On 2 November 2023, the Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”) published a Circular on intermediaries engaging in tokenised securities-related activities (the “Circular”) to clarify regulatory expectations for intermediaries engaged in the said activities. This Circular will supersede the Statement on Security Token Offerings published (the “Statement”) by the SFC on 28 March 2019.
The Circular first distinguished between “Digital Securities” and “Tokenised Securities”. “Digital Securities” are defined as “securities” under section 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) (the “SFO”) which adopt distributed ledger technology (“DLT”) or similar technology in their lifecycle; while the SFC classifies “Tokenised Securities” as a subset of “Digital Securities”, encompassing traditional financial instruments (like bonds or funds) which are also “securities” that utilise DLT or similar technology in their lifecycle. Examples of “Digital Securities” which are not “Tokenised Securities” include tokenisation of fractionalised interests in real world or digital assets such that the arrangement would amount to collective investments schemes (“CIS”).
Key points from the Circular
Nature of Tokenised Securities |
New risks arising from tokenisation |
Considerations for engaging in Tokenised Securities-related activities | Intermediaries should act with due skill, care and diligence, and perform due diligence on the Tokenised Securities based on all the available information to identify the key features and risks
Issuance of Tokenised Securities
Dealing in, advising on, or managing portfolios investing in Tokenised Securities
Information for clients |
Clarifications regarding SFC’s previous Statement on Security Token Offerings | Complex product categorisation
Professional investors (“PI”)-only restriction
Clarifications of other requirements | Fund managers managing portfolios which may invest in Tokenised Securities
Virtual asset trading platform operators (“VATPs”) licensed by the SFC and the applicable insurance/compensation arrangement
Digital Securities-related activities |
Notification and provision of information to the SFC |
Analysis and takeaways
As reflected in the Circular, the SFC acknowledges the growing interest and potential benefits of tokenisation in the financial market. With more intermediaries exploring the tokenisation of securities and the distribution of tokenised assets, there is a need for guidance and regulatory certainty to manage the associated risks. By providing guidance on addressing new risks and ensuring investor protection, the SFC aims to foster a healthy tokenisation marketplace.
Please contact our Partner Mr. Rodney Teoh for any enquiries or further information.
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