23 Mar 2016

Stevenson, Wong & Co. gave a presentation on banking and corporate finance matters

On 23 March 2016, our partner Mr. Eric Lui, senior associate Ms. Freda Au and banking department legal executive Mr. Man Wong together with Mr. Du Xiaodong, partner of AllBright Law Offices were invited by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, Kowloon East Commercial Centre to give a presentation on various banking and corporate finance matters.

Mr. Lui delivered a presentation titled “The Key Points for Overseas IPOs and Merger and Acquisitions Transactions”. The presentation covered the basic requirements for listing in Hong Kong, reorganisation of red-chip companies and loan arrangements when pledging shares of listed companies.

Mr. Du gave his presentation on legal issues faced by offshore banks when dealing with PRC companies. Different PRC laws relating to foreign exchange management and guarantee were explained in great detail.

Please contact our Mr. Eric Lui for any enquiries or further information about this event.