20 Feb 2019

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Successfully Hosted Interlaw 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (I)

Stevenson, Wong & Co. (“SW”) successfully hosted the Interlaw 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting held in Hong Kong between 20 February and 23 February. The meeting was well attended attracting more than 40 delegates and guests from multiple jurisdictions.

The Welcome Cocktail Reception and Dinner was held at the Happy Valley Racecourse on 20 February 2019. SW Partners Mr. Willy Cheng, Ms. Lai Lam, Ms. Janice Chin, Ms. Heidi Chui, Ms. Sherlynn Chan, Mr. Stephen Wong, Mr. Rodney Teoh and Ms. Milly Hung, Senior Associates Mr. Terence Lau, Mr. Calvin Lo, Mr. Gordon Tsang and Mr. Karl Wong, legal executive Mr. Stanley Hung and other SW staff attended the dinner. Mr. Willy Cheng and Interlaw Chair Mr. Glenn Cunningham delivered their speeches to welcome all delegates and guests to the 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting hosted by our firm. Delegates and guests tried their luck at this exciting mid-week race held at this world famous arena.

Mr. Willy Cheng, Partner of Stevenson, Wong & Co.

Mr. Glenn Cunningham, Chair of Interlaw

From left to right: Ms. Lai Lam (SW), Mr. Brett Hearnden (Delegate), Shafraz Khan (Delegate), Ms. Milly Hung (SW), Ms. Janice Chin (SW), Mr. Stephen Wong (SW) and Mr. Michael Siebold (Delegate)

From left to right: Mr. Dominique Blommaert (Delegate), Ms. Sherlynn Chan (SW) and Ms. Heidi Chui (SW)

Please contact Mr. Willy Cheng or Ms. Lai Lam for any enquiries or further information about this event.