On 24 February 2023, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Exchange”) published its consultation paper (the “Consultation Paper”) seeking public feedback on the proposed consequential amendments to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) following the change of regulations in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) with details as set out below.
I. Regulation Updates in the PRC
The following two regulations (the “New PRC Regulations”) will take effect from 31 March 2023:
- (a) the “Decision of the State Council to Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations and Documents” (《國務院關於廢止部分行政法規和文件的決定》)issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (the “
State Council
- ”) on 17 February 2023; and
(b) the “Trial Administrative Measures of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Companies” (《境内企業境外發行證券和上市管理試行辦法》)and related guidelines issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) on 17 February 2023.
In light of the implementation of the New PRC Regulations, the following two regulations will be repealed on 31 March 2023:
- (a) the Mandatory Provisions for Companies Listing Overseas set forth in Zheng Wei Fa (1994) No. 21 (《到境外上市公司章程必備條款》(證委發(1994)21 號文件))issued by the State Council Securities Policy Committee and the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic System on 27 August 1994 (the “
Mandatory Provisions
- ”); and
(b) the Special Regulations on the Overseas Offering and Listing of Shares by Joint Stock Limited Companies(國務院關於股份有限公司境外募集股份及上市的特別規定)issued by the State Council on 4 August 1994, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time (the “Special Regulations”).
Pursuant to the New PRC Regulations, PRC issuers shall formulate their articles of association in line with the Guidelines for the Article of Association of Listed Companies issued by the CSRC. As holders of domestic shares and H shares (both being ordinary shares) are no longer deemed as different classes of shareholders, the current applicable class meeting requirements are no longer necessary.
In addition, the New PRC Regulations introduce a new filing regime (the “New Filing Requirements”) which requires PRC companies to register their direct and indirect overseas listings and securities offerings with the CSRC by filing materials on key compliance issues.
II. Consequential Amendments to the Listing Rules
In view of the upcoming implementation of the New PRC Regulations, the Exchange will amend the Listing Rules, without market consultation, as follows:
- (a) amend Chapter 19A to remove the class meeting and related requirements for issuance and repurchase of shares by PRC issuers;
- (b) amend Chapter 19A to remove the requirements for disputes involving H shareholders to be resolved through arbitration;
- (c) repeal Appendix 13D which requires PRC issuers’ articles of association to include the Mandatory Provisions and other ancillary requirements; and
- (d) amend the documentary requirements for new listing applications in Chapters 9 and 19A to reflect the New Filing Requirements.
The amended Listing Rules will become effective on a date to be announced by the Exchange, subject to the necessary regulatory approvals. During the period between the repeal of the Mandatory Provisions and the amendments to the Listing Rules becoming effective, the Exchange will allow new listing applicants incorporated in the PRC to comply with the Listing Rules taking into account the consequential amendments if they are listed on the Exchange during such time gap.
For the avoidance of doubt, PRC issuers must still adhere to their existing articles of association concerning class meetings for certain resolutions and other provisions required under the Mandatory Provisions, where applicable before they amend their articles of association.
III. Other Proposed Amendments to the Listing Rules
As holders of domestic shares and H shares (both are ordinary shares) are no longer deemed as different classes of shareholders under the New PRC Regulations, the Exchange proposes to modify the Listing Rules that address issues arising from domestic shares and H shares being treated as different classes. In view of other developments in PRC law and the financial market in the PRC, the Exchange further proposes to remove or modify certain additional shareholder protection requirements specific to PRC issuers:
- (a) amend the Listing Rules, so as to allow the limits on the general mandate for issuing new shares and scheme mandate for share schemes to be calculated with reference to a PRC issuer’s total issued shares (instead of referencing to each of domestic shares and H shares);
- (b) remove the requirements for directors, officers and supervisors of PRC issuers to provide undertakings to the issuers and their shareholders to comply with the Company Law of the PRC and the articles of association;
- (c) move the followings requirements from Chapter 19A (for PRC issuers) to Chapter 3A (for all issuers): (i) requirements for issuers to provide access to their compliance advisers at all times, and (ii) requirements for the compliance advisers to inform the issuers on a timely basis of any amendment to the Listing Rules and applicable laws and regulations in Hong Kong;
- (d) remove other requirements in Chapter 19A relating to the role of sponsors and compliance advisers and their termination and replacement;
- (e) remove other requirements in Chapter 19A relating to (i) online display or physical inspection of documents, and (ii) disclosure of material differences in laws and regulations between the PRC and Hong Kong in the listing documents of PRC new applicants; and
- (f) remove provisions in Chapter 19A which duplicate other Listing Rules or are outdated.
IV. Summary on the Major Amendments to the Listing Rules
Subject | Proposed Amendments |
Definitions of “domestic shares” and “H shares” and references to “classes” of shares |
Class meeting requirement |
Qualifications for listing |
Documentary requirements for new listing applications in Chapters 9 and 19A to reflect the New Filing Requirements |
Timing requirement on despatches of circulars and listing documents |
Articles of association |
Calculation of market capitalisation for notifiable transactions |
Mandate limits on share issuance |
Arbitration |
V. Analysis and Takeaways
We would like to highlight that PRC issuers, as well as Hong Kong and overseas-incorporated issuers with their principal operations in the PRC, such as red chip and companies with VIE structure, will be required to submit filing materials to the CSRC for its overseas listing in accordance with the New Filing Requirements. Accordingly, the CSRC notification confirming the completion of the said filing procedures becomes essential for issuers with their principal operations in the PRC.
The New PRC Regulations provide a timely opportunity for the Exchange to reflect and review the Listing Rules applicable to PRC issuers while maintaining the same level of protection offered to shareholders of all issuers regardless of the issuer’s place of incorporation. As such, we generally welcome the Exchange’s proposals and the proposed Listing Rules that will give effects to the proposals.
Please contact our Mr. Rodney Teoh (Partner) for any enquiries or further information.
This news update is for information purposes only. Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with any decision made, action or inaction taken in reliance on the information set out herein.