Our firm’s partner, Ms. Sherlynn Chan, was invited to be the guest lecturer of a webinar titled “Civil Aspects of Mental Health Law – Committee, Guardianship and Advance Care Planning” for the University of Hong Kong on 25 March 2020.
The students in this 3-hour interactive seminar were from various programmes, including LLM programmes, the JD programme, and the Master of Public Health programme. The lecture covered an overview of Parts II and IVB of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136) and other planning tools available to “prevent, protect and prepare”, such as Advance Care Planning, Enduring Powers of Attorney, and Continuing Powers of Attorney.
There were engaging discussions on the potential issues vulnerable elderly persons face in our society, the inadequacy of Hong Kong’s current regime in protecting such persons, and different ways to reform the Committee and Guardianship regimes.
For more information or enquiries, please contact Ms. Sherlynn Chan.