25 Apr 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended Inter-Pacific Bar Association (“IPBA”) 2019 Annual Meeting and Conference

On 25-27 April 2019, Stevenson, Wong & Co. (“SW”) associate Mr. Ian Chu attended the 29th Inter-Pacific Bar Association (“IPBA”) Annual Meeting and Conference in Singapore. The Annual Meeting and Conference was well attended by more than 1000 delegates from multiple jurisdictions.

Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong delivered the opening plenary address. The theme of the conference was “Technology, Business and Law – Global Perspectives”, which aimed to examine the legal challenges arising from global regulatory and technological developments. A broad range of other legal issues such as cross-border investment, arbitration and international commercial courts were also discussed in the conference.

Please contact Mr. Ian Chu for further enquiry or information.

24 Apr 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. assisted Wai Hung Group Holdings Limited (3321) in its successful listing on HKEX

SW acted as the Hong Kong legal advisers to Wai Hung Group Holdings Limited (stock code: 3321) (“Wai Hung Group”) in its successful listing of its shares on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”).

The shares of Wai Hung Group were listed on the Stock Exchange on 23 April 2019. 125 million shares were offered, among which 25 million were public offer shares and 100 million were placing shares. The final offer price was HK$1.4 per share and the proceeds amounted to approximately HK$175 million.

Wai Hung Group is a contractor providing fitting-out services and repair and maintenance services in Macau. Wai Hung Group’s fitting-out services primarily cover refitting works for existing buildings and extend to casinos, retail areas, hotels, restaurants, commercial properties and residential properties.

Please contact our Mr. Hank Lo, Ms. Erica Cheng or Mr. Aaron Xie for any enquiries or further information about this transaction.

21 Apr 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄受邀出席中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会活动,并分享主题演说

(中文) 2019年4月21日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人,诉讼及争议解决部和银行及金融部主管徐凯怡律师受中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 (下文简称“贸仲”) 邀请,于上海出席贸仲活动“商事仲裁实务问题与经验分享”,并分享“商事仲裁中策略与手法创新”主题演说。



17 Apr 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄于香港科学园进行“香港虚拟银行”专题分享

(中文) 2019年4月17日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人,银行与金融部,诉讼与争议排解部主管徐凯怡律师受邀,在香港科学园分享主题为“香港虚拟银行的发展及监管要求”的专题演说。徐凯怡律师与众多数字资产生态链行家一道,就香港虚拟银行、金融科技和电子交易平台的发展交换意见并分享经验。


17 Apr 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Partner Ms. Sherlynn Chan Attended International Dispute Resolution Conference 2019 – New Era of Global Collaboration

Stevenson, Wong & Co. (“SW”) partner Ms. Sherlynn Chan attended the International Dispute Resolution Conference 2019 – New Era of Global Collaboration on 17 April 2019 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The conference was organized by United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”), Hong Kong Mediation Centre (“HKMC”), International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute (“IDRRMI”) and Department of Justice (“DoJ”).

Distinguished guests including The Hon Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), H.E. Mr. Xie Feng, Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the HKSAR, Mr. Ye Jun, Deputy Director General of Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Commerce of the PRC (“MOFCOM”) and The Hon Mr. Justice Jeremy Poon, Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court, Judiciary of the HKSAR attended the conference and delivered the opening remarks. The conference attracted more than 900 attendees from experts, practitioners, officials, scholars, entrepreneurs and those interested in dispute resolution.

Mr. Rimsky Yuen, Former Secretary for Justice, Advisory Board Member of IDRRMI and Senior Counsel of Temple Chambers delivered the keynote speech on the topic of “Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation: Gaps and Bridges”. There were also four sessions: “Trend of Using International Dispute Resolution to Address Trading and Investment Disputes”, “Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation”, “State-to-State Dispute Resolution and Investor-State Dispute Resolution” and “Mediation – a Smart Way to Resolve International Intellectual Property Disputes”. The 1-day Conference aims to foster discussion on emerging trends in dispute resolution and the impact of the “Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation” as newly approved by United Nations on international business environment. The conference ended with the closing remarks delivered by Ms. Christina Cheung, Law Officer (Civil Law) of DoJ.

Please contact Ms. Sherlynn Chan for any enquiries or further information about this event.

13 Apr 2019

(中文) 史蒂文生黄受邀出席“两岸三地区块链法律实务讲座”,并担任演说嘉宾

(中文) 2019年4月13日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所合伙人,诉讼与争议解决部和银行与金融部主管徐凯怡律师受邀出席在福建福州举办的“两岸三地区块链法律实务讲座”,并受邀担任演说嘉宾,为现场嘉宾们带来“区块链大时代——区块链技术在香港的最新应用、规管和机遇”的主题演说。

