曾浩贤律师 | 合伙人
曾律师荣获国际权威法律评级机构《国际金融法律评论1000》(IFLR1000) 亚太榜单2023中荣登「香港资本市场 – 股权」的新星合伙人,《国际金融法律评论1000》(IFLR1000) 亚太榜单2024中荣登「香港资本市场 – 股权」的新星合伙人及国际权威法律评级机构《法律500强》(The Legal 500) 2024中荣登「资本市场(股权)」的推荐律师。
曾律师是易纬集团控股有限公司 (股份代号:3893)的非执行董事、亦是迈博药业有限公司-B(股份代号:2181)、宋都服务集团有限公司(股份代号:9608)及1957 & Co. (Hospitality) Limited(股份代号:8495)的公司秘书。
于2024年11月15日,史蒂文生黄律师事务所与Trench & Associates DMCC签订合作协议,后者为一家位于阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜专门从事公司、娱乐、酒店、零售、物业和建筑领域,以及在处理私人客户事务享有盛誉的综合性律师事务所。该签订仪式于本所总行举行,并在多位合伙人见证下由本所企业融资部门负责人劳恒晃律师代表史蒂文生黄律师事务所与Trench & Associates DMCC的Cynthia Trench女士签订该协议。
(English) On 1 November 2024, Stevenson, Wong & Co. made its inaugural appearance at the 2024 Seoul ADR Festival in Korea by co-hosting a significant panel session titled “Navigating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration: Practical Scenarios, Ethical Issues, and Best Practices”.
This panel was organised in collaboration with the Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center (SVAMC), LimNexus LLP, and California Arbitration (CalArb).
Our firm’s Partner and Head of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department, Heidi Chui, Consultant Elizabeth Chan and Associate Justin Kim participated in the event.
From the left: John Lim, our firm’s Partner Heidi Chui, Consultant Elizabeth Chan, Panel Speakers Sun-young Kim, Lexi Takamatsu, Grant L. Kim, David MacArthur, and our firm’s Associate Justin Kim
Panellists and Discussion Highlights
The session featured panellists from firms across Asia and North America, including Elizabeth Chan of Stevenson, Wong & Co., Grant Kim of LimNexus LLP, Sunyoung Kim of Baker McKenzie, David McArthur of Yulchon, and Lexi Takamatsu of Mori Hamada & Matsumoto.
They engaged the audience on some of the most pressing issues involving AI-assisted work product in arbitration, examining AI’s potential to assist in the arbitration process while highlighting the essential safeguards needed to maintain fairness, transparency, and procedural integrity. The panel also discussed the practical application of the SVAMC Guidelines on Using AI in Arbitration (SVAMC Guidelines), which are the only comprehensive set of guidelines on using AI in arbitration generally as at the time of this article.
AI Assistance in Drafting Arbitral Awards
Opening with a discussion on AI’s role in assisting with arbitral awards, the panel emphasised that while AI can enhance efficiency, human tribunal members should not delegate decision-making authority to AI tools. Under the SVAMC Guidelines, arbitrators should ensure that AI complements rather than replaces their independent judgement.
The panellists debated the merits of transparency, noting that although the guidelines do not mandate a universal duty to disclose AI use to participants in an arbitration proceeding, arbitrators might consider proactive disclosure in certain cases to maintain trust in the arbitration process.
A parallel was drawn between controversial issues surrounding human tribunal secretaries’ assistance in drafting awards and similar concerns raised by generative AI tools. For example, panellists explored whether it could constitute improper delegation if an arbitrator used an AI tool to identify the top three pieces of evidence from a hearing transcript on a particular issue, even while maintaining overall authorship of the award.
AI Assistance in Expert Work Product
The panel then addressed the use of AI in preparing expert reports. Discussion centred on the role of cross-examination as an additional safeguard, with panellists noting that if an expert disclosed AI assistance in their report, it could prompt tactical questioning about the AI’s specific use and the extent of human verification of the work product.
AI in Document Production
The conversation moved to AI’s application in document production, with panellists noting that several existing tools, such as Relativity and Sightline, are widely used in e-discovery, and newer tools like Lawdify or Co-Counsel are being developed specifically for legal use.
The panel explored potential challenges if a party questions the completeness or sufficiency of a document production where AI tools were used.
While complete accuracy in document production is rarely achievable, panellists noted the risk of guerrilla tactics, where parties might make tactical challenges based on allegations of algorithmic bias and other issues.
The panel emphasised the need for arbitrators to have the technical competence to manage these situations effectively, ensuring both efficiency and the legitimacy of the process.
Confidentiality and Data Security
Confidentiality and data security emerged as central concerns, especially given AI’s potential use to handle vast amounts of sensitive information in arbitration. The SVAMC Guidelines underscore that all participants must ensure AI tools meet appropriate confidentiality requirements, favouring privacy-appropriate solutions whenever possible.
The panellists discussed practical actions to secure confidential information, including anonymising data, using AI tools with robust security protocols, and avoiding tools that cannot guarantee confidentiality.
This approach aligns with the SVAMC Guidelines’ broader emphasis on data protection, offering parties a framework for addressing security concerns in the event of a data breach. Where confidentiality lapses occur, steps such as audits or remedial assessments of AI tools may be warranted.
In closing, the panel reinforced the SVAMC Guidelines as a progressive framework for addressing the complex and evolving risks associated with AI in arbitration. These Guidelines represent a vital resource for the arbitration community, enabling practitioners to harness AI’s benefits responsibly while preserving core principles of fairness and procedural integrity.
Stevenson, Wong & Co. was delighted to be part of the 2024 Seoul ADR Festival, especially given the close trading ties between Korea and Hong Kong.
If you have any questions about this event or our firm’s arbitration practice, please contact Partner Heidi Chui.
Interlaw会定期组织会议,以推动专业发展并强化与其他律师事务所的关系。今年年会的主题是“海洋变革:可持续未来的应对策略 (Sea Change: Strategies for a Sustainable Future)”。在会议期间,郑律师和林律师参与了一系列精心策划的会议,讨论了环境问题、地缘政治的不确定性以及受生成性人工智能影响的快速变化的全球格局所带来的前所未有的挑战。
本所合伙人郑炎潘律师为税务与高净值论坛担任发言嘉宾 (左四)
由上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(“SHIAC”)主办的“2024上海国际经济贸易仲裁中心会仲裁员调解员大会(香港站)”于2024年10月24日在上海国际仲裁(香港)中心(“SHIAC HK”)办公室成功举行。本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师受邀为本次大会担任演讲嘉宾。
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