10 Feb 2018

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Attended AllBright Annual Dinner 2018

AllBright Annual Dinner was successfully held on 10 February 2018 at Shanghai International Convention Center. Stevenson, Wong & Co. Partners Mr. Willy Cheng, Mr. Hank Lo, Mr. Eric Lui, Ms. Cornelia Chu, Ms. Heidi Chui, Mr. Stephen Wong, Mr. Rodney Teoh and other SW staff attended the annual dinner.

Managing Director of AllBright Law Office, Mr. Wu Mingde delivered a Lunar New Year Message to all attendees. SW Partner Mr. Willy Cheng and Bird & Bird representative, Mr. Justin Walkey also delivered a speech. Mr. Cheng said that SW attached importance to the cooperation with AllBright as AllBright, provides a platform for SW to develop its market in China. SW looks forward to further cooperation with AllBright so as to have greater success in the future.

Lawyers and representatives from all 19 AllBright offices in China joined the event. The dinner was a perfect opportunity for all members of AllBright to come together and celebrate another successful year whilst recognizing the efforts made by all staff throughout the year. This year, talented representatives from different branch offices provided wonderful entertainment as part of an enjoyable evening.

SW’s performing group gave a wonderful performance titled “Funky Night” and sang two songs. They sang and danced on the stage which gave a lively atmosphere and received thunderous applause.

From left to right: Mr. Christopher Cheung (trainee solicitor); Ms. Florence Wai (associate); Ms. Ellie Cheung (associate); Mr. Rodney Teoh (partner); Mr. Gordon Tsang (associate); Mr. Wilfred Cheng (trainee solicitor) and Ms. Ivy Yeung (trainee solicitor).

Please contact our Mr. Willy Cheng or Mr. Hank Lo for any enquiries or further information about this event.