23 Oct 2015

Trusts Law Update

(中文) 单身贵族的困惑

小李为一电商公司高管,公司上市时获得的一批期权,套现后价值几千万。他准备拿出其中一部分投资不同的项目!现在他希望与青梅竹马的同学小清结婚, 小清家里做生产代工的, 业务不错但也会有资金链断裂的风险。


《婚姻法》第四十一条: 离婚时,原为夫妻共同生活所负的债务,应当共同偿还。





免责声明: 于此提供的资料只供参考,须以有关国家/地区法律顾问的法律意见和有关政府行政与司法机关对于适用的法例的解释和应用为准;上述资料亦受制于适用法例的任何不时的更新与修改,如因上述资料而引至任何人士或单位蒙受任何损失,该人士或单位须自行承担一切责任

22 Oct 2015

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended CCBA Wine & Dine Festival Garden Party

On 22 October 2015, SW Partner, Mr. Eric Lui and Banking Department Legal Executive, Mr. Man Wong, attended the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival Garden Party.

This year’s event was sponsored by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (“CCB Asia”). The Festival was held at the Central Harbourfront Event Space, with the city’s neon-lit skyline and iconic Victoria Harbour serving as the backdrop. This amazing view was coupled with great wine and delicious food.

We were invited by CCB Asia together with their prestigious corporate and private clients to join the festival. CCB Asia is a long established client of SW.

Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui and Mr. Man Wong for any enquiries or further information about this event.

21 Oct 2015

Stevenson, Wong & Co. attended the Interlaw AGM Barcelona 2015

Our Willy Cheng and Lai Lam attended the Interlaw Annual Global Meeting held in Barcelona between 21-25 October 2015.

Close to 140 delegates which was a record number from almost every firm attended this annual event.

Both partners attended several Special Business Team Meetings which included Global IP/IT, Managing Partners, Next Generation and Women Lawyers of Interlaw.

Key speaker, Kevn Doolan, Managing Partner of Moller Professional Service Firms Group, University of Cambridge, and also a Harvard University Professor gave an informative talk on the pricing of legal fees and alternative fee structures. Other panel speakers included in-house counsel offering valuable insights into choice of law firms and using networks of independent law firms.

The diary for 2016 has already been planned for Regional conferences in Hanoi, Vietnam, Charlotte North Carolina, USA, Valletta, Malta and ending in with the AGM in Tokyo, Japan.

Michael Siebold, Chairman of Interlaw addressing delegates

Delegates at the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

Women Lawyers of Interlaw

Please contact our Willy Cheng or Lai Lam for any enquiries or further information about this event.

20 Oct 2015

Common Intention Constructive Trust in Commercial Context

The Plaintiff (“P”) and the Defendant (“D”) in Chan Sang v Chan Kwok [2015] 3 HKLRD 131 were brothers. P ran a business in a shop which P and D had equal shares as tenants in common. Their father (“F”) financed P’s purchase of the shop. P alleged that D, F and he had agreed that D would be a registered co-owner of the shop for the purpose of securing repayment of the loan to F. When the loan was fully repaid, D would deregister his name. P had repaid the loan but D refused to deregister his name.

P sought a declaration that he was the sole beneficial owner of the shop and D was holding his shares on trust for P and an order that D transfer his shares to P.

The Court decided that “common intention constructive trust” could be relevant in considering the parties’ common intention as to the beneficial ownership of a property and should not be limited to the “domestic consumer context”. However, the presumption of equality would not apply outside the “domestic consumer context”; whereas, the presumption of resulting trust would apply in a “commercial context”.

In this case, P solely purchased and paid for the shop. D was registered as a tenant in common of the shop to secure P’s repayment of the loan. The loan was already repaid by P. Thus, the Court held that P was the sole beneficial owner of the shop under either the common intention constructive trust or resulting trust principles.

19 Oct 2015

Trusts Law Update

(中文) 重婚,二婚,婚外恋的继承难点

改革开放后,中外交流频繁,外国人在中国重婚实际上是不难操作的。没有统一的婚姻信息联网也导致了中国境内的重婚可能。 年轻一辈为了各种原因在外国结婚的人愈来愈多,也制造了重婚的空间。


这里面就出现了三个继承问题:1)中国继承法还是外国继承法适用问题2)中国继承法的子女是包含非婚生,有抚养关系和合法收养的,那就意味继承时会突然出现“素未谋面的亲戚”!3) 继承权公证时,不排除恶意受益人故意缺席会议,导致继承权没法/延误办理。

张先生离世后, 15岁的继承人发现原来自己是“二奶之子”,面对繁琐的继承流程,长辈离开的悲痛,重新适应生活,父亲美好形象破灭, 母亲意志消沉,还出现争产的情况,把他推到人生崩溃的边缘!

对张先生来讲, 家人之间感情互相伤害,争了好几年后,弱势一方妥协,资产分配也不是他的意愿;没想到几年下来,公司价值下降,证券投资亏损, 是他意料以外的!宝贝儿子从此荒废学业,前途尽毁,才是他最心疼的!




免责声明: 于此提供的资料只供参考,须以有关国家/地区法律顾问的法律意见和有关政府行政与司法机关对于适用的法例的解释和应用为准;上述资料亦受制于适用法例的任何不时的更新与修改,如因上述资料而引至任何人士或单位蒙受任何损失,该人士或单位须自行承担一切责任

17 Oct 2015

Asseted protection client event at FWD Life Insurance Company Limited (Re-run)

On 17 October 2015,SW Head of Business Development (China) Ms. Connie Yeung was invited to speak at a client event at the head office of FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (“FWD”) and delivered a presentation on “How to Protect Assets Through the Establishment of Family Trust and its Benefits. Approximately 60 financial planners and clients attended. The number of participants was double that of the same event held 2 months ago. Real cases were shared and participants all found the sharing both interesting and practical.