

本所合伙人、诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师,再度获香港特别行政区财经事务及库务局局长委任为香港会计师公会 (HKICPA) 纪律小组的成员之一,任期由2022年2月1日起为期两年。







(English) Updated LNCRegime for Cybercrime and Money Laundering in Hong Kong

(English) With the recent escalation of cybercrime and internet scams, we have handled a wide range of asset tracing and recovery actions domestically and internationally.   As time is of the essence, there always is the risk that the misappropriated assets would be dissipated quickly.  To advise our clients taking out costs-effective applications for Mareva and/or proprietary injunction and/or banker’s trust orders against the fraudsters in a timely manner with further assets tracing, if necessary, we have assisted our clients recovering the stolen monies by and large in the current legal system.

Traditionally, upon receipt of any victim’s Suspicious Transaction Report (“STR”) or police report, the Joint Financial Intelligence Unit (“JFIU”) of the HK Police Force (“HKPF”) may issue a Letter of No Consent (“LNC”) to the relevant financial institution(s), pursuant to which the recipient should stop further disposal of the misappropriated assets.  A financial institution disregarded the LNC and allowed the assets to be transferred out of the account would be liable for an offence under Section 25 of the Organised Serious Crime Ordinance, Cap. 455 (“OSCO”).

However, in a recent Hong Kong case Tam Sze Leung & Ors v Commissioner of Police [2021] HKCFI 3118, the Court of First Instance on 30 December 2021 held that the LNC regime is unlawful.

Brief Facts

Four Applicants, who had a total of 12 bank accounts maintained in several banks in Hong Kong, were found unable to withdraw funds from their accounts since around December 2020.  Upon making enquiries with the banks and the Commissioner of HKPF (“the Commissioner”), the Applicants were informed that they were under investigation by the Financial Investigations Division of Narcotics Bureau in relation to an indicatable offence of dealing with property known or believed to represent proceeds under Section 25 of the OSCO.

It transpired that the Applicants were suspected of having involved in a money-laundering scheme and were under investigation by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) since 2019.  In November 2020, the JFIU notified the relevant banks about their investigations, procured them to file STRs and informed them that LNCs would be issued soon.  As per the JFIU’s request, each of these banks filed their STRs and received LNCs from the JFIU.  All the relevant bank accounts were then frozen.  The LNCs were maintained for the next 10 months until the restraint orders against the Applicants and the said accounts were awarded by the Court.

Court’s Decision

The Applicants raised six grounds to challenge the LNC regime and three of them were successful, namely (i) ultra vires, (ii) not prescribed by law and (iii) lack of proportionality.

(i) Ultra vires

The Court accepted that the LNC regime might contribute to the overall objectives of the OSCO when the Forces Procedure Manual (“FPM”) and the Police’s internal guidelines set out the procedures to comply with for the issuance of LNCs.  However, looking at the language of Section 25A(2)(a) of the OSCO, the Court agreed with the submissions made by the Applicant’s Counsel that it was implausible that the legislature could have intended to enact the secret, informal and unregulated asset freezing power which the Commissioner asserted to be enjoyed under the LNC regime.

As the Court decided that using the express provision relating to LNC under Section 25A(2)(a) of the OSCO for securing an informal and unregulated freezing of assets was to use that power for a purpose other than that for which it was supplied, the Court held that the LNC regime was ultra vires OSCO.

(ii) Not prescribed by law

The Court held that the LNC regime was not ‘prescribed by law’.  The requirements for the concept ‘prescribed by law’ include the law should be adequately accessible and formulated with sufficient precision to enable citizens to regulate their conduct.  In the present case, there was insufficient clarity as to the scope of the power under the LNC regime and the manner of its exercise, together with inadequate effective safeguards against abuse under the OSCO and the FPM, the Court concluded that the LNC regime was not prescribed by law.

(iii) Lack of proportionality

The Court accepted that there was a legitimate purpose for the LNC regime to deter criminal activity by restricting access to the proceeds of crime.  Nonetheless, the LNC regime operated without temporal limitation but only having been observed with intermittent internal review and lacking of proportional assessment on the reasonable length of its operation, the Court did not consider that a reasonable balance had been struck between the necessity to combat money laundering and one’s right to the use of property under Article 105 of the Basic Law. Therefore,  the Court held that the LNC regime failed in the proportionality assessment.

Analysis and Takeaways

In Tam Sze Leung, the Court accepted that although the Commissioner was free to express or report suspicious transactions after its ongoing investigations to financial institutions so as to take all steps which appeared necessary for keeping peace, preventing crime and protecting property from criminal actions, the Court was reluctant to uphold the LNC regime which would violate to our current laws. Be that as it may, we trust that the relevant financial institutions will continue at the moment to follow the LNC regime unless there is any new development in the Hong Kong legislation catching up with the ratio herein.

Moreover, Tam Sze Leung does not affect the obligations of the bankers under Sections 25 and 25A of OSCO. The bankers are still obliged to closely monitor any suspicious accounts and to file STRs where appropriate.  It is prudent for the bankers to ensure effective anti-money laundering policies and mechanisms, which have to be in place and to keep a good record of all the documentation and evidence in support of their decision to restrict or freeze any suspected accounts.  We recommend the bankers to regularly review their decisions on freezing the suspected accounts and to check with the law-enforcing authorities in response to any changes or updates in circumstances.

The full impact of Tam Sze Leung remains to be seen, pending the relief to be granted by the Court to the Applicants and the potential appeal of the decision by the parties.  In addition, the constitutional problems identified in this case are yet to be resolved or addressed through legislative amendment or enactment.  With the uncertain development of the LNC regime, for now, it is advisable for the victims of commercial crimes to apply for relevant injunctions and/or appropriate court orders to stop any dissipation of funds as early as possible.

This article is authored by Ms. Milly Hung, Partner, Mr. Michael Lau, Senior Associate and Mr. Warwick Tam , Associate of Litigation Department of Stevenson, Wong & Co.  If you have any problem in relation to this matter, please contact Ms. Milly Hung on (852) 2533 2561 or email to millyhung.office@sw-hk.com.

This article is for information purposes only.  Its content does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such.  Stevenson, Wong & Co. will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage in relation thereto.


合伙人劳恒晃律师及徐凱怡律師荣登《商法》2021年度The A-List法律精英100强

权威法律媒体《商法》(China Business Law Journal)近日公布了2021年度 The A-List 法律精英名册,本所合伙人劳恒晃律师徐凯怡律师凭借卓越的专业实力和客户及业界之认可,荣登 “中国业务-优秀国际律师100强” 榜单。


很荣幸能连续三年获《商法》推荐。尽管过去一年市场持续受到疫情影响, 我很荣幸能获得广大客户的信赖和认可,并感谢团队成员的努力和付出。我们将继续与本所之战略联盟伙伴- 锦天城律师事务所緊密合作,以更优质、高效的法律服务回馈客户和市场。

劳恒晃律师擅长于资本市场、企业融资和收购合并等业务领域。劳律师有丰富的执业经验,曾多次参与首次公开招股项目,为香港交易所主板和创业板的发行人、保荐人、承销商等提供顾问服务。同时,他也协助不少上市公司处理不同类型的企业融资交易,并担任私募基金、创业投资基金及香港上市公司的顾问,协助他们投资或退出相关的企业 (尤其以中国大陆所在地的企业为主)。此外,劳律师也协助中国境内企业进行房地产交易、海外投资及其他海外股票交易所的首次公开招股。

劳律师多次荣获国际权威法律评级机构的荣誉奖项,除了连续三年获荣登《商法》的 “The A-List法律精英100强” 榜单外,同时亦获《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)评选为 “2021年度亚洲交易律师- 香港“,《国际金融法律评论》 (IFLR1000) 亚太地区 2021-22 年度榜单评选为 “资本市场:股权领域 – 高度评价之领先律师“。

我很荣幸能与各位优秀的律师荣登《商法》的 The A-List法律精英100强榜单。衷心感谢《商法》的推荐和团队成员的付出,特别是客户长久以来的信任与支持。我期待与我们的客户在中国法律市场,尤其在大湾区,开展更密切的合作,并为客户提供创新和务实的解决方案。




徐律师于2016 年荣获Lexology 颁授Client Choice 香港区最佳诉讼律师奖,并获Asian Legal Business提名为 “年度最佳争议解决律师” (2017, 2019 & 2020年) 及 “年度最佳女律师” (2017, 2020 & 2021年)。徐律师亦获Asialaw Profiles颁授 “银行金融” (2018 & 2019年) 及 “诉讼及争议解决” (2018 – 2022年) 领域之 “顶尖律师“。

如阁下有任何查询或想了解更多详情,请联络本所劳恒晃律师和徐凯怡律师,或按此查看《2021年 The A-List法律精英100强》榜单。



2022年1月20日,本所合伙人、银行及金融部和诉讼及争议解决部主管徐凯怡律师受邀担任香港大学法律学院的校友讲座之分享嘉宾,分享她从香港大学毕业后的职业历程。本次网络研讨会 “近距离对话” (Up Close and Personal) 由香港大学法律学院和香港大学校友会联合举办。






合伙人曾浩贤律师获邀为 2022 年元宇宙线上投资峰会担任演讲嘉宾

2022年1月20日,本所合伙人曾浩贤律师获邀在2022年元宇宙线上投资峰会上分享香港特殊目的收购公司(SPAC) 的法规和风险。他亦获邀为 “最大化投资者和初创企业投资回报的策略” 的专家讨论会担任演讲嘉宾之一。本次峰会 “投资创新建设理想国度——由SPAC到元宇宙” 由博财经主办,并邀请了来自世界各地的杰出专家和行业领先企业如AAX、火币网等,就香港元宇宙和SPAC的新兴投资趋势和机会进行分享与讨论。



本所合伙人曾浩贤律师 (左上) 、A SPAC 首席执行官曾思维先生 (右上) 、主持人博财经 Mr. Roy Ng (左下) 和 Prenetics 首席财务官卢恺浚先生 (右下 )。


史蒂文生黄律师事务所连续两年荣登《The Legal 500》亚太榜单

史蒂文生黄律师事务所很荣幸地宣布,本所的SW私人客户部务连续两年荣登国际知名法律媒体《亚太法律 500 强》(The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide, “The Legal 500”) 之私人客户(税务、信托、财富管理和争议性遗嘱认证)榜单。 在过去一年,The Legal 500 研究团队对全球超过 300,000 名企业法律顾问进行了调查和采访。获推荐的律所均受到法律顾问和客户的高度认可和推荐。

The Legal 500赞扬本所的SW私人客户部: “涵盖广泛的跨领域事务,工作范围从家庭财富和遗产传承规划,到协助准备持久授权书和管理精神上无行为能力的人的资产。家庭法部门主管傅景元律师 拥有广泛的诉讼或非诉讼专业知识,包括辅助救济和涉及儿童监护和赡养安排等争议个案。 林颖诗律师陈丽卿律师 也值得推荐。”

如有任何查询,请联络本所合伙人及SW私人客户部主管傅景元律师林颖诗律师 ,或查看The Legal 500榜单 (只提供英文版本)。