30 Apr 2021

(中文) 合伙人徐凯怡律师加入首批南京律协 “涉外律师人才培养导师”

(中文) 2021 年4月24日,南京市律师协会主办的 “涉外培训导师库” 在市律协报告厅举行成立仪式。本所合伙人﹑银行及金融部和诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,获邀加入首批 “涉外律师人才培养导师” 成员之一。

为在南京建立一支通晓国际规则、具有国际视野的涉外法律服务队伍,南京市律协决定成立 “涉外律师人才培养导师团”,以进一步提升南京律师从事涉外法律服务的专业能力。

如阁下想了解更多详情,请联络本所合伙人徐凯怡律师 (heidichui.office@sw-hk.com)。

30 Apr 2021

(中文) 合伙人徐凯怡律师受邀为华夏银行担任专业培训讲师

(中文) 2021年4月30日, 本所合伙人、 银行与金融部主管徐凯怡律师应华夏银行香港分行 (“华夏”) 邀请担任专业培训讲师﹐为华夏的管理层和员工分享跨境融资业务的法律实务要点。

左起: 本所注册外地律师邓商琳﹑本所合伙人、 银行与金融部主管徐凯怡律师﹑华夏银行 (香港) 副行长林风华女士﹑法律合规部总经理李淇先生和本所公司秘书服务部主管王燕华女士

徐律师在课程上介绍了各项跨境融资业务产品,如内保外贷﹑外保内贷及债券投资等﹐以及不同担保方式或抵押品的法律操作要点。她亦就信贷文件之法律风险和签立文件及注册书须知等热点问题作出了详尽的解说。最后, 徐律师探讨了香港特区政府和香港金管局最新出台的措施和未来计划,包括「债券通」南向交易﹑「绿色及可持续债券市场」和「跨境理财通」等。此次培训全面强化了与会者对跨境融资产品及相关法律实务的理解,并与在场的参会客户在不同领域有更深的交流。

若阁下想了解更多详情,请联络本所合伙人徐凯怡律师 (heidichui.office@sw-hk.com)。

23 Apr 2021

(中文) SPAC热潮袭港: 投资者须知

(中文) 一、SPAC在香港的最新动态

SPAC(即Special Purpose Acquisition Company特殊目的收购公司)虽然多年来只盛行于美国资本市场,但经过近几年上市数量及集资金额的爆发性增长后,全球市场都开始更加关注SPAC。截至今年3月31日,仅3个月的时间,美国SPAC上市数量已达298家,募资额约971.26亿美元,上市数量和募资额已经双双超越2020年全年的数字。据报,香港企业家如长和系创办人李嘉诚及新世界发展行政总裁郑志刚等也计划或正在于美国筹组SPAC上市,个别集资额高达4亿美元。





SPAC一般由发起人(如基金管理机构)发起成立,进行首次公开募股(IPO – Initial Public Offering),由券商从机构投资者和散户投资者中筹集资金,经批准后,该只有资金而没有营运业务的公司在证券交易所上市交易。通常,IPO中筹集的现金100%放置在监管帐户中,直到SPAC完成业务合并时才释放。










借壳上市(又称反收购Reverse Takeover)一般发生在一家规模较小或业务无以为继的上市公司,与一家规模相对较大的私人企业之间,名义上是上市公司收购私人企业以扩展业务,实质为把私人业务及资产上市,又能规避新上市规定的一种方法。壳公司的价值曾经达到数亿港元,导致不少人巧立名目造壳以图利。但这种手法一般枉顾其他投资者的利益,擅自改变上市公司的业务及处置资产,也大大损害市场的诚信、稳健及质素,影响投资者的信心,因此成为港交所的重点打击对象。




















19 Apr 2021


On 31 March 2021, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Exchange”) published a consultation paper (the “Consultation Paper”) on a proposed streamlined listing regime for overseas issuers.  According to the Exchange, this is contextual to its Strategic Plan 2019-2021 announced in February 2019, which contained an initiative to continue to develop Hong Kong as a listing and capital raising hub for major global and regional companies on either a primary or secondary basis, thereby attracting global investments seeking exposure to Asia Pacific companies and Mainland investors seeking international exposure.

The Exchange considered the current regime is affected by issues such as complexity of requirements for overseas issuers, inconsistent shareholder protection standards for recognised jurisdictions and acceptable jurisdictions, co-existence of two secondary listing regimes and more restrictive secondary listing requirements for issuers with a centre of gravity in Greater China. In view of these and other issues set out in the Consultation paper, the Exchange set out its proposals, for comment, on amendments to the Listing Rules to streamline the existing regime for overseas issuers (including those with a centre of gravity in Greater China), and also make consequential amendments to the requirements for all issuers (including Hong Kong issuers and PRC issuers).

Summary of proposals

The proposals of the Exchange are at the following dimensions.  Comparison is made with the existing regime for illustrative purpose.  Capitalised terms shall have the same meaning as defined in the Consultation Paper.

Existing Regime

Proposed Regime

1. Recognised Jurisdictions and Acceptable Jurisdictions

a. Three “Recognised Jurisdictions” – Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and the PRC

b. 28 “Acceptable Jurisdictions”, i.e. jurisdictions (other than Hong Kong, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and the PRC) that the Exchange has accepted as an issuer’s place of incorporation eligible for listing in Hong Kong

a. No more distinction between Recognised Jurisdictions and Acceptable Jurisdictions

2. Shareholder protection standards

a. All issuers must comply with Appendix 3 to the Listing Rules

b. Overseas Issuers incorporated in Recognised Jurisdictions must comply with the applicable part of Appendix 13 to the Listing Rules

c. Overseas Issuers incorporated in Acceptable Jurisdictions must demonstrate they can comply with the Equivalence Requirement (i.e. the Listing Rules requirement that an Overseas Issuer must be incorporated or otherwise established in a jurisdiction where the standards of shareholder protection are at least equivalent to those provided in Hong Kong) by meeting the JPS Key Shareholder Protection Standards set out in the Country Guides

d. However, “Grandfathered Greater China Issuers” (i.e. Greater China issuers primary listed on a Qualifying Exchange, namely, the New York Stock Exchange LLC, NASDAQ Stock Market or the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange plc (and belonging to the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s “Premium Listing” segment) on or before 15 December 2017) and Non-Greater China Issuers (i.e. issuers primary listed on a Qualifying Exchange, which are not issuers with centre of gravity in Greater China)  are subject to another set of requirements in Chapter 19C

a. The shareholder protection standards in Chapter 19C of and Appendices 3 and 13 to the Listing Rules and the JPS will be replaced by one common set of Core Standards applicable to all issuers to establish a baseline level of investor protection for all issuers regardless of their places of incorporation

b.The Core Standards cover the most fundamental shareholders’ rights relating to the notice and conduct of shareholders’ meetings, approval of important matters, members’ right to requisition a meeting, remove directors, vote, speak and appoint proxies/corporate representatives, auditors, appointment of directors to fill casual vacancies and inspection of shareholders’ register, etc. which are based on standards set out in the HKCO or already required under the Listing Rules.

c.The Equivalence Requirement will be repealed as a result

3. Dual primary listings

a. Grandfathered Greater China Issuers with Non-compliant WVR and/ or VIE Structures cannot retain such structures while applying for dual primary listing directly, but may become dual primary listed on the Exchange with such structures if they secondary list in Hong Kong first, and subsequently there is significant demand for their shares such that the Trading Migration Requirement (i.e. the requirement under Listing Rule 19C.13 that if the majority of trading in Greater China Issuer’s listed shares migrates to the Exchange’s markets on a permanent basis, the Exchange will regard the issuer as having a dual primary listing and consequently the Automatic Waivers will no longer apply to such issuer) is triggered

b. Common Waivers available to primary and dual-primary listed Overseas Issuers are set out in the JPS

a. Grandfathered Greater China Issuers and Non-Greater China Issuers with non-compliant WVR and/ or VIE Structures may apply directly for a dual primary listing and retain the non-compliant structures, as long as they meet the eligibility and suitability requirements of Chapter 19C for Qualifying Issuers with a WVR structure

b. Codification of some conditional Common Waivers for dual-primary listed issuers and the principles for granting Common Waivers

4. Secondary listings

a. Two routes: the JPS (only available to Overseas Issuers that do not have a centre of gravity in Greater China) and Chapter 19C of the Listing Rules

b. Common Waivers available to secondary listed Overseas Issuers are only set out in the JPS

c. Automatic Waivers are (a) set out in the JPS for JPS Secondary Issuers; and (b) codified in Chapter 19C of the Listing Rules for issuers with, or seeking, a secondary listing under that chapter

d. Greater China Issuers with or without a WVR structure must (i) demonstrate that they are “Innovative Companies”; and (ii) have a minimum market capitalisation at listing of HK$40 billion (or HK$10 billion with revenue of HK$1 billion in the most recent audited financial year)

e. Only Greater China Issuers are subject to the Trading Migration Requirement

f. JPS Automatic Waivers eligibility requirements: (i) Listing on a Recognised Stock Exchange (as set out in JPS); (ii) Five years’ good compliance record; (iii) Market capitalisation of US$400 million (approximately HK$3.1 billion) or more

g. Listing Rules are silent on the application of Automatic Waivers for a secondary listed issuer that de-lists from the stock exchange on which it is primary listed

h. Listing Rules are silent on whether a Grandfathered Greater China Issuer or a Non-Greater China Issuer can retain its Non-compliant WVR and/ or VIE Structures if it delists from the overseas exchange on which it was primary listed

a. Codification and consolidation of requirements of the two routes to secondary listing

b. Codification of all secondary listing related JPS provisions (including Common Waivers and Automatic Waivers for JPS Secondary Issuers) into Chapter 19C of the Listing Rules

c. Non-WVR Greater China Issuers seeking a secondary listing (i) are no longer required to demonstrate that they are “Innovative Companies”; and (ii) have the option of meeting a minimum market capitalisation at listing of either HK$3 billion (with a track record of good regulatory compliance of at least five full financial years on a Qualifying Exchange or on any Recognised Stock Exchange, as the case may be) or HK$10 billion (with a track record of good regulatory compliance of at least two full financial years on a Qualifying Exchange)

d. All secondary listed issuers are subject to the Trading Migration Requirement

e. Codification of JPS Automatic Waiver eligibility requirements with minor modifications: (a) the compliance record requirement changed from “five years” to “five full financial years”; and (b) the minimum expected market capitalisation requirement changed from US$400 million to HK$3 billion

f. An issuer will be regarded as having a primary listing on the Exchange upon its de-listing from the stock exchange on which it is primary listed. The issuer shall notify the Exchange in advance of any anticipated de-listing (voluntary or involuntary) from the stock exchange on which it is primary listed and, among other things, details of any proposed waivers or continued relief/ grace period for full compliance with any Listing Rules requirements (including the bases for requesting such waivers/ relief/ grace period)

g. The Exchange may, on a case-by-case basis, exercise its discretion to grant a time-relief waiver, suspend trading of the issuer’s shares or impose other measures as it considers necessary for the protection of investors and the maintenance of an orderly market. The Exchange will issue relevant guidance.

h. A Grandfathered Greater China Issuer or a Non-Greater China Issuer is allowed to retain its Non-compliant WVR and/ or VIE Structures (subsisting at the time of its secondary listing in Hong Kong) if it de-lists from the Qualifying Exchange on which it is primary listed

Analysis and Takeaways

The Consultation Paper represents an attempt of the Exchange to unify the existing regimes relating to the application for dual primary and secondary listings of overseas issuers.  As the Exchange observed, the market feedback was that the rules are “fragmented, complex and difficult to navigate”, and as a result, the complexity of these requirements may not be conducive to compliance.

The proposed changes are expected to enhance comprehensibility of the rules and the regulatory regime as a whole, resulting in higher regulatory certainty.  It is expected that this may create incentives for overseas issuers which are already primary listed in other exchanges, to explore possibilities of applying for dual primary listing or secondary listing on the Exchange.

It should also be noted that the proposed changes have removed certain more restrictive requirements for issuers with a centre of gravity in Greater China.  This may well encourage and facilitate further “homecoming” secondary listing attempts of these issuers.

Please contact our Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

This newsletter is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.

14 Apr 2021

(中文) 香港《2021年仲裁 (修订) 条例》将于5月19日全面生效

(中文) 《修订条例》将于下月全面生效

香港《2021年仲裁 (修订) 条例》(下称「《修订条例》」)  将于下月,即2021年5月19日,全面生效。《修订条例》旨在实施由最高人民法院与香港特区政府订立的《关于内地与香港特别行政区相互执行仲裁裁决的补充安排》(下称「《补充安排》」),以及作出轻微文本修订,并更新《仲裁 ( 纽约公约缔约方 ) 令》(第609章,附属法例A)。《修订条例》共有3个部分,其中包括:

(1) 第1部的导言,规定了该条例的简称及生效日期;

(2) 第2部的修订《仲裁条例》,包括根据补充安排的修订内容,取消对于认可内地仲裁当局的「名单制」以及允许当事方同时向内地和香港特区的法院申请执行仲裁裁决;及

(3) 第3部的修订《仲裁 (纽约公约缔约方) 令》,在附表加入帕劳、埃塞俄比亚、汤加和塞拉利昂四个缔约方。


2020年11月27日,香港特区政府与最高人民法院签署《补充安排》,对两地于1999年6月21日签订的《关于内地与香港特别行政区相互执行仲裁裁决的安排》(下称「《安排》」) 进行修订,在以下几个方面对《安排》的内容进行进一步的完善:

(a) 更明确地订明在《安排》有关执行仲裁裁决方面涵盖「认可」一词;

(b) 更明确地以明文厘清当事方可以在法院接受执行仲裁裁决的申请之前或之后申请保全措施;

(c) 取消对于认可内地仲裁当局的「名单制」,使仲裁裁决范围的定义与国际上普遍采用的《纽约公约》的「仲裁地」定义方式保持一致;及

(d) 免除目前在《安排》下的限制,允许当事方同时向内地和香港特区的法院申请执行仲裁裁决。

上述第 (a) 及 (b) 项的修订已经于《补充安排》签订的同日生效,即2020年11月27日。而第 (c) 及 (d) 项的修订将通过《修订条例》于2021年5月19日起正式生效。






本文由本所合伙人,诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师黄晊晄律师撰写。若阁下想了解更多详情,请联络本所徐凯怡律师 (heidichui.office@sw-hk.com)。
