(中文) 国际权威法律媒体《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business, ALB)近日正式公布了“2024 ALB年度亚洲争议解决律师”(ALB Litigators of Asia 2024)榜单。本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,凭借其卓越的专业实力、丰富的实务经验,以及在客户和业界中的良好口碑,荣登此榜单。
(中文) 国际权威法律媒体《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business, ALB)近日正式公布了“2024 ALB年度亚洲争议解决律师”(ALB Litigators of Asia 2024)榜单。本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,凭借其卓越的专业实力、丰富的实务经验,以及在客户和业界中的良好口碑,荣登此榜单。
“2024 ALB年度亚洲争议解决律师”评选,旨在对在争议解决领域表现出色的法律专家予以表彰。他们凭借深厚的法律知识和敏锐的洞察能力,帮助企业和个人化解复杂的法律问题,在市场经济发展、个人和机构权益保护以及法治推进进程中,发挥着至关重要的作用。
Fraudulent Website Alert
It has come to our attention that fraudulent Facebook pages promoting as a law firm or organisation under the name of (1) “邦得国际律师事务所-李律师”/“邦得国际律师事务所-林律师”, (2) “源凯国际律师事务所咨询处”, and (3) “香港維權中心”, all use a stolen photograph of our partner, Ms. Heidi Chui, as part of their Facebook profile photographs. Ms. Heidi Chui has confirmed that her photograph was used without her knowledge and authority. The matters have been reported to regulators and authorities for further action.
Please be informed that our firm and Ms. Heidi Chui are not in any way whatsoever affiliated with “邦得国际律师事务所-李律师”/“邦得国际律师事务所-林律师”, or “源凯国际律师事务所咨询处” or “香港維權中心” or those Facebook pages.
Please also refer to the Scam Alert page on the website of the Law Society of Hong Kong for more details (https://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/en/Serve-the-Public/Scam-Alert).
Please take caution and do not click on any suspicious links or provide any personal information on any suspicious websites, emails or messages.
All rights of our firm and Ms. Heidi Chui are hereby expressly reserved.
Should you have any question, please contact us at info@sw-hk.com.
Thank you for your attention.
Stevenson, Wong & Co.
23 November 2023