务部、合规部及不良资产处置部等主管及相关负责人士。

如阁下想了解更多有关本所法律服务,请联络本所合伙人徐凯怡律师 heidichui.office@sw-hk.com。