14 May 2021

(中文) 5月19日开始,仲裁胜诉方可同时在内地与香港申请执行仲裁裁决 | 第一时间做好申请文件!

(中文) 引言:

1. 内地公司与境外公司在商谈业务合作的时候,是否经常遇到双方都不想在对方法域的法院解决争议?

2. 双方约定在内地进行仲裁,但在内地取得仲裁裁决之后,债权人却不知道如何对债务人在香港的资产进一步进行查询及确认?

3. 明知道债务人在香港和内地都有资产,债权人却不知道应该优先向何处的法庭申请执行仲裁裁决?

4. 债权人在考虑向香港法庭申请执行仲裁裁决的时候,发现债务人已经在香港变卖甚至准备转移资产离开香港,这时又该如何应对?



近日,英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院 (Queen Mary University of London) 公布2021年国际仲裁调查报告,其中香港获评为全球最受欢迎仲裁地第三位,而香港国际仲裁中心 (HKIAC) 获评为全球第三最受欢迎仲裁机构。其中,50%受访者选择香港作为首选仲裁地,自2018年以来增加22%;而44%的受访者选择HKIAC作为首选仲裁机构,比上次调查增加17%。


作为在「一国两制」的框架下,中国唯一实行普通法的司法管辖区,香港长期以来都是广受认可的仲裁地。许多国际大型的仲裁机构,包括国际商会 (ICC) 和中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 (CIETAC) 都在香港设立有办事处。再加上强大的专业人士包括律师及金融业者的支持,香港依然是蝉联国际上最受欢迎的仲裁地之一。


自从2000年《关于内地与香港特别行政区相互执行 仲裁裁决的安排》生效以来,内地仲裁裁决在香港的执行便得到了香港法院极大的支持。在2000年至2009年期间,香港法院共处理了84宗在香港强制执行内地裁决的申请,所有申请均获得批准。2009年至2017年,在香港申请执行仲裁裁决的案件数量达到249例,其中来自内地地区的裁决数量达到85宗,位居第一,占比34.13%。


在《关于内地与香港特别行政区相互执行仲裁裁决的补充安排》及香港《2021年仲裁 (修订) 条例》(以下简称 “《修订条例》” 及 《补充安排》”) 全面生效后,这一环节将得到完善,仲裁胜诉方将被允许同时向内地和香港法院申请执行仲裁裁决,对仲裁胜诉方的利益提供了保障,亦在一定程度上对债务人转移资产的恶意行为作出了限制,加强了两地仲裁裁决的执行效率和执行力度。



一般而言,债权人可在香港对债务人进行资产调查 (asset search),例如调查债务人在香港持有的房产、车辆、名下公司、仓库、香港公司股权、目前人士出任董事的公司、香港上市公司5%或以上股份权益等。同时,债权人如知悉债务人于香港持有银行户口,而有证据显示债务人存在转移资产逃债的情况,亦可申请第三方披露令 (norwich pharmacal order),要求债务人开设户口的银行提供债务人在某段时间内的银行流水单和交易文件。债权人可通过此方法来查看债务人的银行户口内是否仍有存款,以及款项流向的相关资料,藉此证明债务人存在耗散资产的可能。



在香港,法院和仲裁庭都可以颁发临时措施。香港《仲裁条例》第45条明确规定了不论仲裁是否在香港进行,香港法院都可以就仲裁颁发临时措施,并且在仲裁程序启动前也可以颁发临时措施,包括资产禁制令 (mareva injunction)。为免打草惊蛇,申请人可以在不通知债务人的情况下,单方面 (ex parte) 向香港法院申请资产禁制令,以禁制债务人的资产 (例如银行户口内的资金、公司股份及物业等)。香港法院亦有权限颁下限制债务人在香港以外的司法管辖区不当处置资产的资产禁制令,即全球资产禁制令 (worldwide mareva injunction)。


  • 案情具良好的胜算 (good arguable case):就针对债务人所提出的实质申索而言,债权人的案情具有充分论据支持并有良好的胜算;
  • 资产 (assets):债务人在香港拥有资产;或就全球资产禁制令而言,债务人香港境内资产不足以偿付申索,但其在香港境外拥有资产;
  • 方便上的衡量 (balance of convenience):法院在考虑不发出资产禁制令对申请人的损害会否大于资产禁制令对债务人造成的不便后,认为适宜颁布资产禁制令;及
  • 具有资产耗散的真实风险 (real risk of dissipation of assets):存在债务人将其资产耗散或转移的实际风险。

特别需要留意的一点是,申请人必须就其所知坦诚全盘地披露一切重要事项(full and frank disclosure of material facts)。此外,于申请资产禁制令的同时,申请人亦可向香港法院申请附带披露令 (discovery order),强制债务人披露其资产,让申请人监察是否存在资产转移的情况。

其中,一个著名的案例是俏江南案 (La Dolce Vita Fine Dining Group Holdings Ltd v Zhang Lan & Anor [2020] HKCFI 622),法庭就被申请人张兰女士在香港的资产颁下了支援仲裁程序的资产禁制令 (mareva injunction in aid of arbitration)。2015年,CVC Capital Partners (以下简称 “CVC”) 和张女士因为股权交易卷入了激烈的法律纠纷,CVC在中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 (以下简称 “CIETAC”) 对张女士提起仲裁,仲裁地为北京 (以下简称该内地CIETAC仲裁程序为 “CIETAC仲裁”)。为了支持CIETAC仲裁,CVC在2015年2月26日向香港高等法院申请并取得了针对张女士的:

  • 资产禁制令: 禁止张女士转移、处置及减少其名下或其联名拥有的在香港境内及境外约5千万美元的资产;及
  • 资产披露令: 要求张女士以书面形式向CVC披露其在香港境内及境外的所有价值超过50万港币的资产,并披露所有这些资产的价值、位置及细节。



本文由本所合伙人,诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师黄晊晄律师撰写。若阁下想了解更多详情,请联络本所徐凯怡律师 (heidi.chui@sw-hk.com)。


14 May 2021



On 31 March 2021, the Singapore Exchange Regulation (the “SGX”) published a consultation paper on the proposed listing framework (the “Proposed Framework”) for special purpose acquisition companies (the “SPACs”) and invited comments by 28 April 2021.  The Proposed Framework proposed to introduce a regime for SPACs in Singapore to list on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”).  According to the SGX, the Proposed Framework was in light of various developments including the market development in United States SPACs listings in recent years and potential merger and acquisition opportunities in the Asia Pacific region.


The SGX defined SPACs as typically listed on stock exchanges as companies with no prior operating history, operating and revenue-generating business or asset at the time of listing. They are formed to raise capital through IPOs for the sole purpose of acquiring operating business(es) or asset(s).  A SPAC is generally established and initially financed by experienced founding shareholders (typically referred to as sponsors). The majority of IPO funds raised are typically required to be placed in an escrow account, where the utilisation will be primarily for the consummation of the business combination. After listing, the SPAC begins its search for a target company for a business combination which must be completed within a permitted time frame.

The SGX has identified key benefits of SPACs to include: (i) sponsors are able to tap on public capital at the time of the listing, and through business combinations, invest in later-stage private companies and in turn stand to receive potential significant upside through the sponsor’s promote; (ii) A SPAC IPO process is relatively simpler and quicker as compared to a traditional IPO given that a SPAC is a newly-formed company with no operational history nor commercial operations at the time of listing; (iii) there is better market certainty and price certainty; and (iv) Investors have the opportunity to co-invest with experienced sponsors, who often have a demonstrated track record and experience in achieving meaningful investment returns.  However, the SGX also mentioned certain concerns and risks, including: (a) SPACs are susceptible to execution risks; (b) there is inherent uncertainty to the target company as the business combination is subjected to shareholders’ approval; (c) shareholders remaining with the resulting issuer may be subject to significant dilution; and the equitability of the regulatory treatment for the business combination as the target company is not subject to the level of initial listing review and scrutiny by the relevant securities regulators as compared to a traditional IPO, and limited market professionals’ due diligence may be conducted.

Proposed admission and related criteria, suitability assessment factors, permitted time frame for completion of business combination and other requirements

In the Consultation Paper, the SGX proposed to set admission and related criteria on minimum market capitalisation (S$300 million), public float (at least 25% of a SPAC’s total number of issued shares to be held by at least 500 public shareholders at the time of the SPAC listing on SGX-ST), minimum issue price (S$10 per share or unit), jurisdiction of incorporation (must be incorporated in Singapore) and dual class share structure (dual class share structure not permitted).

Under the Proposed Framework, in assessing the suitability of a SPAC for listing, SGX will consider factors such as (i) the profile including the track record and repute of the founding shareholders and experience and expertise of the management team of the SPAC; (ii) the nature and extent of the management team’s compensation; (iii) the extent of the founding shareholders and the management team’s equity ownership in the SPAC; (iv) the alignment of interests of the founding shareholders and the management team with the interest of other shareholders; (v) the amount of time permitted for completion of the business combination prior to the liquidation distribution; (vi) the dilutive features and events of the SPAC, including those which may impact shareholders and whether there are any mitigants for such dilution; (vii) the percentage of amount to be held in the escrow account that must be represented by the fair market value of the business combination; and (viii) such other factors as the Exchange believes are consistent with the aims of protecting investors and promoting public interest.

The SGX also proposed that the SPAC must complete a business combination within a maximum time frame of 36 months from the date of listing. SPAC sponsors may voluntarily specify a shorter time frame to complete the business combination in the SPAC’s constitution. The SPAC will be liquidated and the remaining funds (comprising a majority of the proceeds raised at IPO) held in the escrow account are returned to shareholders if the SPAC is unable to complete the business combination within the permitted time frame.

In relation to the minimum percentage of IPO proceeds to be held in escrow, it is proposed that the SPAC is required to place at least 90% of the gross proceeds raised from its IPO in an escrow account.  Until the completion of a qualifying business combination, the SPAC may invest the escrowed funds in permitted investments such as cash or cash equivalent short-dated securities of at least A-2 rating (or an equivalent).

It is also proposed that the business combination must comprise an initial acquisition of a business or asset with a fair market value forming at least 80% of the amount held in the escrow account.

Under the Proposed Framework, the founding shareholders and the management team will also be subject to a minimum aggregate subscription value for alignment of their economic interest in the SPAC with that of other shareholders. The minimum aggregate value will be dependent on the market capitalisation size of the SPAC at IPO.

Analysis and Takeaways

The Consultation Paper represented an attempt of the SGX to explore SPACs listings as a viable alternative to traditional IPOs for fund raising in Singapore and the region.

Following the examples of the United States, Canada and Malaysia, various regions have explored the feasibilities of introducing regimes to allow for SPACs listings.  Apart from Singapore, Hong Kong is also on this route.  In early March 2021, the Financial Leaders Forum chaired by Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary had asked the Securities and Futures Commission and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited “to explore suitable listing regimes to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong as an international financial centre, while safeguarding the interests of the investing public.”  The Financial Secretary had also said in an interview with Bloomberg TV that the government was seriously looking into allowing SPACs.

The proposal for the regime in Hong Kong is yet to be released.  Nevertheless, under the encouragement at official level and guided by overseas examples, it is expected that the market will embrace more discussions on a potential SPAC-listing regime in the future.  Such a regime, if introduced in Hong Kong, is expected to provide further avenues for listing of businesses, and more options for general investors to participate in the markets.

Please contact our Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.

This newsletter is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.

13 May 2021

Stevenson, Wong & Co. Recognized by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific for 4 Consecutive Years

Stevenson, Wong & Co. is honoured to announce that we have once again been ranked in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific, a guide to the market’s leading litigation firms and lawyers.

This year, we are ranked in 5 categories:

  • Commercial and transactions
  • Insolvency
  • White Collar Crime
  • Family and Matrimonial
  • Private Client

In addition, our partner and Head of SW Private Client, Ms. Catherine Por, has been named as a “Litigation Star” in Family and Matrimonial for 4 consecutive years.

Please contact Ms. Catherine Por, Ms. Heidi Chui, or Ms. Milly Hung for any enquiries or further information.

To view the full list of awards, please click here.

8 May 2021

(中文) 香港侵权法发展:银行雇佣关系下的转承责任 (vicarious liability) 及Quincecare责任

(中文) 简介

如果一名银行客户因为一名银行雇员的欺诈行为而遭受损失,银行需要负上法律责任吗?被欺诈的客户针对银行又可以寻求哪些救济方式呢?在最近的陆颖恩对招商永隆银行有限公司 [2021] HKCFI 279一案中,香港法院原讼法庭裁定被告人招商永隆银行不需要对其雇员欺诈客户所造成的损失负上法律责任。法庭在判决中详细讨论及审视了转承责任及Quincecare责任方面的法律,并确立了重要的法律原则。


原告人为被告人银行 (下称「银行」) 的客户,涉事的银行雇员(下称「该雇员」)当时于北角分行任职证券经理。原告人是该雇员欺诈投资计划的其中一名受害者。

该雇员向原告人提出可让原告人参与只提供给银行雇员的「内部」投资,而该等「内部」投资将产生极高的回报 (大约是一般银行定期存款回报的100倍)。


该雇员的欺诈行为于 2014 年 3 月曝光。该雇员继而受到刑事检控,被判定三项欺诈罪,并判处监禁 10 年。在整个欺诈投资计划中,原告人损失了约2,380万港元。



首先,原告人依赖转承责任的原则向银行申索。该原则下雇主在某些情况下需要为其雇员的侵权行为 (tort) 负上法律责任。

在雇佣关系的情况下,香港终审法院于Ming An Insurance Co (HK) Ltd v Ritz-Carlton Ltd 一案中就转承责任的认定确立了「密切联系」测试 (“close connection” test)。该测试的准则是,雇员的未经授权侵权行为与其受雇工作的联系是否如此密切,以致于法庭裁定雇主须负上转承责任是公平公正 (fair and just) 的?

在本案中,法庭认为,由于侵权行为可能出现的情况是无限 (infinite) 的,「密切联系」测试无可避免地缺乏精确性 (lack of precision),因此并非在所有情况下都适用。 法院认为,在涉及雇员欺诈行为的案件中,认定转承责任的法律测试应该是雇员的欺诈行为是否属于雇主实际或表见代理 (apparent authority) 的范围。 一般而言,表见代理成立的条件是:-

(1) 委托人 (principal) 以言语或行为向第三方表示 (represent),代理人 (agent) 有权从事有关交易;

(2) 第三方依赖该陈述 (representation) 进行交易; 及

(3) 该等依赖是合理的。

就此,法庭接纳银行的说法认为银行不可能打算或授权其雇员代表银行向外部人员提供内部投资计划。法庭更指出,认为银行的雇员出售证券产品的表见代理权限会扩大至销售任何类型产品的权限,包括外部人员明确知道是银行无法提供给外部人员的投资产品,这样的想法是不合逻辑的。因此,法庭裁定银行没有表示或向外宣称 (hold out) 该雇员有权向原告人提供该等内部投资计划,而原告人亦不会有任何实际依赖 (actual reliance),因此转承责任不成立。


除了转承责任外,原告人亦依赖Quincecare 责任向银行提出申索,该责任指当银行应当知道 (put on inquiry) 某授权代理人 (authorised agent) 发出的交易指令是为了欺骗 (attempt to defraud) 该客户时,银行有责任避免执行该代理人发出的交易指令。

然而,法庭指出,Quincecare 责任一般只有在银行收到代表客户作出的命令或指示,即从客户的授权代理人收到的命令或指示,而不是直接从客户收到指令或指示才适用。在本案中,由于付款指示是由原告人直接发出,且原告是有意向收款人支付款项的,因此Quincecare责任并不适用。法庭认为,原告人的损失不是由银行的任何疏忽或失职造成的,而是由「她自己的贪婪及轻信」 (her own greed and gullibility) 所造成的。

同时,法庭拒绝将Quincecare责任的范围扩大至银行需判断付款指示是否是任何人以任何方式欺骗客户的任何计划的一部分 (a duty arising whenever a bank has reasonable grounds for believing that the instructed payment is part of any scheme perpetrated by any person to defraud the customer in any way)。这种扩大的责任范围无疑会让银行执行客户指示的效率变低,且严重阻碍银行的首要责任。



本文由本所合伙人﹑银行及金融部和诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师和黄晊晄律师撰写。若阁下想了解更多详情,请联络本所徐凯怡律师 (heidi.chui@sw-hk.com)。


6 May 2021


In such an international and cosmopolitan city as Hong Kong, it is not unusual for a spouse to seek to commence divorce proceedings against his / her partner who is overseas. This article illustrates how we may serve divorce petitions out of Hong Kong to commence the proceedings.

Laws on the Service of Divorce Petitions Overseas

Service of a writ out of the jurisdiction of Hong Kong is permissible with the leave of the court generally. However, service out of jurisdiction for divorce petitions is an exception and the Hong Kong Matrimonial Causes Rules specifically provides that no leave is required.

Whilst it is not necessary to seek prior permission to serve the divorce petitions, the mode of service in the laws of the jurisdiction in which the papers have to be served must be followed.

Examples on Serving Divorce Petitions Overseas

Here are some of the examples we have come across.

In the U.K., the U.S.A. and Australia, the service of process can be effected directly by post, through a local lawyer, the judicial authority, or even a private investigator.

In mainland China, Germany and India, service can only be effected through their respective central authorities.

In the Philippines, we can only effect such service on nationals of the originating state.

Some jurisdictions may require that the translation of the documents to their corresponding official languages be appended. For documents to be served on a spouse in mainland China, generally, the documents should be in Chinese, or else a translation in Chinese should be attached. For documents to be served on a spouse in Germany, the German translation of the documents has to be served.

If it cannot be proved to the satisfaction of the Hong Kong court that the documents have been properly served, the proceedings cannot move forward. It is therefore essential that proper legal advice is sought so as to avoid frustration and disappointment.

This article is co-authored by our experienced Private Client Team – our Partners Catherine Por and Wendy Lam, and our Senior Associates Karl Wong and Calvin Lo. Please contact our Ms Catherine Por or Ms Wendy Lam for any further enquiries or information.

This newsletter is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.

4 May 2021

Partner Heidi Chui Appointed as the Panel Arbitrator of CIETAC

On 1 May 2021, the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) announced its new Panel of Arbitrators. Our Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department, Ms. Heidi Chui, has been appointed as one of the panel arbitrators (effective as from 1 May 2021).

With the aim of building a team of professional and international arbitrators of high quality, the CIETAC Arbitrator Qualification Review Committee announced the appointment of new Panel of Arbitrators after rigorous and strict assessment of the their professional expertise, social influence, professional ethics, past experience, with external evaluation.

About China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

CIETAC is the earliest and largest commercial arbitration institution in China and one of the major permanent arbitration institutions in the world. CIETAC aims to resolve international and domestic economic and trade disputes and international investment disputes independently and impartially by means of arbitration.

Please contact our Partner Ms. Heidi Chui (heidi.chui@sw-hk.com) for any enquiries or click here to view the news of CIETAC and the Panel of Arbitrators (available in Chinese only).